DN Kyp Durron versus ROTJ Luke and ROTS Anakin

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Do father and son manage to pull it off, or does the Jedi master of the future own it up?

Darth Sexy
Hard to tell. Kyp was second to only Luke, and his force abilities are beyond Anakin and Luke, but I know nothing about his saber abilities.

GM Nebaris

I agree with Nebaris.

I have heard that DN Kyp Durron killed an acient Sith worm by pulling down a lightning bolt. Also he slew a Vong slayer, and considered almost equal to Luke in terms of battle skills by the time of DN. He was regarded in that order as one of the best warriors.

I think he may be able to take father and son in this case.

GM Nebaris
It was actually a leviathan, but still as impressive.

Originally posted by zephiel7
I have heard that DN Kyp Durron killed an acient Sith worm by pulling down a lightning bolt. Also he slew a Vong slayer, and considered almost equal to Luke in terms of battle skills by the time of DN. He was regarded in that order as one of the best warriors.

I think he may be able to take father and son in this case.

He couldn't take down one when Luke took down 7 Vong Slayers. He was considered second to Luke, but he was not his equal. Luke stated himself that he was able to match everyone in the academy in sword battle fighting with his weak hand only....

GM Nebaris
'Luke stated himself that he was able to match everyone in the academy in sword battle fighting with his weak hand only....'

I doubt that's true, I'm pretty sure that someone like Kyle would be able to give him a run for his money, and possibly defeat him.

And about Kyp, his strength lies more in the force and not dueling ability, which is why he didn't really shine in the NJO series. However he is still an exceptional duelist and I may be wrong, but didn't he actually defeat one slayer?

Originally posted by kamikz
He couldn't take down one when Luke took down 7 Vong Slayers. He was considered second to Luke, but he was not his equal. Luke stated himself that he was able to match everyone in the academy in sword battle fighting with his weak hand only....

He was indicated as having a potential in the force almost rivalling Luke. I would say that after fighting all those Vong, and training for several years in the Jedi order, a good portion of that potential was met. We also saw him pulling lightning from the sky, something akin to what Revan did (although his was a force storm it seems). This shows what he is able to do with the force.

What can ROTJ Luke and Anakin do? Force push? Countered.

Fight together? They would not know how to since they never fought beside each other before.

Throw objects at him? Kyp would be able to redirect these not only away, but BACK at them with more kinetic energy.

In an all out saber duel, I doubt either of these could take out a slayer and a couple of Vong to boot. Kyp takes this.

Did I ever say Anakin and Luke would win? No, I just said that he was not equal to NJO Luke.

Oh, you seemed to support Luke so I thought you were implying that the Luke team would win.

I never said Kyp was equal to NJO Luke, only that he was considered the second best of the order at the time.

General Kon-El
Prob the duo. But barely.

Originally posted by zephiel7
Oh, you seemed to support Luke so I thought you were implying that the Luke team would win.

I never said Kyp was equal to NJO Luke, only that he was considered the second best of the order at the time.

I never said you said that he was equal to NJO Luke, I said that he wasn't cause another poster above was implying something like that. And I didn't say anything about Luke or Anakin, I confirmed that he was not an equal to NJO Luke.

Where are they fighting?

Someplace refreshing.

Dantooine fields. Padme and Mara are there naked and kissing each other, while Vandaar has his pimp stick and sun glasses.

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