Dr.Light vs IronMan
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Dr.Light vs IronMan.
not the crappy retard dr.light.
No prep for ironman seems he can take anyone with prep so screw that.
who wins

Serious pwnage. Iron Man dies.
dr. light has got some pretty impressive sh*t
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Serious pwnage. Iron Man dies.
Unless Iron Man whips up some sort of shields like Cyborg, he's screwed.
Let's not forget that Dr.Light does have some insane durability or what it is. He keeps going after taking a crapload of punishment.
Originally posted by llagrok
Unless Iron Man whips up some sort of shields like Cyborg, he's screwed.
Let's not forget that Dr.Light does have some insane durability or what it is. He keeps going after taking a crapload of punishment.
humm i guess dr.light offically takes ironman to school and rapes him over for the win =D
One on one Tony's fuked.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Serious pwnage. Iron Man dies.
How so? Iron Man actually shouldn't have much of a problem dealing with Dr. Light.
Iron Man is more smarter, more powerful and more versatile than Dr. Light, Tony is bringing Dr. Light back home in a timble.
Originally posted by Innerhype
How so? Iron Man actually shouldn't have much of a problem dealing with Dr. Light.
Iron Man is more smarter, more powerful and more versatile than Dr. Light, Tony is bringing Dr. Light back home in a timble.
InnerHype, it is true that Tony is smarter than Dr Light. But note that Dr. Light is in his own regard a genius. Now, one could argue that Stark is a level above that, but Light is still quite potent in the gray matter department.
As for more powerful, there you might have a problem (which is why people should always question why nearly EVERYONE is saying a certain character would win ....e.g. in this case most people are saying Dr Light would win. Someone should ask themselves why that is the case ....the near unanimous consensus, and if they do not have a reason then they should do some research on the character).
Doing so would reveal several things about Dr. Light. For one he is far beyond a mere 'light manipulator' ....he is more of an EM (electromagnetic) spectrum manipulator, able to manipulate far more than visible light. For that matter he should be deemed more of a holistic energy manipulator (e.g. even magic that emits any form of light energy, eg Wondergirl's lasso, is under his fiat).
Which makes attacking him quite interesting. For instance, it would be folly for stark to use his repulsors on DL! He would be merely powering him up.
Furthermore, it would be really foolish for Tony to take to the air .....after all, his ion/jet thrusters emit light, and that would be a major issue once DL starts messing with them. Oh ....and doesn't Tony's suit naturally emit ambient light .....hmmm, I wonder what the potential for that is (think of DL turning that into 'hard light' ....think of a Green Lantern construct, and having it spike off INSIDE the suit. The Extremis Armor may be able to mitigate some damage, but whether Stark lives or dies the fact would still remain that he would be out of the fight. Effectively).
Oh, the visor inside Stark's helmet has light (think of a small TV screen ....). Hmmm ....someone say instant blindness (or DL, if he decides to save Stark's sight, could simply suck off all the light in the area, plunging it into deep darkness. Oh, so Tony may just turn on the lights to see .....major mistake. Oh, but what if Tony, instead of using visible/white light, decides to use heat-sensing infrared? Well, that is still part of the EM spectrum, just not visible. It is under the umbrella of DL's control).
Anyways, with prep time Stark could EASILY take out DL (particularly if he has deep knowledge about his power sets, and he could take him out in various ways).
But a no-prep fight would be firmly within DL's grasp.
DL wins this ....in one of several ways (ranging from construct use that could make a Green Lantern proud, to high level light/energy manipulation that destroys Tony from inside his suit. This would be one time Tony would wish his suit was powered, and enwrapped, in dark matter).
Tony still has ways of messing with DL ....e.g. the use of sonics. But for the most part a lot of the suit's functionalities, even 'basic'\ ones like flying, would be totally curtailed. And while sonics would be viable, the weapons that DL could use AGAINST Stark are legion.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Innerhype
How so? Iron Man actually shouldn't have much of a problem dealing with Dr. Light.
Iron Man is more smarter, more powerful and more versatile than Dr. Light, Tony is bringing Dr. Light back home in a timble. You just vote for IM don't you without a thought.

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