Dr. Strange Vs Dr. Fate Vs Dr. Doom : The Doctor Is In
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Arguably, the 3 greatest sorcerers in either universe...but who would take the ultimate championship for that title...
Each mystic is given 24 hours prep...and the battle takes place in Mephisto's hellish diminsion...the two losers have to stay as slaves of Mephisto's forever, in his firey dominion of torment!!!!
Who wins the championship title of "Greatest Sorcerer Supreme"!!!
Dr.Doom is not quite in the same league. Since there is no current Dr.fate (******* MArvel through the helmet away) so I'd use the last one that was Nabu. I think Nabu could beat Strange since he was a lord of order and his death brought about a whole new age of magic in the DC universe. But it would be close but I'm for Fate
grey fox
Hey wheres authority's doctor . He'd own all of these chumps.....
i call strange becaus Doom isnt in the same magin' league and, well, i dont know enough about Dr fate, who, judging by the fact he's in the JSA, probably couldnt beat many peops anyway... in fact, I know who's a better sorcerer than him...
...Dr Spock!
Doom, in terms of sorcery, sucks.
Dr. Doom isn't a doctor

grey fox
Originally posted by TheKahn
Dr. Doom isn't a doctor
It's stan lee , he likes the word doctor more then scientist or professor.....
Originally posted by TheKahn
Dr. Doom isn't a doctor

. But remember, Reed wasn't also one.............till he operated on aunt may removing a friggin bomb on her chest.
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged

. But remember, Reed wasn't also one.............till he operated on aunt may removing a friggin bomb on her chest.
Great, now I've got the mental image of Reed Richards looking at Aunt May's chest. Thanks alot

Shaman's a doctor

Wally West
Originally posted by demigawd
Doom, in terms of sorcery, sucks. No he doesn't, hes just not in the same league as these two. He'd pose more a threat than 90% of the people on this board would give him credit for.
Doom is around the level of Baron Mordo in raw power (his basic offensive spells like eldritch bolts are strong) but has less knowledge and experience. He's got technomancy though. In this fight Strange wins unless Doom has some inventions
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