Onslaught vs Ingra
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Onslaught, every1 knows who this dude is, I hope you all are familiar with Lady Ingra of House Sinister from "The First". My bets go on Ingra, she has cosmic power to such a high level, that even Onslaught cannot match in my opinion. However, I could be wrong..what do you guys think ?
what can she do or what has she done is that the name of her comic house of sinister or the first?
The book is called The First. Ingra like all members of her immortal godlike race can tap and store vast amounts of what they call the universal energies to do just about anything they can imagine. Ingra is one of the six, which means she and five others (Pyrem, Yala, Trenin, Orium, and Gannish) were the first of the first after their all powerful leader who was mentioned more than seen. Being one of the six marked her as a god even among gods, she had larger stores of power to tap and a longer time at learning to master it. As leader of House Sinister she could also draw additional power from her council of ten, who were also among the more powerful members of the first. Many of the first were afraid of her, some members of House Dexter were even afraid of her when she was depowered. Each member of the first represents an emotion of a larger god that created them all, Ingra was anger. Ingra was very likely to lash out in a violent rage, but she was also cold, calculating and very seductive. Other than cosmic energy manipulation and being immortal all members of the first had an unknown amount of physical strength, could teleport, and telepathy some members had a certain ability others lacked, but other than that they all pretty much have the same powers just at different levels.
give us feats what has she done like ummm champion hits a planet with one punch thats a feat so what feats does ingra have
The First was more like a soap opera than an actual action comic, and Ingra being a queen hardly ever got her hands dirty, but lets see. There was a mortal named Giselle who was being remotely controlled by Ingras enemy Animora, Ingra could sense this and had a world created that looked like the First home-world so the two could battle, during the battle Ingra mostly engaged her in physical combat missing the rush of fighting that queendom had denied her, in an instant she changed the heaven-like fake world into a barren volcanic wasteland, she took a full energy blast from Giselle/Animora (who too was among the powerful of the first) that caused her no damaged at all, she then told Giselle she was being used and reached into her chest and pulled Animora to her from worlds away through the delicate psychic string that linked the two. During a fight in her kingdom involving a large number of First she in anger sent them all home against their wills while they were still engaged in battle, even though it taxed her power. Nobody ever really went up against her one on one except Animora and that got her transformed into a monster and banished for 500 years, The First was more centered around the politics of a world of gods, the only time they really get into action is when they are off world and most of them don't like leaving home, Ingra usually has agents do all her off world crap, but if she deems it's necessary to visit it usually ends badly.
grey fox
Oy vey .....another near unknown comic character takes on the walking plot device.....
damn that is pretty powerful of Ingra for now i say a tie
Ingra is very powerful, but so is Onslaught. However, I know muchhh more about Ingra than Onslaught.
I still beleive however, Ingra can defeat him. Consider the fact that she lives on a world where gods and goddesses are born. These beings have extremely high levels of physical and cosmic power. Some of the beings have the power to destroy entire worlds, and Ingra is definately one of them. In fact, Ingra is the dictator of the evil side of this world, called House Sinister. She basically bullies gods and goddess around.
However, I know Onslaught can be compared to a god, and I know he created a second sun to try and destroy EArth, I never saw Ingra do that. However, Onslaught is made up of 4 different beings (Xavier, Magneto, Frankly, and Nate).
One time Ingra ripped another goddess named Animora from her possession over a magical mortal woman named Geselle. Animora fused her evil essence with the mortal heroine Geselle, and basically possessed her in a plot to usurp Ingra's power. Using Geselle's power draining sigil, Animora was overwhelmed by Ingra's cosmic might, and FAILED to drain ANY of Ingra's energy, EVEN WHEN INGRA LET HERSELF BE DRAINED. Ingra laughed at Animora's attempts, seperated her from Geselle, and did whoever knows what with her afterward.
Ingra could probably seperate the four beings that Onslaught is composed of, and nullify his existance.
If you're not convinced, just htink of it this way: Onslaught had to go through all this trouble, kidnapping Franklyn Richards, posessing the Sentinels, etc. and failed to fuse all minds to one. He felt it necessary to create a second sun with Franklyn's reality manipulating powers, to destroy Earth after his plan was wrecked. Ingra can destroy worlds without going through such trouble.
I personally vote Ingra, even though i LOVE Onslaught
i think that Ingra has a extremly good chance of winning
Crossgen comics in it's short lived time produced some very powerful beings who would be a match for anybody in any comic universe
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