"what if" batman guantlet
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Batman somehow gets mr.fantastic,dr.dooms,and tony starks brain power. Then he gets silver surfer,pre crisis superman and thors powers.
and the what if batman gets 20 days of prep and full knowledge of his opponent.
2.silver surfer
3.precris superman
how far does the what if batman get
This is pathetic he clears the gauntlet with ease.
He doesn't need all of that crap. Just give him his faithful Bat-kick and he runs the tablebatman
Originally posted by LJ27
Batman somehow gets mr.fantastic,dr.dooms,and tony starks brain power. Then he gets silver surfer,pre crisis superman and thors powers.
and the what if batman gets 20 days of prep and full knowledge of his opponent.
2.silver surfer
3.precris superman
how far does the what if batman get
He could very well clear this gauntlet.
For one he will definitely clear no. 1,2 and 3 (he has all of their powers, plus the prep work of Batman, Reed, Doom and Stark ....and ofcourse the prep work of pre-crisis Superman, who was a genius of geniuses among other things). Thus he definitely clears 1-3, and I'd say rather easily.
I think he will definitely clear no.4 ....after all, Reed did come up with a way to defeat Galactus. Now imagine Reed + the other thinkers, plus 20 days of prep at the speed of PC Supes/SilverSurfer is more like 2 millenia.
Galactus goes down.
Onslaught will also go down for the same reasons .....the amount of prep time (20 days) amounts to a tremendous amount of time for a lightspeed-plus mover, and add to this the sheer mental powers present here. Onslaught doesn't survive this onslaught!
Thanos Thanos Thanos .....for the same reasons he goes down. The mix of powers coupled with the prep augmented by the sheer plot devices inherent in the mix (Doom's prep plot devices + Reed's PIS/CIS plot devices + PC Supe's powers galore plot devices + Bruce's ready for anything plotdevices + SilverSurfer's 'many times the speed of light' plot devices + Tony Stark tinkerer plot devices) means that Thanos is going down.
At the very least the Doom part of 'super-Batman' will make a genetic clone of Squirrel girl, who apparently takes down Thanos with ease (Marvel must have been out of its mind to have Thanos, Doom and Terrax beaten by Squirrel girl ....and then making it cannon! Ay caramba!)
What-If Batman wins.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by spetznaz
He could very well clear this gauntlet.
For one he will definitely clear no. 1,2 and 3 (he has all of their powers, plus the prep work of Batman, Reed, Doom and Stark ....and ofcourse the prep work of pre-crisis Superman, who was a genius of geniuses among other things). Thus he definitely clears 1-3, and I'd say rather easily.
I think he will definitely clear no.4 ....after all, Reed did come up with a way to defeat Galactus. Now imagine Reed + the other thinkers, plus 20 days of prep at the speed of PC Supes/SilverSurfer is more like 2 millenia.
Galactus goes down.
Onslaught will also go down for the same reasons .....the amount of prep time (20 days) amounts to a tremendous amount of time for a lightspeed-plus mover, and add to this the sheer mental powers present here. Onslaught doesn't survive this onslaught!
Thanos Thanos Thanos .....for the same reasons he goes down. The mix of powers coupled with the prep augmented by the sheer plot devices inherent in the mix (Doom's prep plot devices + Reed's PIS/CIS plot devices + PC Supe's powers galore plot devices + Bruce's ready for anything plotdevices + SilverSurfer's 'many times the speed of light' plot devices + Tony Stark tinkerer plot devices) means that Thanos is going down.
At the very least the Doom part of 'super-Batman' will make a genetic clone of Squirrel girl, who apparently takes down Thanos with ease (Marvel must have been out of its mind to have Thanos, Doom and Terrax beaten by Squirrel girl ....and then making it cannon! Ay caramba!)
What-If Batman wins.
Another great post.
grey fox
How is pre-crisis supes a genius , all the man spouted was pseudo science bullshit. He made goddamn earplugs out of chunks of a white dwarf star...
Jesus... that's the gayest bullshit I ever did here
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