eddie brock vs cletus kassady without symbiotes

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no weapons either just hands

Originally posted by harri
no weapons either just hands


Kassidy is a murderer. Brock fighting skills aren't all that. Kassidy should choke him out and kill him.

Originally posted by DARKLORDCAEDUS
Kassidy is a murderer. Brock fighting skills aren't all that. Kassidy should choke him out and kill him.

Ur right, DLC. I need to read more Spideys big grin

brock wins the majority, if cletus manages to get brock down onto the floor he has a decent chance.

Brock was able to lift 700 pounds.

Eddie Brock takes the Majority if not all.

Yeah Brock was in crazy good shape. I think I heard he was like the equivilant of a olympic weight lifter. Once he got fired all he did was lift weights and hate spider-man

Fighting skills mean more than how much they can bench in this range.

Thats obviously true, but Cletus always struck me as a sniveling little punk when unarmed.

hasnt current brock not cancer? and is cassidy not dead?

Current Brock has cancer and a Spidey suit made out of Nylon..He looses.

Current Brock looks like a bulemic grandpa.ermm

Originally posted by Estacado
Current Brock looks like a bulemic grandpa.ermm
Muahah, he still probnally gonna get his asked kicked by MJ in the next sensational.

Originally posted by Priest
Muahah, he still probnally gonna get his asked kicked by MJ in the next sensational.
Or by one of the nurses for not staying in bed and runing around in a stupid costume.313

Brock used to be peak human, dunno about now though :/

Originally posted by llagrok
Brock used to be peak human, dunno about now though :/
yep, i think he used to bench at least 400 lbs, or it could of been 800 erm
but in any case he probally couldent win a arm wrestling match against a 8 year old.

Eddie nowdays

Brock owns Cletus. Way more durable and stronger and it's not like Cletus is a superior fighter than Eddie anyway, Brock can fight at least as good as Cletus if not better.

just because cletus is a psycho murderer doesnt mean he has fighting skills, brock is strong as hell, he'll 1 punch cletus, and cletus would be KO'd

Originally posted by Terryc250
just because cletus is a psycho murderer doesnt mean he has fighting skills, brock is strong as hell, he'll 1 punch cletus, and cletus would be KO'd Originally posted by Estacado
Eddie nowdays

Originally posted by Terryc250
just because cletus is a psycho murderer doesnt mean he has fighting skills, brock is strong as hell, he'll 1 punch cletus, and cletus would be KO'd
We'd have to find out what kind of chin Cletus has.

The most Cletus would do is probably bite eddie... which may make him flinch back in pain, then punch him/ kill him

eddie straight kicks his ass.

Originally posted by Priest
Current Brock has cancer and a Spidey suit made out of Nylon..He looses.

Thats a stupid post, considering Cassady is dead.

kassidy straight up. brock is nothing but a steroid using photographer. kassidy is a natural born killer.

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