Is Bishop above Street level??
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Bishop's mutant ability enables him to absorb all forms of radiant or conductive energy that are directed towards him and to release that energy from his hands. This power is passive allowing Bishop to absorb energy at all times.
When he releases the energy, he can release it as many different types of forms, usually in concussive blasts or in the same form as he had absorbed the energy although he can emit microwaves as well. He can also store energy in his personal reserves for increasing his strength, endurance, and (to an extent) his healing. He also has enhanced durability, and resistance to poison and injury.When fighting "growing men" in Limbo, he was able to stop one from growing by reaching out with his power and draining it of the energy it had absorbed. He was then able to immediately release that energy back into his opponent and start the process again. He has also shown the ability to absorb bullets once in District X.
So where does that put him???
above street level, in the metahuman range
he is actually at about ironman level
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
he is actually at about ironman level
That might be too high.
He did take out a omega level lifestealer.....
Harry Fingerman
Bishop sucks.
Originally posted by Harry Fingerman
Bishop sucks.
Harry Fingerman
Originally posted by Violent2Dope Haha...
It's still a pretty stale joke.

Originally posted by Harry Fingerman
It's still a pretty stale joke.

I'm sorry, but by saying Bishop sux, anything you say is by default wrong.
Harry Fingerman
Originally posted by Violent2Dope
I'm sorry, but by saying Bishop sux, anything you say is by default wrong. You mean me saying that a 3rd rate X-Man sucks, make my opinions null?
Ya... right.
Originally posted by Harry Fingerman
You mean me saying that a 3rd rate X-Man sucks, make my opinions null?
Ya... right.
That 3rd rate X man, wound up being the ONLY surviving Xman in the future. gotta be pretty good to manage that.
The only surviving x-man is still a stinkin x-man, and thus is high on suckage!
Space M ummy
Originally posted by Aries_04
That 3rd rate X man, wound up being the ONLY surviving Xman in the future. gotta be pretty good to manage that.
to be fair, gambit survived (as the "witness"

and bishop's future was one in which the Xmen had been killed (by onslaught) because he wasn't present during the original turn of events.
Still, I'd put him in the mid level range, above street level. He can absorb a wide variety of energy based attacks, which is pretty high up there in terms of a defensive skill- he was the one that took the brunt of onslaught's assault that would have killed both X teams, and absorbed enough energy from a uber amped magneto to counter him and send him flying through a building.
He's also not really limited to absorbing from one source either- he's been shown on panel absorbing power from cyclops, havok, storm, jubilee, polaris, and jean grey simultaneously.
If he doesn't have any energy stored up he's kind of weak, but vs. an energy user, or with a decent stored charge he's a fairly good contender.
Originally posted by Aries_04 He used a gun..... That's really lame.
To each his own....but i think people who use guns that dont have to are cool.
Its like saying....I just use this cuz I feel like it.
I thought it was cool when hulk used a gun. I thought it was kinda funny. SO nineties.
Symmetric Chaos
Comic questions thread. But yeah he's above street level.
Originally posted by Blight
He used a gun..... That's really lame.
I think it was a grenade.
Bishop is also possible omega class mutant you do know that right?
Does he have powers? then of course he is.
I still can't understand on how people think sometimes..
Street level = NO powers like Batman and Daredevil.
Originally posted by Space M ummy
to be fair, gambit survived (as the "witness"

and bishop's future was one in which the Xmen had been killed (by onslaught) because he wasn't present during the original turn of events.
Still, I'd put him in the mid level range, above street level. He can absorb a wide variety of energy based attacks, which is pretty high up there in terms of a defensive skill- he was the one that took the brunt of onslaught's assault that would have killed both X teams, and absorbed enough energy from a uber amped magneto to counter him and send him flying through a building.
He's also not really limited to absorbing from one source either- he's been shown on panel absorbing power from cyclops, havok, storm, jubilee, polaris, and jean grey simultaneously.
If he doesn't have any energy stored up he's kind of weak, but vs. an energy user, or with a decent stored charge he's a fairly good contender.
Just a question. Was it ever confirmed that Gambit was the witness? I remember it being rather ambiguous.
Citizen V
Originally posted by Harry Fingerman
Bishop sucks.

Bran knows his shit.
Originally posted by Aries_04
That 3rd rate X man, wound up being the ONLY surviving Xman in the future. gotta be pretty good to manage that.
...........becuase Logan stayed behind and covered his ass.
Originally posted by Ouallada
Just a question. Was it ever confirmed that Gambit was the witness? I remember it being rather ambiguous.
Bottom of last page. Can anyone enlighten me?
Space M ummy
Originally posted by Ouallada
Just a question. Was it ever confirmed that Gambit was the witness? I remember it being rather ambiguous.
They were going back and forth on it for a while, but from
so..yeah. If you look at the issue where bishop joins the xmen for the first time, it's also the first time Gambit's name was ever revealed. It was spoken by Bishop and immediately acknowledged by Gambit, Because Bish recognized him.
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