Hyperion/Wonder Man vs Thor/Hercules
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Hyperion (Squadron)
Wonder Man
Who wins?
Hercules/Thor after a nice battle. Wonderman is the weak link here and he will go down pretty fast
nobody is weak by wonderman is the weak link
they go down in >10 rounds
I'd say Hyperion and Wonderman take it. They are both versatile, superspeed and flight which gives them an advantage over their opponets. Thor may be versatile but he isn't fast enough to sufficently compete with these two guys who are arguably as strong as him and neither has a magic weakness like Superman so I don't see them going down that way. I think Hercules is the weak link, although strong he is grounded and isn't fast. So yea Team 1 takes this everytime, even if this becomes a brawl, team 1's speed will give them edge against the more accomplished fighters, although both Thor and Herc have had their asses handed to them by Hulk, a character no gifted with great speed and similar strength.
Citizen V
Thor/Hercules ftw.
Hercules is stronger than Wonder Man, Simon's very durable but he's not strong enough to put down Hercules IMO.
Thor and Hyperion are quite close, but Thor's defeated Hyperion several times before and when he stops holding back can beat him before Simon has the chance to put down Hercules, then Herc and Thor double team Simon.
If it's the other way around, Hercules would probably be able to hold Hyperion off long enough for Thor to put down Wonder Man and then Hercules and Thor dispatch Hyperion.
Either way, Thor/Hercules ftw 7/10.
Thor beat Hyperion pretty handily.
Didn't Hyperion recently defeat Thor in ultimates by simply taking advantage of his distinct speed advantage? What stopping him from repeating it here, I mean Supes does it to Thor why can't Hyperion?
Citizen V
Those were two different people, a different Thor and a different Hyperion.
It's not revelant.
Hyperion has shown a clear edge over Thor, and Wonder Man can keep Herc at bay by using his speed and flight long enough for Hype to get rid of Thor, and then they double team Herc. Hyperion and Wonder Man win 6-7/10.
Originally posted by Citizen V
Those were two different people, a different Thor and a different Hyperion.
It's not revelant.
Doesn't matter they still have the exact same powersets, and Hyp[erion still has a very distinct speed advantage, nearly as versatile (as he's basically Superman) and is as strong as him. Wonderman would put a hurting on Herc considering his combo of speed, strength, flight and that he's versatile too. I hate how people here are so easy to deem the Hulk a 2-d character because of his lack of powers but they give Herc the majority against this team...that's bias. Put Hulk in this situation and I bet alot more people would change their votes to team 2 losing.
Harry Fingerman
Didn't Thor one-shot WM before, and didn't he turn Hype into an action figure sized Superman rip off?
I have no clue but I soubt that'd really happen if so why doesn't he ever turn Superman or any other top tier character into chocalate bars or toys?
Harry Fingerman
Originally posted by Longinus
I have no clue but I soubt that'd really happen if so why doesn't he ever turn Superman or any other top tier character into chocalate bars or toys? I'm just stating what happened in the comics.
Originally posted by Harry Fingerman
Didn't Thor one-shot WM before, and didn't he turn Hype into an action figure sized Superman rip off?
One shot Wonder Man ? When ?

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