The Kryptonian vs. King Thor
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Darth Kal-El
Sorry if this has been done before. Who would win? The battle is in Kansas City.
thor is ALMOST a match for superman, so they almost cancel each other out. the portion of power cosmic that galactus gives his heralds doesnt equal the magic of his father odin, or the knowledge of the runes??? i'm guessing king thor is still leaps and bounds more powerful than the kryptonian.
they say that kryptonian was only second to galactus so his powerlevel might be just above tyrans or equal to tyrant so no he might very well defeat king thor, he is not your normal herald, some heralds are more powerful then others such as the invisible man
I think the Kryptonian could take RKT, Galactus said that The Kryptonian was second only to Galactus.
galactus also said himself above everything in the universe "in all the universe, i stand alone". but was repelled by odin and ego... and the fantastic four. thor also says that warrior madness increases his abilities 10 fold. but thats also well short of his claims.
maybe out of everybody in that particular comic, he was second to galactus. but factoring in everybody in both universes, thats a far cry from the truth. considering galactus isnt even close to being top dog.
ego is enough to take on galactus since he is a being of amazing power but odin repelling him is bull must have been hungry and the FF i hope to goodness it was when they used the ultimate nullifier
the FF have repelled galactus on several occasions. who knows about odin, it could be because galactus has a weakness to magic (said so himself) but thats also the thing that the power cosmic that the kryptonian has a weakness to in spades. superman is weak to sufficient magics, as most people are, and so is the power cosmic.
kryptonian is powerful yes, but RKT, i doubt hes that powerful. galaxy shaking blasts (that thor and odin both posessed) are nothing superman or the power cosmic is likely to handle.
Isn't the Surfer second to Galactus?? Plus hyperbole never holds much sway.......Didn't superman say that MM is more powerful than the JLA combined?? Didn't stop him from frying his butt later huh?? Plus in the MM vs Superman thread, the majority thought Superman wins.....So hyperbole is not a factor.... Plus, the comic never stated that he gave the Kryptonian more of the power cosmic than surfer. And Surfer would get lumped by RKT. Remember, Surfer gets written as a pacifist to keep the story going.......And he'd still get housed by RKT. Skyfather >>> Herald, and thats what the K was. Superman on the cosmic level at last.
Plus, with his powerset, the surfer should've been a big time villain. Then he would've stomped most of Marvel Earth like he's capable of doing.
Imagine PC Superman, except he is endowed with the power cosmic second only to Galactus, he can empower/amp himself with yellow sun energy.
are there any feats for the kryptonian and i say again galactus losing to skyfathers any of them is sad he should wave his hand and make them crumble into nothing.
Kryptonian gets 2 thumbs down no feats all mouth......................
grey fox
Originally posted by soleran30
Kryptonian gets 2 thumbs down no feats all mouth......................
I have yet to see a pic of him ether...
Imagine Silver Surfer except now its Superman and he's gold and I believe his cape is gone I cannot recall now........yea a Gold Superman
Originally posted by grey fox
I have yet to see a pic of him ether...
grey fox
An actual screenshot then.....
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