Kang vs Doctor Doom
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Originally posted by Alfheim
In a prep war who wins Doom or Kang? Both get 1 years prep.
Doom is smarter than Kang, but kang has better resources..
I'm leaning towards Doom tho.
Originally posted by Priest
Doom is smarter than Kang, but kang has better resources..
I'm leaning towards Doom tho.
Can you prove that?
Originally posted by Alfheim
Can you prove that?
ah, Doom played Kang hard during the Infinity Crusade Saga..
He's more smarter than Kang.
Originally posted by Priest
ah, Doom played Kang hard during the Infinity Crusade Saga..
He's more smarter than Kang.
Fair enough. Do you think there might be better versions of Kang? Apparently there are millions of Kangs due to all his time travelling.
Originally posted by Alfheim
Fair enough. Do you think there might be better versions of Kang? Apparently there are millions of Kangs due to all his time travelling.
i don't know, u tell me.
Originally posted by Priest
i don't know, u tell me.
Not sure. There is Immortus that is a version of Kang. There is the Scralet Centurion that took Grandmaster...but then again it could simply be said that the thread is Doom vs Kang not Doom vs Immortus.
Damn....I think they retconned Scarlet Centurion.

No armors, hand to hand.
I am currently reading the infinity wars and i see that kang and dr. doom has teamed up to take some power that everyone is looking for. Anyway in their thought bubbles they each insult each other saying they cant wait to get rid of the other. So who would win in a battle between the two.
Originally posted by Harbinger
Doom, son.
Black bolt z
They are two different incarnations of the same being but not the same being.
They each have 1 month prep.
They cannot travel through time for any reason.
K Von Doom
Kang has more advanced tech but Doom has magic. It's a split I think.
Damn good matchup, but I'd give the nod to Doom in the end.
Originally posted by K Von Doom
Kang has more advanced tech but Doom has magic. It's a split I think.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Doom wins.
based on what fanboy?
Based on Doom being superior to Kang
Doom already outdid Kang.
Originally posted by beastfeast
based on what fanboy?

Because I said Doom wins I am a fanboy?
The reason he wins is based on his history and their encounter in infinity.
the ninjak
beastfeast was obviously CallmeCommando and his many other incarnates! Or some punkass kid.
Originally posted by the ninjak
beastfeast was obviously CallmeCommando and his many other incarnates! Or some punkass kid. Most of these obvious socks I have no clue about I just find it funny they show up just for a quick post and then they are gone. What's the point?
the ninjak
Originally posted by quanchi112
Most of these obvious socks I have no clue about I just find it funny they show up just for a quick post and then they are gone. What's the point?
Originally posted by the ninjak
Vengeance! But really they are forgotten before they actually do anything so if it is revenge they are after they are falling far short of it.
the ninjak
I can spot them the second they make their first post!
Especially when they attack particular posters, almost instantly.
But yeah they try to hit some of these guys hard!
Originally posted by the ninjak
I can spot them the second they make their first post!
Especially when they attack particular posters, almost instantly.
But yeah they try to hit some of these guys hard! I usually can as well I just don't know who they are socks of.
I think this can be about split. But since I'm a Kang fanboy, Kang 6/10 biscuits
Originally posted by Mindset
Doom 10/10
I kind of bumped this thread to make post that.
Originally posted by Bentley
Are you gonna take that shit? They're talking shit about your boy Kang.

Originally posted by Deadline
Are you gonna take that shit? They're talking shit about your boy Kang.
Damn it, you're right!!!!

Black bolt z
Dooms constantly shown to be slightly above kand every time they meet.Although kang does have the more successful record.
Originally posted by Black bolt z
Dooms constantly shown to be slightly above kand every time they meet.Although kang does have the more successful record.
Most people want to answer to this thread while focusing in the first two times they faced each other, personally I think it goes like this:
Doom loses.
Y'know... you really can't even troll Doom. Nobody even takes it seriously now, whether they have read Doom or not.
psycho gundam
except for when he cried
they are both awesome.
lol Idk why maybe because of costume i could never quite take kang seriously. But yeah Doom takes this one. High tech 21rst century near on par with Reed + high magic is gonna beat Kang.
Originally posted by Uriel005
lol Idk why maybe because of costume i could never quite take kang seriously. But yeah Doom takes this one. High tech 21rst century near on par with Reed + high magic is gonna beat Kang.
It is probably the costume.
Kang is not particularly good against magic so Doom has that going on for him. Tech-wise he's still outclassed.
^ Outclassed how? crackers
Originally posted by Galan007
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
^ Outclassed how? crackers
Tech-wise. Kang's tech smokes Doom's, that's well known.
It doesn't help either that Kang is better at fighting

Originally posted by Bentley
Tech-wise. Kang's tech smokes Doom's, that's well known.
It doesn't help either that Kang is better at fighting

Now shut up before I send my Doombots after you. sneer

Originally posted by Bentley
Tech-wise. Kang's tech smokes Doom's, that's well known.
It doesn't help either that Kang is better at fighting It might smoke the "pole of Doom's tech."
No, it doesn't help. Untruth or not.
Originally posted by Mindset
Now shut up before I send my Doombots after you. sneer Will Doom win before or after he makes sandwiches? dur
Originally posted by Badabing
Doom loses.
That's Kristoff. awepeach
I don't know if I can appreciate Doom slandering another individual by telling them to shut their "cow-mouth". ermm
This, on the other hand, is a respectable Doom moment:
psycho gundam
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
http://i388.photobucket.com/albums/oo326/OneDumbG0/Even%20More%20Random/Phail10.jpg http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/7213/doomlols.jpg
Originally posted by OneDumbG0

It might smoke the "pole of Doom's tech."
No, it doesn't help. Untruth or not.
Come on, we've been over this, everybody knows what Doom thought about it:
But not everyone knows what he thought just after biscuits:
C'mon man Kang does have better tech than Doom.
Yeah Kang has a few millenia on Doom tech wise and he's no technical slouch neither. Still with all the stuff he's come up with I'm not exactly sure why he hasn't really made any fundamentally major changes in the strength of his suit.
Originally posted by Uriel005
Yeah Kang has a few millenia on Doom tech wise and he's no technical slouch neither. Still with all the stuff he's come up with I'm not exactly sure why he hasn't really made any fundamentally major changes in the strength of his suit.
That's a good question I've pondered myself. His design and weapons are different from his first appearances but you can always make the argument "he just didn't use those other weapons", although we do have declarations about him adopting new tech -such as the Growing Man-, it's impossible to messure how much he has changed his armor.
Myself, I'd say he's done some improvements over the years, but mostly counter-stuff against things that worked against the armor before. Iron-lad made the base armor look quite impressive though.
Originally posted by Bentley
That's a good question I've pondered myself. His design and weapons are different from his first appearances but you can always make the argument "he just didn't use those other weapons", although we do have declarations about him adopting new tech -such as the Growing Man-, it's impossible to messure how much he has changed his armor.
Myself, I'd say he's done some improvements over the years, but mostly counter-stuff against things that worked against the armor before. Iron-lad made the base armor look quite impressive though.
I just meant that if you think about the time that he's been around and all the crazy crap he's pulled over the years you would think he'd redesign a suit from the ground up. I mean if Iron Man can build a Thorbuster and a Hulkbuster Kang could do it with 50 times the efficiency and have it come with a fully stocked mini-bar
Originally posted by Deadline
C'mon man Kang does have better tech than Doom. Nope.
Originally posted by Mindset
Sure he does thats why he teamed up with Kang in IW.
Originally posted by Uriel005
I just meant that if you think about the time that he's been around and all the crazy crap he's pulled over the years you would think he'd redesign a suit from the ground up. I mean if Iron Man can build a Thorbuster and a Hulkbuster Kang could do it with 50 times the efficiency and have it come with a fully stocked mini-bar
I would pay to see Kang's mini-bar armor.
Originally posted by Bentley
I would pay to see Kang's mini-bar armor.
His liquor has an alcohol content of 105% or 210 proof.
Originally posted by Bentley
Come on, we've been over this, everybody knows what Doom thought about it:
http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb6/Enteithegreat/Kang%20the%20Conqueror/Closeenvy.jpgNo, we haven't been over it. I've never encountered a sincere argument that Kang > Doom, in any shape, way or form.
And yeah, I'm sure that Doom also envies and covets Stark's Extremis technology. Doesn't mean that Stark's tech is necessarily superior to Doom's. He just wants it.
And Kang's tech base is Doom's tech.
You surely mean future Doom tech, by definition better and more advanced than Doom's current tech.
But I'll give a more serious answer later, I have to leave for a few hours and gather my scans.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
No, we haven't been over it. I've never encountered a sincere argument that Kang > Doom, in any shape, way or form.
And yeah, I'm sure that Doom also envies and covets Stark's Extremis technology. Doesn't mean that Stark's tech is necessarily superior to Doom's. He just wants it.
And Kang's tech base is Doom's tech.
Wait so Kangs tech isn't more advanced in general than Dooms?
Originally posted by Mindset
Kang have waaaaaay better tech that Doom.
Still, even if Kang's a genius, he's not "Doom kind of genius". Also, Doom is a loooot more cunning, more ruthless, deffinitively have more willpower and most importantly, he's a sorcerer almost on par with Doctor "the ****ing best mage around" Strange and Doctor "current Sorcerer Supreme" Voodoo.
Originally posted by Mindset
Again IW.
Is a couple decades old.
Anyway, nope.
Black bolt z
Originally posted by Black bolt z
vMbQNu-d7QU This is who wins!
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
No, we haven't been over it. I've never encountered a sincere argument that Kang > Doom, in any shape, way or form.
And yeah, I'm sure that Doom also envies and covets Stark's Extremis technology. Doesn't mean that Stark's tech is necessarily superior to Doom's. He just wants it.
And Kang's tech base is Doom's tech.
There was this other declaration:
And if we need more recent stuff about Kang's devices here Stark praises his tech -in case some crazy idea made you think 616 was close to catch up with Kang's tech-:
And let's not forget Kang defeated this guys:
Who themselves had access to all sorts of future tech and Kang managed to best using his own technology to break through their shields.
Sin I AM
didnt doom job to some of Bruce Banners villians recently, ive been trying to catch up on current events and i glanced thru the book because the art was crap...but i got the gist...can anyone tell me wheat happened?
doom ftw
Originally posted by Sin I AM
didnt doom job to some of Bruce Banners villians recently, ive been trying to catch up on current events and i glanced thru the book because the art was crap...but i got the gist...can anyone tell me wheat happened?
doom ftw
A group of evil geniuses started to kidnap the most intelligent men in Marvel Earth and captured Doom by tricking him into absorbing the Cosmic Power out of the Hulk robot.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Bentley
A group of evil geniuses started to kidnap the most intelligent men in Marvel Earth and captured Doom by tricking him into absorbing the Cosmic Power out of the Hulk robot.
lol must be all part of Dooms master plan
Originally posted by Sin I AM
lol must be all part of Dooms master plan
He got capture and kind of lobotomized himself ermm
But Valeria will help him get back his smarts

isnt doom scared to touch the space time continuum because every time hes done it in the past hes phucked things up while kang freely travels where ever he freaking wants?
The Master approves of this thread as while you focus on these two beings, he has stolen your puppy and throughly punched it...hard
^ Who's The Master? Never heard of him. barker
ermmhappy Originally posted by Bentley
There was this other declaration:
http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb6/Enteithegreat/Kang%20the%20Conqueror/Kang-Tech/Kangstech.jpg Doom declared that he needed tech that was "beyond the scope directly available" to him. Which I suppose extended to cross-dimensional trackers from Infinity War itself -- which were deficient when approaching the mystical energy signatures btw. I think that bolded qualification speaks volumes. And Kang doesn't have anything close to matching the Power Cosmic Siphon Harness or Doom's Personal Adapters. That doesn't necessarily mean all of Doom's tech en totale is beyond the scope of Kang's. You've got to take it altogether. Originally posted by Bentley
And if we need more recent stuff about Kang's devices here Stark praises his tech -in case some crazy idea made you think 616 was close to catch up with Kang's tech-:
And let's not forget Kang defeated this guys:
Who themselves had access to all sorts of future tech and Kang managed to best using his own technology to break through their shields. Let Galan007 argue Stark to Kang.
Timekeepers wasted most of their energies opposing Rick Jones and an Avengers team that accessed the Destiny Force. Let's face it. Doom would have just absorbed Rick's Destiny Force.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
ermmhappy Doom declared that he needed tech that was "beyond the scope directly available" to him. Which I suppose extended to cross-dimensional trackers from Infinity War itself -- which were deficient when approaching the mystical energy signatures btw. I think that bolded qualification speaks volumes. And Kang doesn't have anything close to matching the Power Cosmic Siphon Harness or Doom's Personal Adapters. That doesn't necessarily mean all of Doom's tech en totale is beyond the scope of Kang's. You've got to take it altogether.
I don't exactly get your argument, from one side, Doom aknowledges he needs tech more advanced than his to track the Cosmic Cubes and goes to someone who happens to have it. Keep in mind that it's night impossible to get hard proof of "who has the best tech", Kang has very few appearances and the tech he musters can rarely compare directly with Doom quality-wise. Statements and generalizations are the best possible proof we can get in this case for a number of reasons.
What about Kang's Damocles Base, Chronopolis or the Heart of Forever? Those techs are quite up there as far as tech goes.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
^ Who's The Master? Never heard of him. barker
You don't know him? Well his work here is done then.
Originally posted by -K-M-
You don't know him? Well his work here is done then.
You mean the guy who got stabbed by a blonde and whose incompetence costed Kang the war?

Originally posted by Bentley
I don't exactly get your argument, from one side, Doom aknowledges he needs tech more advanced than his to track the Cosmic Cubes and goes to someone who happens to have it. Keep in mind that it's night impossible to get hard proof of "who has the best tech", Kang has very few appearances and the tech he musters can rarely compare directly with Doom quality-wise. Statements and generalizations are the best possible proof we can get in this case for a number of reasons.
What about Kang's Damocles Base, Chronopolis or the Heart of Forever? Those techs are quite up there as far as tech goes. And I'm sure if Kang ever needed to absorb Galactus' power, he'd go steal it from Doom. You're applying a qualified and lmited statement to the totality of all their tech. Whetehr or not that is bad English, we know that certain of Doom's tech far surpasses certain of Kang's and accordingly, the totality comparison is hasty, if not irresponsible.
A Doombot had a starship that blew up planet. To my knowledge, Kang did not invent Chronopolis or the Heart of Forever, yes? Chronopolis was a location that Kang took over and manipulated and by its nature, contained the Heart of Forever as its nexus. Might as well use the Microverse when Doom took that over for a time.
Originally posted by Bentley
You mean the guy who got stabbed by a blonde and whose incompetence costed Kang the war?
Nope, the guy that made Kang's technology look like a childs toy

as far as i understand altho im most knowledgeable about early kang; his expertise is time traveling and waging wars. most of his tech wasnt his necessarily but stuff he had picked up thru-out time
Black bolt z
Originally posted by Lord_Talron
as far as i understand altho im most knowledgeable about early kang; his expertise is time traveling and waging wars. most of his tech wasnt his necessarily but stuff he had picked up thru-out time he took it.His now.If Doom steals some of reeds tech and constantly uses it does it mean its still reeds tech?No.
It belongs to DOOM now!
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
And I'm sure if Kang ever needed to absorb Galactus' power, he'd go steal it from Doom. You're applying a qualified and lmited statement to the totality of all their tech. Whetehr or not that is bad English, we know that certain of Doom's tech far surpasses certain of Kang's and accordingly, the totality comparison is hasty, if not irresponsible.
If Doom wanted to light a room he would use a lightball. Of course we use the tech of our ancestors to an specific task, it saves a lot of time.
But I digress, Doom has some standard tech that has proved itself such as the metal alloy in his armor which has better unshielded durability than most of Kang's armors. No, I don't think everything Kang owns is better than what Doom uses, but it doesn't mean we judge his technology as inferior since it's from further in the future.
We can only make justice to tech that has been used, but if we had to assume about random tech never shown on panel it would be natural to follow statements such as having "future and more advanced" tech.
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
A Doombot had a starship that blew up planet. To my knowledge, Kang did not invent Chronopolis or the Heart of Forever, yes? Chronopolis was a location that Kang took over and manipulated and by its nature, contained the Heart of Forever as its nexus. Might as well use the Microverse when Doom took that over for a time.
Huh, wrong. Kang did invent both the Heart and Chronopolis,.
"I have studied it for years since you created it"
The city was indeed built in a time-less zone, but accessing and changing the location into what Chronopolis became was all Kang.
Regarding the Damocles base: Fighting off Quasar, Thor and a bunch of Avengers is more impressive that the sheer damage of planet busting imo.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Nope, the guy that made Kang's technology look like a childs toy
Kang one-shot those bases when it came down to it ahah
Originally posted by Lord_Talron
as far as i understand altho im most knowledgeable about early kang; his expertise is time traveling and waging wars. most of his tech wasnt his necessarily but stuff he had picked up thru-out time
Kang's expertise is temporal physics, war fare and robotics. He's enough of an engineer to understand the tech he steals though.
Check the abilities section:
^ How about we agree to disagree, but agree that Master sucks compared to Doom or Kang? ... more to Doom, of course Originally posted by Bentley
If Doom wanted to light a room he would use a lightball. Of course we use the tech of our ancestors to an specific task, it saves a lot of time.
But I digress, Doom has some standard tech that has proved itself such as the metal alloy in his armor which has better unshielded durability than most of Kang's armors. No, I don't think everything Kang owns is better than what Doom uses, but it doesn't mean we judge his technology as inferior since it's from further in the future.
We can only make justice to tech that has been used, but if we had to assume about random tech never shown on panel it would be natural to follow statements such as having "future and more advanced" tech.Your ending conclusion would make sense if I somehow acknowledged that Doom's tech is outclassed in every respect but Kang's tech should be discounted because it's from the future.
Fact is, some of Doom's current tech does outclass Kang's future tech presently. And since cross-dimensional scanners was what Doom wanted from Kang in Infinity War, I don't see qualified, limited statements being reliable enough evidence to make a generalized blanket assumption that overrides what we know is false in particularized situations. Originally posted by Bentley
Huh, wrong. Kang did invent both the Heart and Chronopolis,.
"I have studied it for years since you created it"
The city was indeed built in a time-less zone, but accessing and changing the location into what Chronopolis became was all Kang.
Regarding the Damocles base: Fighting off Quasar, Thor and a bunch of Avengers is more impressive that the sheer damage of planet busting imo. And likely probably derived from Doom's time travel tech. Would you grant Doom using Celestial tech to change Counter-Earth to his liking an invention of Doom's?
To you maybe. Faux Destroyer armor probably could do that if it were finished. Course it was a cheap knockoff... but I guess we aren't concerned about that.
Low blow? Low blow.
Originally posted by Bentley
Kang one-shot those bases when it came down to it ahah
You mean he one-shotted one base with his ultimate weapon and as explained that was because the Master wasn't there and they even said he could have blocked it :P
and who's tech made Kang flee earth?

As far as I know Kang's knowledge about time-travel are derived from Doom's original time machine, because he found the broken machine, fixed it and went his way into the past.
How did he learn time-physics is subject to speculation, we know at least of one other time-traveller who went into that time-line -Reed's father-, and there might've been a theoretical base he took to develop everthing he did later on. Since Kang is such a rogue individual and there aren't many time-travellers using similar methods it's fair to assume he made breakthroughs in time physics by himself.
Specially if we consider Immortus who also got tutored by the Time Keepers -but Kang built the Heart of Forever before meeting them-.
Some of the most impressive Doom tech as of late has been mixed with magics, making it hard to compare with purely scientifical objects. The Vibranium armor deserved a bit more action than it got, but Doomwar showed some potential in the tech/magic blending.
Originally posted by -K-M-
You mean he one-shotted one base with his ultimate weapon and as explained that was because the Master wasn't there and they even said he could have blocked it :P
and who's tech made Kang flee earth?
Ershine's damn super soldier serum

I don't know if anyone wants to add anything, I pretty much stated my reasons to believe Kang can beat Doom in a pure tech match while accepting magic is too big of a weakness and Doom has finally begun catching up with his "second to sorcerer supreme" fame.
Doom has a very good shot at winning this using magic. Immortus would be a better match.
However, Kang would stomp the Master pretty decisively

Originally posted by Bentley
However, Kang would stomp the Master pretty decisively
1. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-12.jpg
2. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-14.jpg
3. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-15.jpg

Originally posted by Bentley
I don't know if anyone wants to add anything, I pretty much stated my reasons to believe Kang can beat Doom in a pure tech match ... which are wrong/insufficient nevertheless. We forgive you.

Originally posted by OneDumbG0
... which are wrong/insufficient nevertheless. We forgive you.
Keyword being "believe". Feel free to debunk the Heart of the Universe as a multiversal machine done without using cosmic artifacts though.
Originally posted by -K-M-
1. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-12.jpg
2. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-14.jpg
3. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-15.jpg
In Kang's counterattack he punked those bases which went to "regenerate" and got saved only thanks to a giant funky pyramid.
Originally posted by Bentley
In Kang's counterattack he punked those bases which went to "regenerate" and got saved only thanks to a giant funky pyramid.
Oh you mean the one base that was being run by the Avengers and not the Master? Also it took the combined intellect of Hank Pym, Stingray, Black Knight, Tony Stark to understand a small part of his tech.
1. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-05-1.jpg
2. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-06-1.jpg
Basic weapons of the Master was popping Kang's shields like a "bubble".
Nice try

It's true that the Master survived through the ordeal and went to... Oh wait!
Also, Damocles one-shot those defenses and they didn't pop the base's shields like a bubble, not at all:
Originally posted by Bentley
It's true that the Master survived through the ordeal and went to... Oh wait!
Also, Damocles one-shot those defenses and they didn't pop the base's shields like a bubble, not at all:
He actually did survive, he's not dead.
I was talking about his tech on earth. Ms.Marvel made the reference to popping the shields like a bubble
1. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-01.jpg
2. http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l107/A_Flight11/Avengersv352-CounterAttack-0203.jpg
1. http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii315/darkseidres2/Avengersv346-AbsoluteMastery-0405.jpg
2. http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii315/darkseidres2/Avengersv346-AbsoluteMastery-06.jpg
3. http://i267.photobucket.com/albums/ii315/darkseidres2/Avengersv346-AbsoluteMastery-10.jpg
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Fact is, some of Doom's current tech does outclass Kang's future tech presently. And since cross-dimensional scanners was what Doom wanted from Kang in Infinity War, I don't see qualified, limited statements being reliable enough evidence to make a generalized blanket assumption that overrides what we know is false in particularized situations. And likely probably derived from Doom's time travel tech. Would you grant Doom using Celestial tech to change Counter-Earth to his liking an invention of Doom's?
To be fair I think we would assume that in general Kangs tech is more impressive by default. They're both genuises but Kang comes from the future were tech is much more advanced. Of course in comics it doesn't always work like that but when Doom stated that Kangs dimensional porters were superior I was not surpised, I highly doubt that writers would state that Kangs tech in general is superior on panel when both characters have fans. Im not entirely sure but I think Kangs tech in general has been more impressive.
Also I don't think Doom specified exactly what tech he needed. We could guess what they are but it could a whole load of things as well as just merely dimensional porters (cant remember excatly what you said). However I don't think that Kang has anything that Doom doesn't understands or can build, and I'm sure thats what the writer was trying to imply.
^ Except not. Except when it comes to Doom and Reed. The writers did not state Kang's tech in general is superior on panel.
I'm sure you're wrong. Originally posted by Bentley
Keyword being "believe". Feel free to debunk the Heart of the Universe as a multiversal machine done without using cosmic artifacts though. I don't even understand what this is supposed to be a reference to.
Just that I stated why I believe something, I don't try to make it pass like an universal law.
Don't be so aggressive damn it
I think, there is a bio stating Kang's tech is superior to Doom's or Stark's, it is, however, not as hard as a proof as an on panel statement -and it's a few years old-. So well, I'll look it up just to throw it into the debate, but I think most of the reasonable positions have been underlined in the debate we just had.
@KM: Master's shield would be shitty too if he had to make them for many random soldiers he picked up to invade Earth, give your best tech to low rank soldiers and you will get bit in the *ss.
Maybe the Master can beat Doom's tech though ermmha
Originally posted by Bentley
@KM: Master's shield would be shitty too if he had to make them for many random soldiers he picked up to invade Earth, give your best tech to low rank soldiers and you will get bit in the *ss.
Maybe the Master can beat Doom's tech though ermmha
Kang's shields were very impressive in the story, but Master's were non-existant which was odd.
Oh snap
But there were shields in the story, Kang's tech is so over them they were useless
Crappy sentinels failing to break through Master's shields:
Originally posted by Bentley
But there were shields in the story, Kang's tech is so over them they were useless
Crappy sentinels failing to break through Master's shields:
Not really, as mentioned Washington would have been protected from Kang's attack if Master was around to compensate.
I was referring to the Master's own personal shields, which would have stopped him from getting stabbed in the first place
Well, I brought up Kang's tech and the shields just because it was kind of into the conversation. Washington would've fell down under Kang's mighty fist, we both know that
If Ms. Marvel does better than an entire Alpha Flight rooster, who am I to criticize that?
She would've absorbed the shieldz!!!!11
Originally posted by Bentley
Well, I brought up Kang's tech and the shields just because it was kind of into the conversation. Washington would've fell down under Kang's mighty fist, we both know that
If Ms. Marvel does better than an entire Alpha Flight rooster, who am I to criticize that?
She would've absorbed the shieldz!!!!11
Whatever helps you sleep in your comfy bed
If only the other energy absorbers on Alpha Flight would have thought of that....problem is, Master absorbs energy too.

Kang stated on panel that he would beat the master, Kang wouldn't lie to me biscuits
Let's face it. Everyone gives Doom the benefit of the doubt. But it's for a good reason. Not being educated usually leads to ignorance. With Doom, it actually breeds underestimation.
Kang is underrated. Sure.
Master is just... quaint. Originally posted by -K-M-
Oh snap
Originally posted by OneDumbG0
Let's face it. Everyone gives Doom the benefit of the doubt. But it's for a good reason. Not being educated usually leads to ignorance. With Doom, it actually breeds underestimation.
Kang is underrated. Sure.
Master is just... quaint.
(Specially the Master's part

Originally posted by Bentley
Kang stated on panel that he would beat the master, Kang wouldn't lie to me biscuits
Where did he state that? Not like it matters as the Master has said he has plans for Dr.Doom, Thanos, Kang and Red Skull. Oh yes...it's damn true.
Originally posted by -K-M-
Where did he state that? Not like it matters as the Master has said he has plans for Dr.Doom, Thanos, Kang and Red Skull. Oh yes...it's damn true.
You know, his entire ramble about "not having to deal with Master's tech so early" because Marcus lied to him. Kang is made of truth.
(When it comes to dealing with Thanos the Master's plan was probably "inconditional surrender" the Red Skull he would probably shoot with a gun)
Originally posted by Bentley
You know, his entire ramble about "not having to deal with Master's tech so early" because Marcus lied to him. Kang is made of truth.
(When it comes to dealing with Thanos the Master's plan was probably "inconditional surrender" the Red Skull he would probably shoot with a gun)
Yes I remember that, but he never said he would beat him
Nuh uh..he's elite and probably would make them cry like really hard.
I'll be back from the mountains and battlezone you Kang vs the Master... Or just make a thread since it will be just us discussing anyways ermm
Doom didn't specify what tech he needed from Kang.
So it's highly unlikely he was talking about just one thing. Its safe to assume that it was at least numerous things and we can assume that the tech he needed was the tech that Kang used in their task. The tech that Kang used were scanners, cloaking device and method of transportation ( probably others). That tech can be applied to alot of other stuff as well, it pretty much implies that Kangs tech is generally better.
Also Doom doesn't have an advantage in magic. Tony has used his extremis armour to counter Dooms magic and Kang > Tony. We also see Kang using his tech to hide from Dr Strange, Surfer and Galactus, very impressive.
Originally posted by Deadline
Doom didn't specify what tech he needed from Kang.
So it's highly unlikely he was talking about just one thing. Its safe to assume that it was at least numerous things and we can assume that the tech he needed was the tech that Kang used in their task. The tech that Kang used were scanners, cloaking device and method of transportation ( probably others). That tech can be applied to alot of other stuff as well, it pretty much implies that Kangs tech is generally better.
Also Doom doesn't have an advantage in magic. Tony has used his extremis armour to counter Dooms magic and Kang > Tony. We also see Kang using his tech to hide from Dr Strange, Surfer and Galactus, very impressive. IW was awhile ago, you really think Doom's tech is the same?
When did Tony use his tech to counter Doom's magic?
Doom only used a minimal amount of his magic against Tony and it was enough to beat him.

Originally posted by Mindset
IW was awhile ago, you really think Doom's tech is the same?
I could say the same thing about Kang. If Dooms tech has improved so has Kangs. I doubt its changed that much.
Originally posted by Mindset
When did Tony use his tech to counter Doom's magic?
Doom only used the crimson bands and he was beating Tony until Sentry came into the fight. Doom only used a minimal amount of his magic against Tony and it was enough to beat him.
Mighty Avengers cant be arsed to get the issue. Theres another fight they had when they went back in time and Tony used zero point energy
Originally posted by Deadline
I could say the same thing about Kang. If Dooms tech has improved so has Kangs. I doubt its changed that much.
Mighty Avengers cant be arsed to get the issue. Theres another fight they had when they went back in time and Tony used zero point energy Well in MA Doom raped Tony with the crimson bands.
In the next issue Tony shielded himself from one blast...Doom's magic > Tony's tech.
Originally posted by Mindset
Well in MA Doom raped Tony with the crimson bands.
In the next issue he shielded himself from one blast...
I dunno I think were nitpicking here, at any rate the armour analysed the energy and countered it.
Originally posted by Deadline
I could say the same thing about Kang. If Dooms tech has improved so has Kangs. I doubt its changed that much.
Prove it.
I could say the same thing to you.
Originally posted by Deadline
I dunno I think were nitpicking here, at any rate the armour analysed the energy and countered it. Tony wasn't able to analyze the energy, he just has good shields.
Doom's magic > Tony's tech, Tony being able to block one blast does not change that since we saw how he was thoroughly owned in the previous comic, and this is with Doom only using the Crimson Bands, he has much more magic to call upon.
Originally posted by Deadline
I could say the same thing to you. Time cube.
Your turn.
Originally posted by Mindset
Tony wasn't able to analyze the energy, he just has good shields.
Doom's magic > Tony's tech, Tony being able to block one blast does not change that since we saw how he was thoroughly owned in the previous comic, and this is with Doom only using the Crimson Bands, he has much more magic to call upon.
Not what I remember, but you could be right.
Originally posted by Mindset
Time cube.
Your turn.
Doom has never had time devices before?
Originally posted by Deadline
Not what I remember, but you could be right.
Doom has never had time devices before? It's what I just read.
Has Doom ever had a time cube? Is it more advanced than his time platform?
Originally posted by Mindset
It's what I just read.
Not takiong your word for it.
Originally posted by Mindset
Has Doom ever had a time cube? Is it more advanced than his time platform?
Nope but hes had similar devices so its not that big a deal.
Then you will continue to be ignorant.
Do you not understand technological advancements? The time cube can do things the platform could never do, but I guess this goes back to your ignorance.
Originally posted by Mindset
Then you will continue to be ignorant.
Do you not understand technological advancements? The time cube can do things the platform could never do, but I guess this goes back to your ignorance.
My point is that its superior but compared to other stuff hes done its not that big a deal. I think you misunderstood the point I was making.
Originally posted by Deadline
My point is that its superior but compared to other stuff hes done its not that big a deal. I think you misunderstood the point I was making.
Do you even know what the time cube is capable of?
Originally posted by Mindset
Do you even know what the time cube is capable of?
Think I read some shit can't quite remember don't really care. Maybe I'm wrong.
Ok, I knew it was an old issue, but the statement exists:
"In all the world, only Reed Richards is my equal... which is why I can never rest until I have destroyed him!
...and only one is my superior... But only because (let's jump this, Doom making excuses), that one is KANG, the conqueror"
Maybe Doom programed a Doombot so it thought Kang was his superior? ermm
Maybe that scan is 500 years old.
I'm just completing a chat about Kang and tech that we were discussing earlier awesr
At least it wasn't a 500 year old bio ermm
doom is not blown up yet, you see in there recent encouters it was proved that beyong what people think it really doesnt show how they contact in progress so i think i would go with kang here
Black bolt z
Originally posted by Bentley
Ok, I knew it was an old issue, but the statement exists:
"In all the world, only Reed Richards is my equal... which is why I can never rest until I have destroyed him!
...and only one is my superior... But only because (let's jump this, Doom making excuses), that one is KANG, the conqueror"
Maybe Doom programed a Doombot so it thought Kang was his superior? ermm Ultron is always richards superior.
but sadly richards has been shown to be smarter then doom.
To be fair, Ultron didn't even exist back then

Originally posted by Bentley
I'm just completing a chat about Kang and tech that we were discussing earlier awesr
At least it wasn't a 500 year old bio ermm A 500 year old discussion.Originally posted by Black bolt z
Ultron is always richards superior.
but sadly richards has been shown to be smarter then doom. And Doom has been shown to be smarter than Reed.
Black bolt z
Originally posted by Mindset
A 500 year old discussion. And Doom has been shown to be smarter than Reed. When?
The times he has outsmarted him.
Originally posted by Mindset
The times he has outsmarted him.

Black bolt z
Originally posted by Mindset
The times he has outsmarted him. In which specific comics?
I mean Doom has admitted to Reed being his intellectual superior.
And i'm not trying to saw reed is better. Doom would stomp him in a fight and I like Doom a lot better. But reed is simply smarter.
Originally posted by Black bolt z
In which specific comics?
I mean Doom has admitted to Reed being his intellectual superior.
And i'm not trying to saw reed is better. Doom would stomp him in a fight and I like Doom a lot better. But reed is simply smarter.
Well, for one, there was that instance in which Reed was trapped in Doom's armor and slowly began to make Reed into Doom. Reed was essentially helpless.
Originally posted by Black bolt z
In which specific comics?
I mean Doom has admitted to Reed being his intellectual superior.
And i'm not trying to saw reed is better. Doom would stomp him in a fight and I like Doom a lot better. But reed is simply smarter. You seem pretty sure of your statements w/o even knowing when or if Doom has outsmarted Reed.
I mean, at least look at the respect thread.
Black bolt z
Originally posted by Mindset
You seem pretty sure of your statements w/o even knowing when or if Doom has outsmarted Reed. I know he has. But Reed has outsmarted doom far more then doom has outsmarted reed.
Originally posted by Black bolt z
I know he has. But Reed has outsmarted doom far more then doom has outsmarted reed. I don't think you do know, or else you wouldn't be asking for examples.
Black bolt z
Originally posted by Mindset
I don't think you do know, or else you wouldn't be asking for examples. I can't think of specific examples at the moment.
And I know its kind of lowballing but even daredevil has outsmarted Doom once.
And on that note, I bid you adieu.
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