Wolverine suddenly got Silver Surfers powers? Could he take Thor? Wait! Thor has suddenly got Exitars powers and intends to use them on the rest of the Celestials but before he can the powers are stolen by Spiderman who is preparing to fight Wonder Woman with Eternity's powers and........
do you see where I'm going with this? "What if" contests are stupid because for the sake of a vs poll the thread starter is basically inventing a character. I'm now asking the Mods to ban further "what if" characters and stick to existing comic characters.
If not, then wait till you guys meet "Stupendous Man".
do you see where I'm going with this? "What if" contests are stupid because for the sake of a vs poll the thread starter is basically inventing a character. I'm now asking the Mods to ban further "what if" characters and stick to existing comic characters.
If not, then wait till you guys meet "Stupendous Man".