Gambit/Psylock vs. Adam X/LongShot

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Psy is in her classic Ninja Ssy powered Mode.

Adam X has skills, but a telekinetic has an unfair advantage here. Then again, Longshot is a walking unfair advantage.

Originally posted by llagrok
Adam X has skills, but a telekinetic has an unfair advantage here. Then again, Longshot is a walking unfair advantage.

Psylock wasn't a TK in her classic days. She was a Ninja with A Psy knife that was her usual MO.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Psylock wasn't a TK in her classic days. She was a Ninja with A Psy knife that was her usual MO.

Right. I had no idea was ssy mode meant xD

It still looks like team 1 can take a pretty solid majority. Gambit is pretty much useless here due to his inability to hit adam x or longshot. Longshot has his luckpowers, Adam has skills+ enhanced physique. Psylocke has a 1-hit KO option which should make them capable of taking 7/10

Originally posted by llagrok
Right. I had no idea was ssy mode meant xD

It still looks like team 1 can take a pretty solid majority. Gambit is pretty much useless here due to his inability to hit adam x or longshot. Longshot has his luckpowers, Adam has skills+ enhanced physique. Psylocke has a 1-hit KO option which should make them capable of taking 7/10

Psy can also make gambit's job easier. She once pwned one of those Acolytes by making him thinking he was heading for clear air, and wham, right into a brick wall. gambit is no slouch in agility and his ability to blow up stuff and be the most dmg inflicting has me thinking each team barely get's out alive. 5/10 each.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Psy is in her classic Ninja Ssy powered Mode.

Team One

Interesting fight. Psylocke's TP is the dangerous part for team 2. If she can take out Adam X quick, they win. However, Adam is FAST. He took down X-Factor before they even knew what hit them, that's including Cable.

To be safe, I'll say 5/10 for both teams. rolling on floor laughing

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