Pre-Crisis Sumperman vs. Popeye w/a spinach patch...
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Tony Stark
The spinach patch is similar to a nicotine patch and continually gives him a spinach dose equal to a 32 oz. can of spinach... And it lasts for a week.
This fight isn't for the squimish... Who's the victor...?
Tony Stark
Originally posted by vold
your mom
Silly lil' newbie...
Now go to your room...
does superman has olive oil captave? if he doesnt popyee would lose.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by spideycarnage
does superman has olive oil captave? if he doesnt popyee would lose.
Yes Olive oil is being kept at the fortress of solitude against her will and is very chilly being so skinny and all...
then superman is toast, i juiced up popyee will distroy him, u should make superman sundipped, that would even things out.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by spideycarnage
then superman is toast, i juiced up popyee will distroy him, u should make superman sundipped, that would even things out.
Your absolutely right what was i thinking...
It's not even close to being a fair fight for PC Superman...
He has to be a sun dipped for 1000 years PC Superman to make it a compentent battle...

Sir Whirlysplat
Pre Crisis Superman used to beat a Popeye ripoff regularly called Captain strong who used an Alien Sauncha Seaweed to gain his powers.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Pre Crisis Superman used to beat a Popeye ripoff regularly called Captain strong who used an Alien Sauncha Seaweed to gain his powers.
You said it correctly a "Popeye Ripoff"... And did Captain strong ever wear a Alien Sauncha Seaweed patch that lasted for a week...?
Riddle me that...

Popeye wins. His spinach (which--unknown to most fans--is empowered by The Presence) enabled him to do whatever he needed to do. We didnt see universe-level stunts because Bluto didnt dictate the need for that.
I mean, sheesh, when was the last time you saw Superman materialize a hologram within his biceps? Now That's Power!
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