Marv from Sin City vs. Captain America
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It's Sin City's ultimate bad-boy VS. Marvel's ultimate super-soldier...the arena however is the Thunderdome from the Mad Max movie. There's various weapons scattered about the dome roof and sides...TWO MEN ENTER, ONE MAN LEAVES!!!!!!!!
Black Adam
Lets see Cap Is probably stronger and is defiantly faster and more skilled.
He will also not get tired as fast as marv.
Cap wins this one.
King KAM
Cap , and way toooo easily.
Cap...and whats with all these marv vs. threads...the only person i think he could beat is...umm...this is tough...aunt may...or jjj...
Yeah I can say I probably wouldn't want to duke it out with him

However these are hardened comic hero's! C'mon now make it Ultimate Cap though so I can laugh more when Cap mudstomps him.
you all say that frank can take captian america but not marv repeat that in your head and know how dumb it sounds.
Originally posted by Mider
you all say that frank can take captian america but not marv repeat that in your head and know how dumb it sounds. Repeat what you just said and let me know how dumb it sounds
nothing dumb about it
k...whats so great about marv anyways...he is cool yeah...but he isn't tough enough to hang with these guys...
punisher and captian america aint that great either
Black Adam
Originally posted by Mider
punisher and captian america aint that great either
yes they are.
Solidus Snake
cap will beat marv in about 3-5 punches
hell kevin did it
Originally posted by Mider
punisher and captian america aint that great either a marv fanboy would say that
Cap, for sure. Marv is good, but he doesn't come to Cap standard.
Marv got carved up like a christmas goose by a skinny kid with sharp nails who knew some martial arts. Captain America would wipe the floor with him and so would punisher.
Originally posted by Warmonger
Marv got carved up like a christmas goose by a skinny kid with sharp nails who knew some martial arts. Captain America would wipe the floor with him and so would punisher. Yes they would...
King KAM
Originally posted by Mider
punisher and captian america aint that great either thats why their series are so critically acclaimed....and they are always getting huge storylines....because they suck...right...
a punisher fanboy would think that punsher could defeat the universe thats a real fanboy right there
That's true.
But it doesn't mean Marv could ever beat Cap.
Originally posted by Mider
a punisher fanboy would think that punsher could defeat the universe thats a real fanboy right there Ennis is a punisher fanboy, but a good deal of those kills are possible...Originally posted by Etrigan
That's true.
But it doesn't mean Marv could ever beat Cap. Doesn't mean that marv would win more times than cap...marv would get extremely lucky and and shot cap in the head...that is like 1/50 marv would win...
what amount of kills were possible? Killing apocalypse with a nuke or juggernaut? Not happening and sinister i dont know if he has a weakness to nukes he has been obliterated to nothing but bones and still lives.
Originally posted by Mider
punisher and captian america aint that great either
Originally posted by Mider
what amount of kills were possible? Killing apocalypse with a nuke or juggernaut? Not happening and sinister i dont know if he has a weakness to nukes he has been obliterated to nothing but bones and still lives.
Asking if marv could beat captain america is like asking if Colen powell could beat captain america
it just, doesnt make sense
Originally posted by Mider
what amount of kills were possible? Killing apocalypse with a nuke or juggernaut? Not happening and sinister i dont know if he has a weakness to nukes he has been obliterated to nothing but bones and still lives. There was more than just a nuke in that book...i was talkin about the book as a whole...Originally posted by ExtraMision5555
Asking if marv could beat captain america is like asking if Colen powell could beat captain america
it just, doesnt make sense i agree...mider loves marv, i can't blame him he is cool, but he is not in these guys league...
Black Adam
Originally posted by jgiant
There was more than just a nuke in that book...i was talkin about the book as a whole...
Which ones were possible again?
Originally posted by jgiant
i agree...mider loves marv, i can't blame him he is cool, but he is not in these guys league...
Originally posted by Black Adam
Which ones were possible again?
agreed. kingpin, cap, wolvie, spiderman, venom (lets just say spidersense is not always failsafe), cyc, daredevil, hulk (though i do think that banner could have turned into hulk and the bullet would have came out, some say no)...i might be forgeting some...
Originally posted by jgiant
kingpin, cap, wolvie, spiderman, venom (lets just say spidersense is not always failsafe) Spider-sense worked fine in that book. Frank caught Spidey while he was fighting Venom in the sewers. Spidey felt the tingle and tried to get Venom to stop fighting. Venom didn't. Frank dropped some electric thing in the water. Fried 'em both. To Spidey's credit, he was still alive and Frank had to bust a cap in his dome. Not a very honorable way to take somebody out, but effective nonetheless. Smart kill.
Anyway, Cap beats Marv up somethin' fierce.
Originally posted by brainchild81
Spider-sense worked fine in that book. Frank caught Spidey while he was fighting Venom in the sewers. Spidey felt the tingle and tried to get Venom to stop fighting. Venom didn't. Frank dropped some electric thing in the water. Fried 'em both. To Spidey's credit, he was still alive and Frank had to bust a cap in his dome. Not a very honorable way to take somebody out, but effective nonetheless. Smart kill.
Anyway, Cap beats Marv up somethin' fierce. Thank you, one of the few who still respects frank...
Black Adam
Originally posted by jgiant
kingpin, cap, wolvie, spiderman, venom (lets just say spidersense is not always failsafe), cyc, daredevil, hulk (though i do think that banner could have turned into hulk and the bullet would have came out, some say no)...i might be forgeting some...
It's not like Spider-man has never been electrocuted before by electro. though the water must have amped it's power. seems possible.
Does electricity even work on symbiotes?
Cap could be shot. It was how he was shot in the first place that was stupid. Yes cap turn your back on the psycho that just took out 223423421341 supers.
Hulk? I heard He could just turn back into hulk and the bullet would pop out . read it on another board so I really can't be sure if it's true or not.
Wolverine is another one that would be possible. Being electrocuted to death until he melted. It just the way Frank got him in the first place that didn't make sense
apparently Wolverine can get drunk. And apparently
Adamantuim>>>>>>>Kevlar vest
Speaking of wolvy wouldn't he have hunted down frank personally after he murdered his friends? Drowning your sorrows in beer which he shouldn't get drunk from in the first place doesn't sound like him.
DD? Well a knife to the chest would seem a logical way for someone with human durability to die. Until you forgot that DD would have know he had a knife in his hand and what he was going to do with it before he did it.
Kingpin? Yeah I give you that one.
cyce? I'll give you that.
Doom? no just no. The little caption say two broken ribs later. A punch from doom on someone who is intruding into his home will not break your ribs. It will rip your spine out.
Originally posted by Black Adam
It's not like Spider-man has never been electrocuted before by electro. though the water must have amped it's power. seems possible.
Does electricity even work on symbiotes?
Cap could be shot. It was how he was shot in the first place that was stupid. Yes cap turn your back on the psycho that just took out 223423421341 supers.
Hulk? I heard He could just turn back into hulk and the bullet would pop out . read it on another board so I really can't be sure if it's true or not.
Wolverine is another one that would be possible. Being electrocuted to death until he melted. It just the way Frank got him in the first place that didn't make sense
apparently Wolverine can get drunk. And apparently
Adamantuim>>>>>>>Kevlar vest
Speaking of wolvy wouldn't he have hunted down frank personally after he murdered his friends? Drowning your sorrows in beer which he shouldn't get drunk from in the first place doesn't sound like him.
DD? Well a knife to the chest would seem a logical way for someone with human durability to die. Until you forgot that DD would have know he had a knife in his hand and what he was going to do with it before he did it.
Kingpin? Yeah I give you that one.
cyce? I'll give you that.
Doom? no just no. The little caption say two broken ribs later. A punch from doom on someone who is intruding into his home will not break your ribs. It will rip your spine out. Cap got schooled when frank and him first meat...i think pun can win...cap let his gaurd down is that so hard to believe he is human and can make mistakes...and in regaurd to spiderman...Originally posted by brainchild81
Spider-sense worked fine in that book. Frank caught Spidey while he was fighting Venom in the sewers. Spidey felt the tingle and tried to get Venom to stop fighting. Venom didn't. Frank dropped some electric thing in the water. Fried 'em both. To Spidey's credit, he was still alive and Frank had to bust a cap in his dome. Not a very honorable way to take somebody out, but effective nonetheless. Smart kill.
Anyway, Cap beats Marv up somethin' fierce. and dd, what could he have done to stop frank if they are fighting...and doom never said that pun can win...but that senerio works if doom underestimates frank...
Black Adam
Originally posted by jgiant
Cap got schooled when frank and him first meat...i think pun can win...cap let his gaurd down is that so hard to believe he is human and can make mistakes...and in regaurd to spiderman... and dd, what could he have done to stop frank if they are fighting...and doom never said that pun can win...but that senerio works if doom underestimates frank...
What would DD do? how about get out of the way or not approach him in the first place . Frank was lying on the ground. He wasn't going anywhere. and DD would know what he was going to do. Sticking a big knife in your chest would be something he would pick up
The doom scenario? He wouldn't have time to be underestimated since he would have had his spine punched out long before that.
Yes the fight with DD could have gone anoher wya but it didn't. While I would normaly give DD 6-7/10 agaist frank. What happened is one of he 3/10 scenerios it wasn't totally implausible.
While a punch from Doom should have killed Frank the rest of the scenerio wasn't all that implausible either.
grey fox
Marv get's a curbstomping
King KAM
Originally posted by grey fox
Marv get's a curbstomping a rather vicious one.
VERY vicious indeed.
Hell...... Frodo kicked Marv's ass

Yeah, but consider. He boshed im with a sledge.
You guys got a little sidetracked there with the Punisher. This is a kind of weird thread since the comics are so different. Sin City is grounded in more real life (More than Marvel and DC anyway) which is why it can be cool and refreshing. Kevin, Wallace and Mijo are the most dangerous characters in that book (Marv is good at taking out a LOT of nobodies but can't really take anyone quick and skilled I think cough* Kevin Cough*) and they are on barely on level with people like Elektra, and the Punisher.
Whether you want to admit it or not Punisher would be right at home in Sin City and might be one of the deadliest but he's still on the same level with people like Mijo.
Back to the original discussion Cap wins no sweat since he actually has powers. Also I didn't see anyone debate that, Mider said he only hated didn't think the Punisher was as good as you said.
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