Bat Family vs....

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Space M ummy
The Bat Family wakes up one day to discover Gotham has been taken over by COBRA.

The Bat Family has 24 hours of prep and ALL available gadgets (minus the phantom zone projector) before ten thousand B.A.T'S (lol) arrive as reinforcements.

The Red Hood
Cassandra Cain


Cobra Commander
Major Bludd
The Baroness
Tomax and Xamot

fight takes place in gotham.

ALL gadgets? soooo... does that include ones that Batman uses in JLA work? teleporter, invisibility...

and would that mean the Bat family has the motherbox available to them?

As much as I like Cobra Commander and think he was vastly underrated, COBRA's ****ed. Batman alone could win this with prep. Put Cobra commander against Batman in a fair fight, not one with Bats having one sided prep. Btw, the cartoon version is very different from the Comic one. The comic version of him is quite intelligent and would be a good opponent for the Bats.

Space M ummy
Originally posted by tjcoady
ALL gadgets? soooo... does that include ones that Batman uses in JLA work? teleporter, invisibility...

and would that mean the Bat family has the motherbox available to them?

as batman rarely, if ever, whips out a motherbox etc. in his own titles, I'm going to go with no here.

These are streetlevelers...heavily armed streetlevelers, but still street levs. Assume he'd treat them as such.

yeah, comic COBRA was a very different animal than cartoon COBRA. In terms of fighting skill, I'd put cobra commander dead last on that list- there's no way he'd go H2H with batman, not when Storm Shadow AND Firefly are both master ninjas, and major bludd has mastery of pretty much every weapon known to man.

Destro is probably the man to beat here though. Tons of arms and gadgets, very intelligent and resourceful...

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