Moments that shouldn't have happened (here you go Mider)
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Uhhhh...... alot of apocalypse stuff.....aaaaand......submit your own (I'm too tired right now.)
thanos being arrested by human cops
Wonder women blocking the omega beams with her bracelets
thanos losing to tarzan
apocalypse dieing after one whisper from black bolt
apocalypse losing to magneto by being torn to ribbots
orion losing to SS so horribly
dracula giving SS any trouble what so ever
champion jobbing so horribly to SS and thanos
onslought wasnt so bad
Apocalypse versus the table... the table's victory should have been more conclusive.
Originally posted by Mider
thanos being arrested by human cops
heh's a secret we don't like letting out because the Thanos fanboys need it, but...that wasn't canon.
It's debatable. The omega beams have different intents - that was probably specifically a disintegration beam, which I think is blockable by her vembraces. However, if he WANTED to kill her, it should be within his capabilities for the omega beams to just bypass her vembraces entirely and kill her on the spot.
You're safe...that was a low grade malfunctioning clone.
It's BLACK BOLT. I'd find it ridiculous if he DIDN'T die. Galactus is afraid to hear him speak. It's probably one of the five most powerful energy attacks in the Marvel Universe.
Apoc is filled with Celestial tech, has iron in his blood, and has a nervous system and body comprised of atoms. If Magneto can take down the Celestial Ship by manipulating its tech, he can take down Apoc the same way.
Agreed. It should have been more competitive.
Definitely agree here.
Champion is an idiot, I'm afraid.
who writes these stories i mean geez
i dont know why the hell Galactus would be afraid of black bolt
I AM GALACTUS EATER OF WORLDS WHO FEARS NO ONE..........sept that little dude on earth with the little tuning fork on his head BUT OTHER THEN THAT THERE IS NO ONE WHO CAN MAKE ME AFRAID
Well, he's a little Inhuman, but he's in possession of something capable of destroying planets if let loose. I mean, if a whisper that you can't even hear can shatter a mountain, imagine a full scream, or reading the Declaration of Independence while pissed....
i heard that Apoc did whitstand his scream once
Originally posted by Mider
i heard that Apoc did whitstand his scream once I recall that was before the scream was redefined to being more than just sound.
Originally posted by Mider
i heard that Apoc did whitstand his scream once
Blackbolt has two types of attacks...there's the scream, which he doesn't do often because of the collateral damage that it does, and there's a focused sonic attack (which I don't think he does anymore). When he's in populated areas, he does the latter, but it's much weaker. He had to do that to Apoc because Apoc had Cyclop's son in his possession and a bunch of X-men and Inhumans around. You know when he's using the scream because everything around him is destroyed. That wasn't the case in X-factor.
or it could be because apoc took the brunt of it and it stopped the destruction that normally would have happened??? i dunno dont care.
onslaught was a good idea... but as soon as it hit paper it became crap. especially if you are a juggernaut fan. who took the brunt of everything that onslaught was built upon. there were to many incosistancies (way above the average consistancies marvel already has) no matter what book it was.
grey fox
Originally posted by Mider
i dont know why the hell Galactus would be afraid of black bolt
I AM GALACTUS EATER OF WORLDS WHO FEARS NO ONE..........sept that little dude on earth with the little tuning fork on his head BUT OTHER THEN THAT THERE IS NO ONE WHO CAN MAKE ME AFRAID
Galactus gets scared quite often , he shit himself when the fantastic four got hold of the ultimate nullifier and ran in fear from thor's godblast.
another stupid thing that shouldnt happen in comics is how can galactus die from a nuclear blast when other beings who are lower as in invisible boy or silver surfer who can servive a planet destroying blast how come galactus cant servive a nuke while his heralds can servive a planet destroying blast isnt that how they destroyed the thanos/galactus clone and he was suppose to be even more powerful then normal galactus.
Darkseid loosing to Superman.
ugh big time bs feat by superman but then again in DC superman just gets a tan and suddenly he is omnipatent and beats a galaxy wide thread like megadon.........ok whatever......coughs......
grey fox
Originally posted by Mider
ugh big time bs feat by superman but then again in DC superman just gets a tan and suddenly he is omnipatent and beats a galaxy wide thread like megadon.........ok whatever......coughs......
Meh , sun dip makes a certain amount of sense. Although the time it takes to absorb said energy should be increased.....
You don't have to crunch the numbers to know Superman puts out way more power than he could possibly absorb from sunlight.
grey fox
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
You don't have to crunch the numbers to know Superman puts out way more power than he could possibly absorb from sunlight.
Oh and adding to the list of things that shouldn't be
Wolverine stabbing thanos
Batman kicking hulk in the chest
Supes prime existing
whats so bad about supes prime
grey fox
Originally posted by Mider
whats so bad about supes prime
He's all hype and no substance , and theirs so many damn rumours circulating because of him it's annoying....
hmmm you think thats stupid remeber when they made up flash prime?
The making of batman89 and batman Returns. The moment DC and people decided NOT to make a sequel to the 1966 Batman film
Apocalypse being hurt by wolverine
grey fox
Originally posted by Mider
Apocalypse being hurt by wolverine
Stupid , but still feasable .
yeah him hurting SS is just as feasable
grey fox
Originally posted by Mider
yeah him hurting SS is just as feasable
Stop comparing surfer to Apocalypse . Thats like comparing a baby with a fully grown man.
LMAO! Oh my god... a little amn with claws, I am soooooo scared! I cannot posssibly survive against him with my puny cosmic powers, well, they're hardly even powers! Oh no!!!
Another... the creation of Namor. why didnt they justt buy u the Star trek comics and drown Spock? It would have been so... much... EASIER!!!!!!!!!!!
The existence of Namor.
Thor's Godblasts.
Onslaught throughout.
Cosmic Spiderman.
AoA's Weapon X's hand being shot off by Cyclops.
Flash travelling at 1,5 million times the speed of light and while at it, creating two times more energy that exists in the universe (matter included.)
Lobo losing to Wolverine.
What they did to Juggernaut. (Rewrote history and personality, took off powers, made him team up with the X-Men...)
Ending Sensational She-Hulk.
Franklin Richards.
House of M.
The list just goes on and on.
Wait till NightCrawler sees that one, he'll get mad.
I don't like Namor either, but still he is an important character, without him there might not be comic book heroes and villains that we know today.
He is basically an evil, underwater, royal dr Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
grey fox
Originally posted by Knightfall93
He is basically an evil, underwater, royal dr Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can spock lift 10,000,000 tons . Didn't think so .....
Ten million tons. Riiiiiight.
You claerly havent seen Spock in action... I mean, I hardly have either, but...
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