king hyperion vs despero
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And no telepaths in this fight, just a brawl.
Originally posted by carver9
And no telepaths in this fight, just a brawl.
who is king hyperion. is this the same hyperion from squad supreme
are you gonna tell us who king hyperion is or what.
Endless Mike
He's the Hyperion from Exiles who was supposedly super powerful but still couldn't stop an asteroid.
Originally posted by xmeat
despero xmeat has a thing for big, mascular comic characters
is this the guy who supposidly killed galactus, i dont now how despero can kill him, he got blown up cause gambit charged up a magic sword to blow the guy up and he still lived.
Endless Mike
If you ask me, the Galactus in his universe must have been really weak because he was hardly impressive.
Originally posted by qqqqqqq
xmeat has a thing for big, mascular comic characters STFU
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