Mr Sinister,Dr Doom & High Evoultionary vs Superman
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There is no prep who wins
How well does Superman resist mental attacks?
Known Superhuman Powers: The High Evolutionary possesses a highly evolved brain which has been heightened to the limit of human potential. The High Evolutionary has committed to memory all the written knowledge known to man. His vast intuitive capacity makes him one of the most brilliant theoreticians on Earth. The High Evolutionary possesses vast psionic powers enabling him to rearrange matter, among other feats. The extent of his psionic powers is unknown.
In reality, the two were captured by the enigmatic beings known as the Celestials and held prisoner in the so-called Black Galaxy. Thor and his friend, Eric Masterson, discovered their fate during an adventure at the High Evolutionary's citadel, Wundagore. Both Masterson and Thor helped rescue the two, and Hercules, Thor, and Masterson returned to Earth, while the High Evolutionary turned Wundagore into a spaceship and returned to the Black Galaxy, intrigued by what he found there.
The High Evolutionary could take Supes, Sinister could take Supes, and Dr. Doom could at least put up a good fight. All of them together? 11/10 matches.
None of the three marvel guys need prep time they are usually ready for just about anything that's why they endure.
Originally posted by Tulika
The High Evolutionary could take Supes, Sinister could take Supes, and Dr. Doom could at least put up a good fight. All of them together? 11/10 matches.
how does sinister take supes?
how does he see supes?
Is there anything known that can effectively destroy Mr. Sinister? Which one of Supermans powers can do that? Plus Sinister never fights except when an enemy thinks they've caught him, and in the end it was just a ploy to find out their strengths and weaknesses.
sinister is affected by cyclyps optic blasts thats the only thing that can hurt him to my memory i think the legacy virus killed him as well but that was in AoA anyway only very strong guys can mess with supes mind i think lord marx did but he was messing with his mind for years till he finally got a foot hold and was able to full on controll him thats when wonder women had to kill him doom wouldnt be a factor less there is prep involved but then again who knows but once his force field went out it would be an uphill battle for doom and he'd probably lose high evolutionary can try to devolve him he almost did to galactus so ive heard.
I knew somebody would think of those, Cykes ability to hurt him was another trick, and even if it wasn't Supes cannot replicate that ability. The only person we thought killed Sinister was Xman in AOA, and that proved to be an untruth.
so no one has ever been shown to be able to hurt sinister? did the legacy virus do him in after all?
nathan summers
Originally posted by Mider
sinister is affected by cyclyps optic blasts thats the only thing that can hurt him to my memory i think the legacy virus killed him as well but that was in AoA anyway only very strong guys can mess with supes mind i think lord marx did but he was messing with his mind for years till he finally got a foot hold and was able to full on controll him thats when wonder women had to kill him doom wouldnt be a factor less there is prep involved but then again who knows but once his force field went out it would be an uphill battle for doom and he'd probably lose high evolutionary can try to devolve him he almost did to galactus so ive heard.
That was revealed to be false in X-Men #23. Sinister was faking it so he could go underground again and not have Cyclops suspect he was still alive. You know, so he could continue his experiments unchecked. The Legacy Virus had no effect on him whatsoever. Never has, never will. His body has a healing factor that would make Deadpool jealous. And at the time it didn't affect humans -- which sinister for all purposes -- kinda is/was. It never mutated to affect him. It only got Moira, I think. And apparently he didn't die in AOA when Nate Grey used his powers on him..He resurfaced in the AOA Anniversary 6 part comic series very much alive and healthy. The only person who knows how to truly kill Sinister is himself. Nothing in Superman's arsenal could do it. He could punch all day, use superfreezing breath, heat vision -- etc. Sinister wouldn't even flinch.
Also Dr Doom is a capable Sorceror to
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