The next time someone brings up Supermans disguise...

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Show them this:

How different can a man look with an alternate hairstyle, glasses, and clothes?


Things that make you go...hmmm....

And who could ever forget THIS classic?

Good point...

although supermans disguise is well documented and entirely believable too... stick out tongue

Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Show them this:

How different can a man look with an alternate hairstyle, glasses, and clothes?


Things that make you go...hmmm....

you forgot bruno,0.jpg

Superman doesn't cover his hairstyle, to my recollection. Superman doesn't have different facial hair. Superman spends much of his time hanging around with journalists and police officers, who are both trained to be observant (police officers especially; "I'm the head of Metropolis' special crime unit, but when someone puts on glasses and changes his hairstyle, it totally baffles me." Right). No dice.

how about Weird Al? He has so many different styles it's not even funny!

Originally posted by Gregory
Superman doesn't cover his hairstyle, to my recollection. Superman doesn't have different facial hair. Superman spends much of his time hanging around with journalists and police officers, who are both trained to be observant (police officers especially; "I'm the head of Metropolis' special crime unit, but when someone puts on glasses and changes his hairstyle, it totally baffles me." Right). No dice. Ditto. Supes disguise makes sense only if you really really reeeeeeeeally want it to. Meaning it doesn't really make sense @all. When Supes had the dumb@ss fabio hair, didn't Clark as well? Stupid people of Metropolis & DC earth in general laughing Let Supes suddenly grow a beard and have Clark stay cleanshaven & then we'll have something.

Originally posted by brainchild81
Let Supes suddenly grow a beard and have Clark stay cleanshaven & then we'll have something.
Agreed. Facial hair actually does make a pretty big difference just looking at Ali G's goatee to Borat's stache to Bruno's clean shaven appearance. Taking off your glasses and slicking your hair, not so much.

Not that I care about how legit Clark's disguise is. It's a comic book afterall. Anyone with a problem with that is just nitpicking.

super pr*xy
you have to realize, too, that people aren't looking for superman in civilian clothes. clark is very "earthly" in appearance. superman wears blue tights with a red cape, not to mention he wears his underwear outside. and then there's the flying. who would think that superman, of all beings, would mingle with the earthlings, hold down a job and pay rent?

have you ever looked for something in the store but you counldn't find it simply because the manufacturer change the way it was packaged?

Originally posted by Validus
Agreed. Facial hair actually does make a pretty big difference just looking at Ali G's goatee to Borat's stache to Bruno's clean shaven appearance. Taking off your glasses and slicking your hair, not so much.

Not that I care about how legit Clark's disguise is. It's a comic book afterall. Anyone with a problem with that is just nitpicking.

I was about to say the same thing.

Big diff between a mustache and a goatee.

But as someone who goes back and forth between glasses and contacts, i can see how the disguise fools a point.

After a while, people can look at you and see the same, if they're in contact with you enough.

But then again, while i'm charismatic and handsome, i don't have the larger than life aura that the Kryptonian gives off either.

I have relevant personal information on this one. Just a week or so ago, I shaved off over nine-years worth of beard, and my mustache. I had my hair cut to above shoulder length after letting it grow for those same nine years. Holy heck, do I look different now; I absolutely guarantee that it changed my appearance more then putting on glasses and mussing his hair changes Superman.

And yet, everybody recognizes me immediately. My dorm-mates, the cleaning lady, my classmates ... even the person who signs people in at the dining hall I frequent immediately recognized me. Because it makes a difference, yes, and if somebody had only seen me once or twice with the beard and the hair they might not recognize me know, but ultimately, it's simply not a viable disguise if you associate with the person you're trying to fool even casually.

Hahaha! Good humor thread. laughing out loud

Originally posted by Validus
Agreed. Facial hair actually does make a pretty big difference just looking at Ali G's goatee to Borat's stache to Bruno's clean shaven appearance. Taking off your glasses and slicking your hair, not so much.

Not that I care about how legit Clark's disguise is. It's a comic book afterall. Anyone with a problem with that is just nitpicking. Not necessarily. I'm all for suspension of disbelief, but w/Supes you need to flat out abandon it. Some just like a bit of believability in their characters. See Borat people. Good movie.

it's a comic book tradition with superman that he can fool people with the smallest changes to his look, I see it as people can't associate superman, a god like hero, with a mumbling, bumbling, old fashioned nerd like clark... I think it's the personality that he brings across is crucial... hense the reeve impersonation was spot on as he seemed completely different in character to superman, something Routh, although a good superman, needs to work on his clark kent at the daily planet character, as their are three characters really, superman, clark kent/kal el of the farm, and clark kent of the daily planet.

Let's not forget that "Matrix" a.k.a. the 90's Supergirl ( a shape shifter) shape shifted into Clark Kent when Superman found "Clark" under the debris of a building during the Death and Return of Superman storyline. Heck Supergirl (posing as Clark) stood next to Superman while the press got pictures.

So it doesn't matter if you guys think the disguise is lame, it's already been shown to the people of the DC universe that Clark and Superman are two different people, thanks to the old shape shifting Supergirl.

What about the period before the 90s? It's always been lame.


i really dont see whats so unreasonable about that... erm

You showed me that b4 I think, but what about when Cadmus had him? He vibrate his face while KOed? During the period when he was "dead". Was Clark showing up to work?

Originally posted by brainchild81
You showed me that b4 I think, but what about when Cadmus had him? He vibrate his face while KOed? During the period when he was "dead". Was Clark showing up to work?

Hmm, maybe i did, i'm not 100% sure either way... embarrasment

They've made excuses before, I mean, as bad as it sounds, people go missing every day, and the whole thing about people not even considering that superman would have another identity...

and cadmus would have no basis for comparison, i mean, im sure there are plenty of white males aged 25-35 with black hair and who are over 6 foot tall... why would cadmus single out clark and go, 'hey, this guy looks just like superman!'

i know they do strecth it at times, but i think alot of people just dismiss it offhand, i mean, heroes work at their secret identities... clark is a polar opposite of superman at times...

What about the fabio hair period?

Originally posted by brainchild81
What about the fabio hair period?

The what period? i wasnt aware such a period existed... shifty

that would be one of those incidents i described as 'stretching it'

Supes had his hair long. Around the time Venom kicked his @ss in a crossover

Let us never speak of Mullet Supes ever again.

laughing He probably thought he was cool as ice w/that s**t too. Probably bought a motorcycle so he could cruise down the highway w/the wind blowing through it.

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