Midnighter vs Deathstroke
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Which badboy wins??
MN'er = DS 2.0
The only thing that might help Slade is his arsenal, which is generally a bit more badass than the metal staff and ninja stars MN'er has on him.
But put them in a room with no weapons and have them fight, and MN'er will win 9/10.
Originally posted by UniOmni
Which badboy wins??
Beta Ray Howard
Midnighter shouldn't have too many problems with Slade.
The Fake Macoy
Midnighter has pulled off far more impressive feats than DS has. He's got the win.
I think this fight is alot closer then people like to realize. Both have great quickness feats to their names.
Both have advanced thinking abilities both have been shown to hang with some of the bigger boys.
I think though while MN my have the skill edge and possibly the thinking edge DS has the weapons edhe along with a healing factor which MNer lacks.
I think this is a lot better fight then people think.
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