Wolverine and Gambit vs. Wonder Girl and Batgirl
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Guys vs Girls. Who wins?
batgirl solos . . .
bat girl would get her ass kick by either gambit or wolverine
Originally posted by Battlehammer
bat girl would get her ass kick by either gambit or wolverine

why you looking so confused?
the kid said bat girl solo it. But she does not because she lose the majority to either wolverine or gambit.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
why you looking so confused?
the kid said bat girl solo it. But she does not because she lose the majority to either wolverine or gambit.
I dont' know if she loses the majority to Gambit. She seems to be his superior in hand to hand. Gambit has powers, so I see them as pretty even. Wondergirl would be handling wolverine. I didn't agree that batgirl solo's either tho.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Battlehammer
why you looking so confused?
the kid said bat girl solo it. But she does not because she lose the majority to either wolverine or gambit. Batgirl takes Gambit.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
I dont' know if she loses the majority to Gambit. She seems to be his superior in hand to hand. Gambit has powers, so I see them as pretty even. Wondergirl would be handling wolverine. I didn't agree that batgirl solo's either tho.
gambit has superhuman dex,aguility, reflex and can blow shit up.
batgirl would get tagged. gambit also agile enough and quick enough to handle him self in h2h for a time, but it would never get to that do to his abilities to blow objects up
Originally posted by Battlehammer
bat girl would get her ass kick by either gambit or wolverine
Ya, what he said.
Wolvie and gambit for the win
Lets not forget that gambit also has the abilty to persuade when talking...especially to women( at least it used to be one of his powers)
Batgirl getting beat by Gambit is rather funny. If she doesn't hold back she would trash him.
As for Wolverine, she is better than him but his claws and healing factor would probably make up for it although with Wonder Girl's help she would win.
twas jokin when i said batgirl solos . . .
Originally posted by Battlehammer
gambit has superhuman dex,aguility, reflex and can blow shit up.
batgirl would get tagged. gambit also agile enough and quick enough to handle him self in h2h for a time, but it would never get to that do to his abilities to blow objects up
Batgirl take's gambit way better fighter beat lady shiva one good nerve strike and gambit is going down,fast enough to dodge bullets.I can see him beating her using maybe a massive explosion if she get's caught in it but hand to hand he is going down hard.Wolverine's gonna be a problem though.
Citizen V
The Girls.
Wonder Girl ftw.
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
Batgirl getting beat by Gambit is rather funny. If she doesn't hold back she would trash him.
As for Wolverine, she is better than him but his claws and healing factor would probably make up for it although with Wonder Girl's help she would win.
how does she even get close enough to thrash him?
The dude is more agile. He quicker and he can through objects that explode with enough force to blow apart walls,cars,trucks,busses and so forth.
LOL batgirl is in no way shape or form better then Logan. Logan knowledge on fighting styles and experience dwarfs that of batgirl.
Originally posted by Citizen V
The Girls.
Wonder Girl ftw.
ya i was thinking much fo the same. if wondergirl is any thing like diana
Originally posted by Battlehammer
how does she even get close enough to thrash him?
The dude is more agile. He quicker and he can through objects that explode with enough force to blow apart walls,cars,trucks,busses and so forth.
LOL batgirl is in no way shape or form better then Logan. Logan knowledge on fighting styles and experience dwarfs that of batgirl.
You are either greatly overselling Wolverine or greatly underestimating Batgirl. She's easily on par with Shiva and Batman - two characters most would acknowledge as being at least as skilled as Logan.

Originally posted by Soljer
You are either greatly overselling Wolverine or greatly underestimating Batgirl. She's easily on par with Shiva and Batman - two characters most would acknowledge as being at least as skilled as Logan.

nope im not.
I said his knowlegde on fighting styles and experience dwarf hers which is very true.
never said she was not as skilled a fighter or close to it.
also I don't think she as skilled as batman. from the fights it apeares batman has a skill edge since he did defeat her with one arm before if not mistaken.
also when she lost her ability to read peoples movements she was not nearly as skilled.
Wolverine show the women what a real man can do by soloing them, and after that, give them a long night of love. He's canadian after all!
Wolverine by faaaaaaaar better skillz that any of the two bitches. Healing factor and razor-sharped adamentium clawz in tha face for the win.
wolvy and gambit owniage
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