These are one on one battles
Raven/DC vs Gandalf the White
Swampthing vs Treebeard
Saurman the White vs Merlin/Marvel
Legolis vs Batman bows & Arrows vs Batarangs & batrope
Witch-King vs Dr Doom
Aragorn vs Hawkeye swords vs arrows
Cave Troll vs Beast Boy
Sauron with the one ring vs Green Lantern
Balrog vs Trigon
Gimli vs Puck
Raven/DC vs Gandalf the White
Swampthing vs Treebeard
Saurman the White vs Merlin/Marvel
Legolis vs Batman bows & Arrows vs Batarangs & batrope
Witch-King vs Dr Doom
Aragorn vs Hawkeye swords vs arrows
Cave Troll vs Beast Boy
Sauron with the one ring vs Green Lantern
Balrog vs Trigon
Gimli vs Puck