Black bolt vs. The Flash

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fight takes place in a desert

BB has 2 hours of prep

who wins

Originally posted by cowboy
fight takes place in a desert

BB has 2 hours of prep

who wins

If BB starts the match at the buzzer with his mouth open, Flash Dies, If flash Tags BB somehow before the scream hits him, BB is knocked out cold. BB 6/10 based on the fact that He could kill flash but I think flash could only knock him out. I could be wrong tho.

I heard someone put it like this. If Black Bolt is in a room and someone turns on the light, can he react before the light reaches him?

Originally posted by cowboy
fight takes place in a desert

BB has 2 hours of prep

who wins

BB screams, its over

Who ever goes first wins, and since it's the Flash you know the answer to that.

It all comes down to the if its posible to stop Flash with two hours of prep. I already stated that as long as you can build a machine that sends a psychic wave, Flash aint getting past it.

Blackbolt is no prep master though, he goes down.

Isay Flash, unless included in that prep time BB has the chance to sneak up on Flash. Then its BB.

BB for the win hell even if Flash affects BB it will probaly cause him to say Ow and there would be your win right there...

Blair Wind
Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
I heard someone put it like this. If Black Bolt is in a room and someone turns on the light, can he react before the light reaches him?

Nice yes

if you ask me Flash is either under writtan or he's just overrated. regardless I think it's Blackbolt who wins here

Symmetric Chaos
Unless Blackblot's attack is near hitting Flash when the fight start he'll lose


Originally posted by Sparkz
BB for the win hell even if Flash affects BB it will probaly cause him to say Ow and there would be your win right there...

If Flash punches BB's head off, BB is not saying ow.

I'm ssure that BB's years of trying not to speak ever include not saying ow when punched... I realize that its bloodlust, but you speak like its a reflex of some sort, but really, 'ow' isnt at all...

Flash FTW

black screams flash dies.


Black Bolt!

His scream is only one part of his true power!

Hum... Black Bolt is maybe to tough for Flash.


Originally posted by cowboy
fight takes place in a desert
BB has 2 hours of prep
who wins
What's Black Bolt going to do to prep? Can he set up electron-construct traps? Can he erect electron-alarm fields? If so, he wins. If not, he loses. A yell won't do it. In the microsecond it will take him to execute it, Flash will be on him a thousand times over.

I'm not to familiar with exotic power of Black Bolt.

Originally posted by Doctor-Alvis
I heard someone put it like this. If Black Bolt is in a room and someone turns on the light, can he react before the light reaches him?

Flash, the guy turning on the light and the room are utterly destroyed

This begs the question: is Black Bolt's scream faster than Flash's ability to think/process information?

As far as I'm concerned, if Flash doesn't want to be hit with Blackagar's scream, he won't be. Prep or no prep involved.

Flash wins with embarrassing ease.

Flash out-races electrons, sound, BB's speed of thought. simple as that.

psycho gundam
this is how I see it: IF...blackbolt gets a brief breakdown of flash's powers(his name is flash after all) he would logically amp his strength and durability so he would not so easily get blitzed. the fight starts and
blackbolt takes several thousand punches but is still awake. he then takes some swings but hits nothing. the flash is moving about so fast that he cannot be seen(thinking up his own stratagem), blackbolt on the other hand simply flies up into the air then considers the way he was attacked. he uses his voice to shatter the battle field in order to slow down the flash. he finds the flash covered in some rubble and soon frees himself. with flash unable to attack him effectively, blackbolt sees the only way to end the fight is to use a full scream.

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