Lifegaurd vs Storm

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Symmetric Chaos
Take this one fan boys

I'll assume you know Lifegaurd's power what does Storm do now?

oh man

or what about Storm vs Leech with a shotgun?

Brian Oswald
Lifeguard and Darwin vs Storm shifty

thats still one-sided, give them longshot

Symmetric Chaos
I was thinking TOAA too

What If...

These threads aren't funny, sorry, but you get -5/10 for trying to fit in. sad

Storm is forever ruined on these boards, never taken seriously again, because no-named posters are trying to entice the 2-3 storm fanboys.

Symmetric Chaos
I have a name

Have you seen the recent storm threads?

this is totally justified

I count 3 people who are having fun with this...

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