Black Adam vs Superman
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Who would win an all out battle
grey fox
Superman has a good shot at taking this , but as always the marvel family have a one up do to their ability to summon magic lightening.
All out? Superman by a long shot.
Normal? 6/10 Superman.
Superman dwfinetly wins here
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
All out? Superman by a long shot.
Normal? 6/10 Superman. Have we ever really seen Black Adam go all out though?
Hell, the maddest I've ever seen him, was when he broke Sobek's jaw.
Originally posted by WorldWarHulk
Have we ever really seen Black Adam go all out though?
Hell, the maddest I've ever seen him, was when he broke Sobek's jaw.
Agreed. Hence the reason why I voted the way that I did.
I couldn't see Adam stalemating Doomsday, E1 Superman, or Darkseid in any way, shape, or form.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Agreed. Hence the reason why I voted the way that I did.
I couldn't see Adam stalemating Doomsday, E1 Superman, or Darkseid in any way, shape, or form. But, he has stalemated Superman.
Also, judging by current Darkseid, and if BA was protected by the Source... then I don't know...


Originally posted by WorldWarHulk
But, he has stalemated Superman.
Also, judging by current Darkseid, and if BA was protected by the Source... then I don't know...

Are you talking about that issue where Adam turned his back on Superman?
Bah! That Amazo was probably that same crappy model that Batman and Robin beat.

Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Are you talking about that issue where Adam turned his back on Superman?
Bah! That Amazo was probably that same crappy model that Batman and Robin beat.

The punch that could crack a moon in half, and Black Adam turned away.
I'll choose to ignore that remark...
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Bah! That Amazo was probably that same crappy model that Batman and Robin beat.
Which means what? It could be anywhere from human level to Odin level then.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Which means what? It could be anywhere from human level to Odin level then.
If it's Odin level, get ready for the Batman vs Odin threads.

Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
If it's Odin level, get ready for the Batman vs Odin threads.
Batman (with more than 3 seconds prep) is at least Odin level.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
If it's Odin level, get ready for the Batman vs Odin threads.

If Odin isn't Spectre level, then he better be prepared to get his ass handed to him.
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