anti-monitor vs parallax
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Originally posted by qqqqqqq
who wins?
Good mornin
Parallax ?? Hmm...Maybe if he is in Hal's body. But he infected Ganthet and the GL armada (John,Guy,Hal,Kyle and Kilowog)...Took him down and put him back to the central battery.
have we done this before?
i dont see how since anti monitor killed countless universes i dont remeber parallax doing nothing like that, even if he did he did it to once universe and used up all his power.
Originally posted by Mider999
i dont see how since anti monitor killed countless universes i dont remeber parallax doing nothing like that, even if he did he did it to once universe and used up all his power. AM only was able to destroy what he did with the help of his tech.
Parallax actually destroyed ALL of existance within the DCU, and he still had enough power to go toe to toe with Spectre and a host of other heroes, while at the same time creating a new universe in the old ones place.
Yeah I think it's safe to say that he takes this.
when you say all existence you mean the multiverse or just the one universe, and who cares if he did it with his teach i remeber him going toe to toe with the spectre also.
bringing this thread back.
King Kandy
Darthgoober has shown quite well that Anti-Moniter isn't as strong as people credit him with.
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