Wonder Woman runs the gauntlet
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Darth Kal-El
WW has four hours of rest between each battle. She doesn't have her lasso.
1) Wolverine
2) Luke Cage
3) Spider-Man and Venom
4) Cyborg
5) Wrecker
6) Atomic Skull
7) Mongul
8) Bizarro
9) First Age Spawn
she gets to 9 or all of them
It's a setup anyway. If she fights at least give her somebody my little sister can beat!! And yes my little sister can lift at least 90 tons.
heh i thought this was wonder man bleh anyway yeah she wins spawn might be trouble though
Wally West
Well she lost to Bizarro in Trinity, so she could stop there, unless thats not in continuity. Although even if its not canon I still think she could stop there 5/10.
i think she porob stop at 7
Originally posted by Wally West
Well she lost to Bizarro in Trinity, so she could stop there, unless thats not in continuity. Although even if its not canon I still think she could stop there 5/10.
it's not in cotinuity
I think she gets to 9 she may win it though
don't know anything about spawn, but she could beat bizarro more often than not imo.
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