Nightwing runs the gauntlet
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Darth Kal-El
Nightwing has two hours of prep. He may not ask for Batman's help during those two hours. How far does he go? Nightwing has three hours rest between battles.
1) Toad
2) Russian
3) Manslaughter Marsdale
4) Morbius
5) Blade w/hour of prep
6) Punisher w/hour and half of prep
7) Batman (Jean Paul Valley) w/2 hours of prep
Wally West
The general consensus on this board seems to be Nightwing loses to anyone above Aunt May, but I'll say he gets to at least Blade and under the right circumstances and putting his prep to good use he could clear it.
I think he makes it to Blade as well. He might be able to go farther, but 3 hours of rest just isn't enough when you are fighting for your life each battle. He'll be too fatigued.
With prep?
He's going decently far up that list. Nightwing can prep with the best.
He'l probably just edge Blade if he fights like the super- mother f**ker he is but then he stumbles on to face... a guy with a gun! oh, the horror... he whups castle but then he's up against JPV and cowers... the sight of a... corpse!>?
Private Pion
For the chance to punch Batman, he'd break all the others backs using their own mothers and/or mother's corpses.
Um...Actually, he gets to blade, then flip a coin. If heads, he takes out Punisher and looses to Batman.
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