thrawn and 500 stormtroopers vs GG and 800 super battle droids

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Darth Avis
the generals cant fight and cant be killed. they just command. setting: star destroyer in jedi outcast 2

numbers and setting can change if it is too onesided

Read the rules, Avis.

Darth Avis
I will allow some of the fights to be over the team limit...

Examples - Yoda vs. 20 Clones, NJO Luke vs. 30 Vong, etc.

But they have to be within reason...ones that don't fit that will be closed...

hah. it is within reason.

Janus Marius
Here's my questons then:

1. How much experience does Thrawn have with land combat and storm troopers?

2. How much experience does Grievous have in land combat and with super battle droids?

3. How do the commanders stack up against one another?

4. How do the troops stack up against one another?

5. How do the numbers come into play?

6. What evidence can we use to properly figure this battle out?

7. What's the setting? What's the locale? Can you provide a battle map?

... Let me know when it gets too deep.

Thrawn's actually a brilliant fighter on land...didn't he destroy a fighter squadron with just jungle traps? By himself?

Janus Marius
I'm not sure. I was planning to read the series and I never ended up buying it.

Darth Avis
were you sarcastic with those questions?

2. How much experience does Grievous have in land combat and with super battle droids?
a lot of his battles were fought on land and super battle droids are pretty powerful.

3. How do the commanders stack up against one another?
thrawn is a lot better then GG but the general is still a brilliant strategist.

4. How do the troops stack up against one another?
i would say a stormtrooper is a bit worse than a SBD because of the armor. A SBD can probably take a few more shots. this is just my opinion though.

7. What's the setting? What's the locale? Can you provide a battle map?
play outcast 2 in free for all and go into the star destroyer as the arena.

those are the ones i can answer right now.

I don't remember Thrawn being much of a land guy, that's why he was an Admiral not a General. GG has the superior base army, so he stands a good chance.

Thrawn's forte was space tactics and ships, not land battles. However, GG commanded armies during the Clone Wars so he has some experience in this area.

I would say that an average SBD is better than a stormtrooper. It can fire at a rapid rate. Also, average stormtroopers have terrible aim.

So overall, GG has all the advantages. He knows more about ground tactics, has better fighters, and has more guys. GG wins.

Motoko Sama
Originally posted by PurpleSaber
So overall, GG has all the advantages.

All advantages except for the fact Thrawn is his far superior in tactics, other than that I would agree that most advantages do go to Grevious.

Originally posted by Motoko Sama
All advantages except for the fact Thrawn is his far superior in tactics, other than that I would agree that most advantages do go to Grevious.
In space tactics he is, however Thrawn really hasn't been shown to be good at commanding troops on the ground. On the otherhand, GG was doing that for 3 years during the clone wars. He has more experience with troops.

Btw, you change sigs alot.

Motoko Sama
Originally posted by PurpleSaber
In space tactics he is, however Thrawn really hasn't been shown to be good at commanding troops on the ground. On the otherhand, GG was doing that for 3 years during the clone wars. He has more experience with troops.

In all around tactics he is. He's stated to be the greatest genius in galactic history. Regardless of it was space combat or not, Thrawn's tactical abilities surpass pretty much everyone. Albeit, I will say since Thrawn hasn't had as much experience on land, I suppose the terrain advantage goes to Grevious since he'd know what he's working with, but the actual abilities in tactics and outsmarting would go to Thrawn I'd think.

What I just said sounds kind of contradictory in my mind, but meh.

Yeah, I know. I get bored easily, very easily.

Swirly Girl
If the author gave us defined parameters and an actual battleground, instead of telling us to buy a game, we'd be set...

Blaxican Style
Originally posted by PurpleSaber

Also, average stormtroopers have terrible aim.

Complete, total, assinine, bullshit.

Originally posted by Blaxican Style
Complete, total, assinine, bullshit.

Agreed. But it's "asinine."

i think grievou would win. isnt he supposed to have never lost a battle? he has alot of experience. storm troopers arnt as cold and mechanical as the droids either. in the movies they surrender and flee, the droids dont. as long as both are given the same amount of time to prepair and
have the same knowlege of the battlefield grievous takes it.

im not too sure of the setting, if its alot of big spaces and open areas the droids would have an advantage with more rapid fire and the fact they dont feel pain or fear. more closed in spaces wth cover the stormtroopers have the advantage with better agility and stealth techniques. in the end i think superior numbers would work out for grievous.

Greivous' team. Greivous has ground battle experience. And he could kill a lot of the troopers himself.

Darth Avis
okay just wanted to know

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