Wolverine Gauntlet
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He hs no prep...
1) Toad
2) Captain America
3) Sabretooth
4) Punisher
5) Blade
6) Magneto
7) Dr Strange (full magic etc)
And the Alternate... Gauntlet B
1) Orion
2) Green Lantern/ Kyle
3) Silver Surfer
4) Apocalypse
5) Parallax
6) Galactus
7) The Beyonder
I'm waiting for the Wolvie fanboys to say he wins...
He beats toad easy but once he gets to cap each fight can go either way, cept fro magneto and doc strange, but id say he could beat every1 up to magneto if everything goes well fro him tht is.
pfft minus will be no gauntlet b he wont get past one, he MIGHT get past captian america MIGHT, i dont know if he can though, sabertooth aint as good as captain at fighting is he? anyway blade might beat him since he got all those vamp powers and excellent weaponry, same goes for punisher getting past magneto heh it aint happening
That B Gauntlet's entire purpose is to take the piss outta the Wolie faboys
Why's Apocalypse after Silver Surfer?
I dunno... I'm not so much botherted about the order. Wolvie would lose to Orion anyway!
Come on... I wanna here some mad reasoning of his victory in B Gauntlet from some Wolvie fanboys...
He can kill both Magneto and Strange. All it takes is a complete surprise and a stab to the face.
He has no chance against Orion, obviously.
thank god you're realistic... but Magneto??? He might not be able to catch him off guard and then he's buggered!
I doubt he could sneak up on doc strange he could prob sense him or sumthing.
grey fox
Up to 6 in gauntlet A and 1 in gauntlet B....
That's what i thought...
Tha C-Master
He loses to Sabretooth....
mags and strange have their way with wolvie
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by Knightfall93
LOL... OK Do you disagree?
I also remeber Wolverine getting owned by the Punisher a couple of time.
Tha C-Master
Punisher's success rate is so arbitrary usually though...
LMAO! Castle baet wolvie??
Tha C-Master
Originally posted by Knightfall93
LMAO! Castle baet wolvie?? He beat all of marvel once,lol.
Yeah, IIRC he shot Wolverine in the crotch with a shotgun and left him laying on the ground in a puddle of blood.
Jesus... imagine movie Wolvie if he got shot there!
He'd PULVERIZE anyone in his way!
Wolverine has taken Magneto by surprise several times. And after all, Wolverine has killed Juggernaut, Magneto, Apocalypse and Mister Sinister.
The latter one was a joke, don't get offended. Actually he killed them when he was War, but that is just a little bit different occasion.
Punisher can beat wolvie...given the right environment or prep...but if it is a no prep situation wolvie would win the slight majority...
Why the heck is Blade above Sabretooth and Captain America? Both are stronger then him, both are faster then him, both are much better fighters and one of them has a healing factor a 1000 times better. Blade is a walking joke, Punisher would beat the living hell out of him.
And Frank with out prep loses to Wolverine 10 times out of 10... and the fights to go past the one minute marker
Toad and Punisher are the only ones Wolverine can
decisively beat. Cap and Sabes are questionable.
The rest kill the ol' Canuck.
Originally posted by Zahit
The rest kill the ol' Canuck.
... You think Blade can kill Wolverine?
why wasent robin added to chart b
Blade beats Wolfy!?
Blade is a vampire.
His powers and stats are far greater than Wolverine's.
Of course he's capable of killing him.
It won't be easy of course, but he CAN do it.
Originally posted by Tshern
Why's Apocalypse after Silver Surfer?
Amazingly Wolverine once was cosmic. He had a sort of godmaking artifact (rules were: If Wolverine chooses to become a god, all mankind dies, if he doesn't then mankind is shown to have evolved well and is spared. tons of races were wiped out due to the wrong decision in the past but Wolverine chooses to stay human, fanboys almost got to the point where Galactus v Wolverine was credible)
In this gauntlet, he wins against Blade but gets easily beaten by Magneto.
1) Toad = wolverins wins 10/10
2) Captain America = wolverine wins 7/10 only because cap is like batman
3) Sabretooth = wolverin 10/10
4) Punisher = what the hell is he gonna shoot wolverine 10/10
5) Blade = 10/10 for wolverin
6) Magneto = wolverine 10/10 because BS comic #456 wolveine proved that not even prime mags could touch him if he didnt want to be touched.
7) Dr Strange (full magic etc) = this is so easy wolvrine already beat dr. strange in BS comic #687 when strang tryed to get the lords of order to defeat wolvrine..... wolverine just cut of the lords of orders head of
And the Alternate... Gauntlet B
1) Orion = W 10/10
2) Green Lantern/ Kyle = W 10/10
3) Silver Surfer = W 10/10
4) Apocalypse= W 10/10
5) Parallax= W 10/10
6) Galactus= W 10/10
7) The Beyonder= W 10/10 the reason y wolvrine beats all of them is because in BS # 1000 he proved that he was the god the Spectre prayed to
the only person that is equal to wolverine is BS comics Batman
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