One shot Wonders!!!

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Taking the very Top Tiers

Superman/Thor/Silver Surfer/M'Onel/Hal Jordan

Who has been able to one Shot these guys either with a punch or Energy Blast. Or Even one Shot someone comparible. Someone comparible would be like CM, WW, Hulk, Black Bolt ,Captain Atom

Endless Mike
Doomsday one - shotted Darkseid.

Originally posted by Endless Mike
Doomsday one - shotted Darkseid.

I dont' remember that. I remember Him beating up on DS and throwing many punches, before DS was out cold.

the Zod that wore armor broke Superman's jaw in one punch in his first appearance, and while he wasn't unconscious, him nor the JLA wanted anything to do with him.

I Think Odin has one shotted a many a top tiers.

Surfer and Drax come to mind.

umm is there a certain level these guys can be up to? I agree with wut u ahve listed so far and blackbolt if he screams

Originally posted by Hannibal-Lector
umm is there a certain level these guys can be up to? I agree with wut u ahve listed so far and blackbolt if he screams

No one above Odin LvL. And The person has to be at least as tuff as the indestructible caption Atom.( the one getting one shotted)

Originally posted by Endless Mike
Doomsday one - shotted Darkseid. poor ds really got rocked by doomsday. it was a curbstomp. im glad superman was there to save ds. the new god needed emt's. im glad when desaad called 911 superman was there for him. stick out tongue

Originally posted by quanchi112
poor ds really got rocked by doomsday. it was a curbstomp. im glad superman was there to save ds. the new god needed emt's. im glad when desaad called 911 superman was there for him. stick out tongue

This is called ONe shot wonders noob. DD didn't One shot DS. But DS did one shot DD. laughing

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Taking the very Top Tiers

Superman/Thor/Silver Surfer/M'Onel/Hal Jordan

Who has been able to one Shot these guys either with a punch or Energy Blast. Or Even one Shot someone comparible. Someone comparible would be like CM, WW, Hulk, Black Bolt ,Captain Atom

Hal/Parallax one shotted Superman

Ultimus has one shotted Thor (but that was decades ago)

Originally posted by Scoobless
Hal/Parallax one shotted Superman

Ultimus has one shotted Thor (but that was decades ago)

parallax is too high. he can one shot anybody.

Ultimus was giving the JLA fits in the cross over. If that is the same guy.

cap marvel one-shotted supes. sucker punch, but still.

flash one-shotted that white martian with his IMP.

WAYYY back in the day, wonderman one-shotted thor.

pretty sure hercules one-shotted the abomination . . .

Wonder Woman one shotted Captain Atom
Despero one Shotted superman, WW, and Captain Marvel at the same time.
Doomsday One Shotted guy gardner and MM pretending to be bloodwyne
Storm One Shotted Silver surfer with a lighting bolt.
Wonder man One Shotted Wolverine and then kept on beating his ass.

Superboy Prime
Marvel hit Supes more than once if memory ain't failing.

SBP one Shot Pantha. Even tho she isn't any where near Top tier. That was the best ONe shot I've ever seen in the history of comics. LMAO.

Originally posted by Superboy Prime
Marvel hit Supes more than once if memory ain't failing.

They've had SEVERAL encounters. I thought, at least once, Marvel hit him with one of his SHAZAM-punches, and one-shotted him?

Maybe MY memory is failing....

I say we expand the one-shots to more than just the top-tier....

I mean, seeing Batman one-shot Deathstroke (albeit with a surprise attack with the butt of a rifle) is pretty damned entertaining too.

Superboy Prime
I'm talking about the one where Marvel punches him by surprise and Supes take a step back somewhat stunned, and then Marvel finishes him with a second magically charged blow.

But you're right they have fought many times, so there could be another instance.

Originally posted by Soljer
I say we expand the one-shots to more than just the top-tier....

I mean, seeing Batman one-shot Deathstroke (albeit with a surprise attack with the butt of a rifle) is pretty damned entertaining too.

Ok Well one Shots can be expanded but Only one tier lvl up for Anyone Mid tier down. So No Thanos one shotting Iron man. that doesnt' count as a good one shot. Now if warbird were able to one shot iron man, that would be a good one.

batman one shotting guy gardner was a hoot too. Wish I had the scans of that one.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Ok Well one Shots can be expanded but Only one tier lvl up for Anyone Mid tier down. So No Thanos one shotting Iron man. that doesnt' count as a good one shot. Now if warbird were able to one shot iron man, that would be a good one.

batman one shotting guy gardner was a hoot too. Wish I had the scans of that one.

Well, obviously, it has to be one-shotting someone in their tier or higher.

Like you said, seeing Thanos put down Ironman is no big deal. Seeing the Hulk knock out Joe Blow isn't entertaining...

Seeing Batman punch out a green lantern WAS hilarious, though.

Black Canary One Shot a Red Tornado Android. I thought that was impressive.

can't forget about Sersi And Herc. one of the best moments in comics.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Storm One Shotted Silver surfer with a lighting bolt.
When? They've only met twice as far as I can remember and once Surfer either told her to stop or came after her for it.

Captain America one-shotting Thunderball, the Enchantress, a Doombot, Scorpion.

And speaking of Hercules, Iron Fist one-shotting him was cool, too.

even though herc was mortal and drunk....

Iron Fist actually has a lot of cool one-shots, by virtue of his namesake...

Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
When? They've only met twice as far as I can remember and once Surfer either told her to stop or came after her for it.

infnity crusade, She let him have it.

has Spiderman ever one shot anyone?

Apocalypse one-shots the Living Monolith.

Owned. 313

Endless Mike
Thanos one - shotted Champion with one finger

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
infnity crusade, She let him have it.
I'm fairly sure he was awake through that. Enough to grab her by the wrists and tell her to knock it off.

Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
I'm fairly sure he was awake through that. Enough to grab her by the wrists and tell her to knock it off.

NO, She was flying by, zapped him and then flew off.

Hmm... I'm actually very surprised I haven't seen that one, for obvious reasons. The only meeting of I'm aware of in that period is this one. Sorry I don't have the full picture.

Originally posted by Swanky-Tuna
Hmm... I'm actually very surprised I haven't seen that one, for obvious reasons. The only meeting of I'm aware of in that period is this one. Sorry I don't have the full picture.

That's not it. Storm was flying off with someone, I think Wonder man, and she just flies past, and zaps the shit out of surfer. She owned him in one blast. I can't put my finger one which book i read that in. I thought it was kinda ODD and then I just chalked it up to her being powerful on a different planet.

Batman = Batkick = King of the one shot's .

Sersi one shotted Hercules

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
That's not it. Storm was flying off with someone, I think Wonder man, and she just flies past, and zaps the shit out of surfer. She owned him in one blast. I can't put my finger one which book i read that in. I thought it was kinda ODD and then I just chalked it up to her being powerful on a different planet.
Yeah....that never happened. Surfer was weakened from pulling a kamikaze against the Goddess, and after he got some of his powers back and beat the shit out of Wonderman, Storm flew up and zapped him while he was trying to heal Wonderman's wounds. But she never actually KO'd him or anything, he was right back up on his feet.

Ultimate Thing one-shotted Zombie Hulk In Ultimate Fantastic Four #23.

Darkseid was oneshot... by the darkness...

in a superman comic out this month... Darkseid couldn't see where he was going cause it was dark, fell down a step and landed face first on the floor.

Darkseid < The clapper.

I think the Phoenix Force (Rachel) 1 shoted Galactus. After dodging a few blasts from Galactus she went offensive and delivered a psionic blast to his face. Galactus fell and his armor was smoking and looked like it had cracks in it. Game over.

And yes I do know both were in weakened conditions but I say it still counts.

Originally posted by leonidas
cap marvel one-shotted supes. sucker punch, but still.

flash one-shotted that white martian with his IMP.

WAYYY back in the day, wonderman one-shotted thor.

pretty sure hercules one-shotted the abomination . . .

Pretty sure the Captain Marvel did it with 2 hits while Supes was unaware. A bit of a nitpick..but it is a 1 shot thread. wink

Parallax and Cyborg Superman have both 1 shotted Superman. stick out tongue

Also during Thanos's quest for the I-Gems, Thanos backhanded In-Betweener and sat him on his a$$ with a nosebleed. Up until that point I never expected to see IB easily put in that condition.

The Hulk one-shots a watcher at some point, no?

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