Loki (at his most powerful) Vs Magneto (Full Power)
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both are at full power who wins?
grey fox
Draw. Magneto can open a wormhole wheras loki has some serious magic in his hands......
i dont think a worm hole is gonna do much to loki he can just teleport back
It wouldn't be a fight at all. Loki would became intangible and turn E. Magnus into a nice salt statue as punishment for his mortal imprudence.
Sir Whirlysplat
Magneto becomes ice cream
Of that no body doubts.
Loki. Unless he's written down like he sometimes is. Written correctly (not even at "full potential" just not stupidly) he's upper-level herald. His bouts with Thor are well-known and I believe leo mentioned once that he stalemated Surfer. Mags is in a bit over his head. His list of powers is rather impressive as well (including some not-too-shabby matter manipulation), making him quite a bit more versatile than Mags.
Of course, the man ooops the god can even turn clouds into dragons.
Magic users win every time. They're limited only to the needs of the plot. So I could pull death techniques out of a hat and they would be feasible ways for a magic user to beat a non-magic user.
That said, Thor usually beats up on Loki, and in their last encounter Magneto snatched Mjolnir out of Thor's hand and knocked him upside the head with it, so...do the math...
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Loki. Unless he's written down like he sometimes is. Written correctly (not even at "full potential" just not stupidly) he's upper-level herald. His bouts with Thor are well-known and I believe leo mentioned once that he stalemated Surfer. Mags is in a bit over his head. His list of powers is rather impressive as well (including some not-too-shabby matter manipulation), making him quite a bit more versatile than Mags.
Hmmmmm......and this is the guy Apocalypse blasted,.......yet you all seem to think apocalypse is a *****.............hmm............
Originally posted by APOCALYPSE NUR
Hmmmmm......and this is the guy Apocalypse blasted,.......yet you all seem to think apocalypse is a *****.............hmm............
And you seem to be an obvious Apoc fanboy....this thread isn't even about him!?!?
You gotta be kiddin' me....now, don't get me wrong, I love Mags as much as the next guy...really I do, but c'mon...I don't care if Magneto is at full power, half power, quarter power, super-duper power, etc...HE WILL DIE BY LOKI'S HAND...HE IS NOT CALLED THE GOD OF EVIL FOR NOTHING!!! There is almost nothing Loki can't do. His dark sorcery makes beings like Baron Mordo, Dormammu, and even Nightmare look pathetic. I have an issue where Loki battles Dr. Strange. Doc Strange is at full power and Loki is only in his astral form. Loki's very weakened in that state and nowhere near his full potential. It is only with the help of Thor in the end, does Doc Strange barely, and I do mean barely, manage to escape with his life...even with Loki in a very weakened state.
To make a long story short, there is nothing Magneto can throw at Loki that Loki can't counter...it's what Loki throws back Mags can't handle...
I mean, who's to say that when Magneto comes out to face Loki, Loki just transforms into a 1000 foot tall giant and steps on Magneto...or Loki can just turn him into stone or a loaf of bread or something...
actually those are doctored facts. at the time dr strange had neither the eye of aggomato or his cloack. he was fighting loki when nearly powerless{FAR from the full potantial you mention}
and loki is quite a LEVEL below the likes of dormammu who surpass upper skyfather level.
back on topic, loki wins.
Originally posted by demigawd
That said, Thor usually beats up on Loki, and in their last encounter Magneto snatched Mjolnir out of Thor's hand and knocked him upside the head with it, so...do the math...
Wasn't that in the Ultimate universe??
I don't know what comic it was you were readin' but I'm talkin' about Strange Tales issue #182 and in it, Doc Strange has both his cloak and his eye of aggamotto (or however you spell it)...and he was at full power and almost died in battle against a very weakened Loki....
Originally posted by DigiMark007
Wasn't that in the Ultimate universe??
No. I mean, well, it happened there too, but that's not the time i'm talking about.
Magneto goes down hard.....
there is nothing he can do to counter magic....by a god no less!
HAHHAHAHAHAHA! Comicbook Kid couldn't be righter!!!!!
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