Comic Characters Trade

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What if comic companies were like football/baseball teams and would trade characters like they trade players?

Which characters would like to see traded to another company?
Which ones and why?
Imagine these characters can either be completely reintegrated into the other universe or they can just be transported to the other reality without anyway back? Which every you would prefer.

So who would you trade?

Me, I wanna see
Kyle Rayner
Kon-El (Superboy, Conner)
Flash (Bart and/or Wally)

Traded for
Dr. Pym
The Fantastic Four (Temporally)
The Inhumans

Also I'd like to see Spawn, Witchblade, Darkness, Rorschach and Hellboy brought to the 616 universe.

I'd like to see Doomsday in the Marvel U. The threat of him would be much shorter.

Not really...

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