Sersi vs Superman
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Sersi has one week prep divided as follows:-
- 2 days devoted to enhancing her speed and reflexes, with speed training under Makkari.
- 2 days devoted to enhancing her strength, durability and regeneration, with H2H combat training under Gilgamesh.
- 2 days for cosmic energy manipulation practice, with aid from Ikaris.
- 1 day to practice her own specialties in matter manipulation, telekinesis, telepathy and illusion casting; and meditation to instill her training from the previous days.
They fight on an unpopulated Earth at midday, starting in the Nevada desert.
It's not gonna help that much. Supes will still blitz her.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
Superboy Prime
You's a nice idea, but since you haven't given any stats as to how much her speed, strength etc. are increased it's really, really hard to gauge.
I'd still say Supes just because his stats are not a big variable in this matchup.
the Darkone
Sersi is 40 tons under normal conditions she can increase it to unknown levels, let's put it this way she was strong enough to KO Immortal Hercules with one punch, she flies at Mach speed, but she can teleport at a whim or anybody else, she psi-scan minds, telekinesis, telepathy cast illusions, increase her metabolism, can't feel any physical pain. Sersi is powerful enough to blow up the planet, she will just turn him into a tampon and then use it.
Superboy Prime
Originally posted by the Darkone
Sersi is 40 tons under normal conditions she can increase it to unknown levels, let's put it this way she was strong enough to KO Immortal Hercules with one punch, she flies at Mach speed, but she can teleport at a whim or anybody else, she psi-scan minds, telekinesis, telepathy cast illusions, increase her metabolism, can't feel any physical pain. Sersi is powerful enough to blow up the planet, she will just turn him into a tampon and then use it.
I know her current stats. I was asking for some information as to how much her stats are increased after all her training.
Ew@being used as a tampon. Bloodlust incarnate.
the Darkone
Originally posted by Superboy Prime
I know her current stats. I was asking for some information as to how much her stats are increased after all her training.
Ew@being used as a tampon. Bloodlust incarnate.
Let's put it this way Zuras consider her the second most powerful Eternal next to him without increase her abilities, she does have control of all forms of energy. I don't think she has reached her full potentail, like Ikaris has where he can sense beings light years away.
Originally posted by the Darkone
Let's put it this way Zuras consider her the second most powerful Eternal next to him without increase her abilities, she does have control of all forms of energy. I don't think she has reached her full potentail, like Ikaris has where he can sense beings light years away.
sersi without prep beats supes
Originally posted by carver9
sersi without prep beats supes
no dooder, Superman would speedblitz her to death.
Originally posted by carver9
sersi without prep beats off supes
nothing superman can do to her.
She would sence his weakness, and bombard him with red sunlight radation, then turn his costume and all his bodily hair into kryptonite, then mind wipe him into thinking he was one of the village people .
Symmetric Chaos
She might be able to pull it off.
Threads like this are funny because of the obvious bias posters show in them.
Random Poster with Marvel Sig: Sersi wins - she's Uber at matter manipulation. She is an eternal.
Random Poster with DC Avatar: Nah-uhhhhh Superman wins, via speedblitz.
Marvel fanboy: Sersi wins....she can sense his weaknesses ..etc..etc
DC fanboy: Superman wins RARRR....cuz he's SUPAMAN OMGBBQWTF1!!!1!
I firmly believe that the fight would be entertaining, but halfway through it Huey Freeman would appear and pimpslap the both of them down, in the name of B.R.U.H.

Kid Kurdy
Superman >>> Sersi. Prep or no prep.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by boriquaking55
Threads like this are funny because of the obvious bias posters show in them.
Random Poster with Marvel Sig: Sersi wins - she's Uber at matter manipulation. She is an eternal.
Random Poster with DC Avatar: Nah-uhhhhh Superman wins, via speedblitz.
Marvel fanboy: Sersi wins....she can sense his weaknesses ..etc..etc
DC fanboy: Superman wins RARRR....cuz he's SUPAMAN OMGBBQWTF1!!!1!
So . . . which one of those am I?
I have a Marvel sig. I happen to like DC. I said Sersi "might" be able to do it.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
So . . . which one of those am I?
I have a Marvel sig. I happen to like DC. I said Sersi "might" be able to do it. You're a hermaphrodite.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
You're a hermaphrodite.
I thought Spunky was the only one.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
I thought Spunky was the only one. You can mate and have twins. doped
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
You can mate and have twins. doped
Have you seen Spunky's face in RL?

I'd imagine it resembles his hermaphrodite genitals. Why did you make me imagine that? Sadist.
Anyway. Back on topic.
Symmetric Chaos
Very well.
Sersi could win this if she plays it smart enough and amps herself as best she can. If she can hit Clark with stuff to drop him down a bit as soon as the fight starts Sersi has a good chance IMO.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Very well.
Sersi could win this if she plays it smart enough and amps herself as best she can. If she can hit Clark with stuff to drop him down a bit as soon as the fight starts Sersi has a good chance IMO.
As soon as the fight starts Sersi's gonna be eating dirt.
T-Vo for the mother****ing win!
Originally posted by Skeets
As soon as the fight starts Sersi's gonna be eating dirt.
T-Vo for the mother****ing win!
If she can turn herself into a Deviant, could she turn herself into a Kryptonian? Could she use her powers over matter and cosmic energy to emulate kryptonite? Red sun radiation? Just playing Devil's Advocate.
As far as I know, she's never encountered a kryptonian, nor is DNA part of 'standard knowledge' that each opponent receives.
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