Masters of Evil VS. The Legion of Doom

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Two major baddie teams : One battles the JLA, the other the Avengers! But which one is the tougher of the two??? And let's say the battle goes down in the swamp when the Masters of Evil try to take the Legion of Doom's headquarters over...with no prep! Who takes it?
Legion of Doom :
1. Lex Luthor (Team Leader)
2. Brainiac
3. Solomon Grundy
4. Bizarro
5. Giganta
6. Cheetah
7. Toyman
8. Sinestro
9. Riddler
10. Black Manta
11. Gorilla Grodd
12. Captain Cold
13. Scarecrow

Masters of Evil :
1. Baron Zemo (Team Leader)
2. Tiger Shark
3. Crusher Creel the Absorbing Man
4. Titania
5. The Wrecker
6. Thunderball
7. Piledriver
8. Bulldozer
9. Goliath
10. Mister Hyde
11. Grey Gargoyle
12. The Fixer
13. The Scorpion

Thoughts? Suggestions? Comments? Questions? Anyone?

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