Cable v.s Captain Atom
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as depicted in the 90's DC v.s Marvel. Who wins?
Nathaniel kicks the shit outta him.
Originally posted by Redatom65
as depicted in the 90's DC v.s Marvel. Who wins?
Wait if it's both 90s version than I'm not so sure Cable would win. Also where did you get that pic from...
Second I don't think Atom can handle TK Blast but Nate wasn't using that huge amount in the 90s. (Techno Virus and bad writing). But bullets won't do anything. The advantage is flight for Captain Atom. High blasts and distance. Cable is a strong one though but 90s version isn't as strong as the C&DP version who isn't really using guns. Gunslinger Cable has a chance to go down here the way I see it. And Captain Atom needs more respect.
don't shiv
90's Cable defeated Nate Grey in unarmed Combat.
Nuff said.
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