Thor and Hercules are walking down a two way street at night discussing some of the old times and old battles they remembered of dureing there long life time....the streets are loney and cold tonight not many cars have been passing by as the 2 walk it to where ever they are going.
High up in the dark sky, just hovering over the city is Bizaro, Bizaro starts to speed up and come swooping down as he crashs right into the back of Thor, sending the God of Thunder crashing into a building as the walls come down on him.
Hercules turns to see what hit Thor and See's Bizaro hovering high up above him, to high for Hercules to get to him. Bizaro yells voice yells get him as Solomon Grundy and Parasite both jump off a building and nearly landing on the prince of power, but Hercules rolls out of the way and get s back up to his two feet again. Hecules know standing with his fist clinched. stareing down the both of them with mad eyes, as the battle lines get crossed.
Thor lets out a very loud yell as he is trying to free himself from all the rubble on top of he does he is slow to get up, staggering to lift himself to his to feet. As he looks up at the dark sky, Bizaro hovering over him with his arms crossed just laughing at the God of Thunder. Bizaro tells Thor " tonight you will die. Thor, respons to Bizaro with " If tonight in die, I take you with me" ... Bizaro no longer luaghing as he stares right into the eyes of the Thunder God.
Who wins ? And why ?
High up in the dark sky, just hovering over the city is Bizaro, Bizaro starts to speed up and come swooping down as he crashs right into the back of Thor, sending the God of Thunder crashing into a building as the walls come down on him.
Hercules turns to see what hit Thor and See's Bizaro hovering high up above him, to high for Hercules to get to him. Bizaro yells voice yells get him as Solomon Grundy and Parasite both jump off a building and nearly landing on the prince of power, but Hercules rolls out of the way and get s back up to his two feet again. Hecules know standing with his fist clinched. stareing down the both of them with mad eyes, as the battle lines get crossed.
Thor lets out a very loud yell as he is trying to free himself from all the rubble on top of he does he is slow to get up, staggering to lift himself to his to feet. As he looks up at the dark sky, Bizaro hovering over him with his arms crossed just laughing at the God of Thunder. Bizaro tells Thor " tonight you will die. Thor, respons to Bizaro with " If tonight in die, I take you with me" ... Bizaro no longer luaghing as he stares right into the eyes of the Thunder God.
Who wins ? And why ?