Who's the last one standing
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and the first to go down? Battle takes place in Nevada desert. Everyone for themselves.
1)Wonder Woman
2)Invisible Woman
4)She Hulk (strongest version)
5)Nova (Marvel)
Will probably end with Binary, She-Hulk (Strongest, you mean the berserk post-Sensational version?) and Wonder Woman (depending on the writer) standing, in which case Binary has a fairly good shot at winning. If She-Hulk is in that berserk state, she'll take it.
EDIT: Missed Nova. She wins.
^did you not see Sersi in that list?
1. Binary
2. Sersi
3. Nova
4. Wonder Woman
5. Thena
6. Invisible Woman
7. She-Hulk
8. Val
9. Cheetah
10. Dazzler
I'm not sure about 4 and 5. Diana might be able to blitz Thena before she gets a chance to turn her into a sofa or stapler.
I've little knowledge of Sersi's powers. From what I've seen in different character databases, she seems tough but not Nova's weight class. Feel free to enlighten me.
Sersi is basically Silver Surfer in a skirt. Fully powered(Prime Eternal) she is on Skyfather level. Apart from Binary, no other female hero comes close.
Hmm, well, then you're right. Though I haven't witnessed any feats from Binary that would make her over SS level.
True, it would be a close battle though. If Binary manages to put her in a white hole, then it may be over. But they are definately 1 and 2 here.
Sersi can augment her strength to surpass WW's even. Binary is as strong as Hulk, so its really tough.
Hmm, pushing someone into a n object that vanishes from existence in microseconds is a convincing feat.
Solidus Snake
id say sersi, nova, or diana
sersi has great showings, but she got taken down by exodus who couldnt take down wonderwoman once she pushed up her speed.
she hulk is too one dimensional. BFR will take care of her.
nova would be in the top 3 but she doesnt have the durability that surfer does.
Originally posted by Solidus Snake
nova would be in the top 3 but she doesnt have the durability that surfer does.
she doesnt need to. she would just manipulate the very fabric of her nature.
dazzler is a omega cigar
Wonder Man
Binary has evolved into some marvelous things. She has been able to pretty much connect her mind to the bonds of the universe. When she was speaking with Jean Phoneix in I think it was that alternate comic of 616 where nightcrawlers daughter came from...sorry forgot the name. anyhow she is 100ton class just a bit under Surfer.
Sersi however i recall as having some cool powers like molecules but is still only 30ton strength.
I don't know much about dc to comment on that.
I havent' seen any new dazz wish i did
Binary out does Inv. Women by miles. She'd crack her open
*Snickers at how low people put Cheetah*
Tony Stark
IW is the last gal standing... I can hear it now pop...pop...pop...pop...pop...pop...pop...pop...pop

Originally posted by Darth_Erebus
and the first to go down? Battle takes place in Nevada desert. Everyone for themselves.
1)Wonder Woman
2)Invisible Woman
4)She Hulk (strongest version)
5)Nova (Marvel)
Cheetah is going to kill everyone who isn't superfast, invulnerable and can fly in the first pico second. Nova, Binary, Wonder Woman, Valkyrie, and sersi are going to duke it out maybe thena too. I see Sersi.WW being the victors with Nova, and Valkyrie being the runners up.
Errrr....Valkyrie making it in the top 3?
Wonder Man
Surprised Meggan isn't here.
Originally posted by King_Mungi
Errrr....Valkyrie making it in the top 3?
Maybe I over estimated her. I thought she gave thor a good fight once.
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