She-Ra vs She-Hulk

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I was watching an old ep of She-ra and was wondering if she could take Jennifer out. I mean She-ra is pretty tough and bad ass. She is the female carbon copy of He-Man. What say you all?

She-Hulk dies

how much of Hulk is SheHulk? I mean does she have his durability or half of his powers?

Originally posted by LordFear
how much of Hulk is SheHulk? I mean does she have his durability or half of his powers?

The upper limits of her strength are unknown but are still believed to be well below that of the Hulk's.

Regardless, She-Ra takes her.

She-Ra wouldn't have much of a problem here. She-Ra would probably be even above Wonder Woman strength.

Originally posted by charlemagne9746
She-Ra wouldn't have much of a problem here. She-Ra would probably be even above Wonder Woman strength.

Are you serious? You really think she is that powerful?
I have seen her grow weak without the sword in her possession for awhile. Similar to Thor and Mjolnir. I was thinking that as the battle raged Jennifer would realize that and exploit that weakness

Originally posted by LordFear
Are you serious? You really think she is that powerful?
I have seen her grow weak without the sword in her possession for awhile. Similar to Thor and Mjolnir. I was thinking that as the battle raged Jennifer would realize that and exploit that weakness

She-Ra does not grow weak without the Sword of Protection.

I distinctly remember eps where lacking her sword rendered her weak. I don't wanna argue without the facts so will get back to you on that

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