
Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.

The following program is a program I made. It is version 1.0 of KashiDraw, a drawing program made by and for sig makers.


v1.0 is very simple. Here is what you can and cant do:

You can draw in either red or black.
You can erase your lines.
The stage is at a fixed size of 435px by 130px.
You cant change the stage size.
The stage isn't distinguished from the rest of the interface: you can draw on the buttons.
At this point in time, you can't save, but i am working on it.
You cant copy or paste from or into KashiDraw.
There are no layers.
The only way to export anything.

As you can see, simple is an understatement. v1.5 is currently in Beta. Here is what I hope to achieve:

Draw in a variety of colours, i am aiming for around 20.
A straight line tool.
A text tool.
Different size pencils.
MAYBE a layer tool.
Transparency on the pencil tool.
A separate stage.

It will still be simple, but iI think it will be more usable. Please post some feedback.

All future versions will be posted here, free for you to download.


I did not read the opening post nor did I click the link.

o thats interesting yes

You can save, but it is complex. Here is the procedure:

1) Once you have finished, hit Print Screen on your keyboard
2) Open up mspaint and hit CTRL+V
3) Move the stage area to the top left using the rectangular marquee tool
4) Crop the image
5) Save the file

I made a sig in it, which you can see in my showcase.

Originally posted by Morning_Glory
o thats interesting yes

as in interesting or sarcastic interesting?

This might be considered Spam.

eek! that's cool!

an interesting interesting blink Originally posted by LifeInSepia
as in interesting or sarcastic interesting?

Originally posted by Puzzle
This might be considered Spam.

as in might or is? Im sorry if it is sad

Originally posted by johnnyforever
eek! that's cool!

thanks embarrasment

Originally posted by LifeInSepia
as in might or is? Im sorry if it is sad

As in might, I have no idea if it is or not.

Surprisingly, I'm interested. I'm working on computer engineering, so if there's anything I could do to help with the programming, or distribution, please let me know. For now? I'ma check this thing out.

I erased the eraser. vin

Originally posted by ~Pielover~
Surprisingly, I'm interested. I'm working on computer engineering, so if there's anything I could do to help with the programming, or distribution, please let me know. For now? I'ma check this thing out.

its incredible people are taking an interest in it! I'm incredibly flattered! The program is made in flash using action script, and will be until i go to university and learn a proper language laughing out loud You don't have to distribute v1.0, but tell some people, 1.5 will be much better.

Originally posted by Bloigen
I erased the eraser. vin

its great isnt it? *note sarcasm*

Originally posted by LifeInSepia
its great isnt it? *note sarcasm*

Erasing the eraser? Uh yeah, it's amazing. *doesn't*

Originally posted by LifeInSepia
its incredible people are taking an interest in it! I'm incredibly flattered! The program is made in flash using action script, and will be until i go to university and learn a proper language laughing out loud You don't have to distribute v1.0, but tell some people, 1.5 will be much better. Well, for jow this is an acceptable "beta" version, but some things you could do to help yourself out.

If you want to keep it kinda like a "browser program" that you've got going now, get an HTML sourcebook. I'm sure they have the exact codings for colors, saves, and such there. I breifly browsed through one, and they had the HTML codes for pop-up, so I'm sure colors will be there.

And maybe in the future, get yourself some programmnig knowledege, and make it a fully-fledged program, with desktop icons and such. Making it good would require long hours of work and substantial knowledge of computer programming though.

But who know? If you do it right, it could be the next Photoshop.

Originally posted by Bloigen
Erasing the eraser? Uh yeah, it's amazing. *doesn't*

i was tlaking about the entire software, and the fact that you can erase the eraser. in 1.5 you wont be able to do that.


kool beans

Originally posted by ~Pielover~
Well, for jow this is an acceptable "beta" version, but some things you could do to help yourself out.

If you want to keep it kinda like a "browser program" that you've got going now, get an HTML sourcebook. I'm sure they have the exact codings for colors, saves, and such there. I breifly browsed through one, and they had the HTML codes for pop-up, so I'm sure colors will be there.

And maybe in the future, get yourself some programmnig knowledege, and make it a fully-fledged program, with desktop icons and such. Making it good would require long hours of work and substantial knowledge of computer programming though.

But who know? If you do it right, it could be the next Photoshop.


I have already worked out a colour code, there is one in the current version using hexadecimal code. The annoying thing is that its a swf file, i cant make a desktop icon without a lot of hassle. Also, its not in HTML, and i dont know if action script supports HTML messed I have asked some experienced coders about such matters, and i am yet to receive a response.

before we go any further, i would like to point some things out first:

this is not entirely my own work. i was given some pointers and help form other, more experienced coders. i would say around 35% of it i recieved help on.

I hope you wont think any less of me or the software.

Originally posted by LifeInSepia

I have already worked out a colour code, there is one in the current version using hexadecimal code. The annoying thing is that its a swf file, i cant make a desktop icon without a lot of hassle. Also, its not in HTML, and i dont know if action script supports HTML messed I have asked some experienced coders about such matters, and i am yet to receive a response.

before we go any further, i would like to point some things out first:

this is not entirely my own work. i was given some pointers and help form other, more experienced coders. i would say around 35% of it i recieved help on.

I hope you wont think any less of me or the software. not at all. Anyone who could do that by themselves must be an incredibly adapt self-learner, and a quite determined fellow with vast amounts of spare time. The fact that you didn't means you are human. 'Tis no big deal.

v1.5 update

i have made a 50% alpha version for each of the colours. With luck, i may be able to make some sort of slider, or adjuster. It may only go up in 5s or 10s though. 1s would be tedious for the user, but i am open to persuation

Originally posted by Morning_Glory
o thats interesting yes

*bump* hmm

w00t KashiDraw v1.5 is almost finished!

Things added

More colours
An opening interface with 'new document' and a 'help/tutorials'.
The Kashi logo.
Some cool (ahem) interface additions.
Keyboard short cuts.

Things left to add:

A defined stage (still)
Some icon trouble
More colours
The Help/Tutorials section
The eraser tool has been modified so that it erases the entire thing. This makes sense, you'd know why if i ever release the beta version, or '1.2 and a half'.
MAYBE a paste option

Things that will be left for future versions:

Transparency slider/buttons.

Any suggestions?

Originally posted by Bloigen
I erased the eraser. vin

wierd i did the same thing O>O

it needs work but its better than anything i could do

which is nothing at all

Text-only Version: Click HERE to see this thread with all of the graphics, features, and links.