Marvel team runs the gauntlet
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current/end game thor
Annihilation silver surfer with quantum bands
1 sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 100 manhunters
2 Cyborg superman, sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 500 manhunters
3 Superman Prime, Cyborg Superman, Sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 1000 manhunters
4 Parallax, Superman Prime, Cyborg Superman, Sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 5000 manhunters
5 Anti-monitor
1. easy
2. Moderately difficult but if they could get henshaw anyfrom tech they could get a forum win
3. Not that strong....
4. If there was a shit load of pis cis and retcons
5. No way in hell
Space M ummy
Originally posted by SumOfAllFear
current/end game thor
Annihilation silver surfer with quantum bands
1 sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 100 manhunters
2 Cyborg superman, sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 500 manhunters
3 Superman Prime, Cyborg Superman, Sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 1000 manhunters
4 Parallax, Superman Prime, Cyborg Superman, Sinestro, amon sur, arkillo, 5000 manhunters
5 Anti-monitor
It's not certain that "current" Thor is still "endgame" Thor. But if we're talking "Full power of the runes, more powerful than Odin, Skyfather Thor?"
They clear everything up to 5. All versions of superman still have a magical weakness, and RKT/endgame Thor is practically a walking magical battery. Superman Prime may be strong, but that version of Thor had the power to wreck galaxies and crush planets into dust. (assuming he was on Odin's level, of course.)
Toss in the fact that anyone who can't cross dimensions under their own power will be instantly BFR'ed (goodbye, 1000 manhunters) and it's looking even better.
The antimonitor might be a bit much, but I freely admit I don't know how powerful current antimonitor actually is.
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