Psylocke vs Moondragon
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Psylocke is crimson dawn and moondragon has the mind gem of the "other" gauntlet
More skilled, stronger telepath.
psylocke is complete immune to telpathy
Her mind is closed. Even if she wanted to talk tele she couldnt
Moondragon still has telekinesis and is far more skilled
Psylocke is a better fighter with tk
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Psylocke is a better fighter with tk
Moondragon is more skilled, period.
Originally posted by llagrok
Moondragon is more skilled, period.
I have yet to see moondragon solidify tk energy into a sword...
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
I have yet to see moondragon solidify tk energy into a sword...
I've yet to see Psylocke take out anyone stronger than Sabretooth.
Originally posted by llagrok
I've yet to see Psylocke take out anyone stronger than Sabretooth.
pyhsically stronger.....
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
pyhsically stronger.....
Her showings in Exiles aren't great.
Originally posted by llagrok
Her showings in Exiles aren't great.
She isnt written to well.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
She isnt written to well.
You just know she's going to pair up with Sabretooth -.-
Originally posted by llagrok
You just know she's going to pair up with Sabretooth -.-

Originally posted by Gecko4lif
I have yet to see moondragon solidify tk energy into a sword...
Why would she? It's a pretty inefficient way to use Tk in a fight, if you think about it. Betsy has a thing for swords, and she puts it to good use, but looking cool doesn't make it the most effectual TK maneuver.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
psylocke is complete immune to telpathy
Her mind is closed. Even if she wanted to talk tele she couldnt
Crimson Dawn Psylocke...there's two versions of that Psylocke but niether were TP proof.
The first version is Psylocke with her telepathy and shadow porting.(No Telekinesis) The one who got stomped and humiliated by Shadow King and her Astral Form. Crimson Dawn Psylocke never showed anything.
The second version is the Psylocke who switched powers with Jean Grey and lost her Telepathy and Shadow Porting and gained Telekinesis.
Moondragon has the Mind Gem as well...

This is a stomp.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
The first version is Psylocke with her telepathy and shadow porting.(No Telekinesis) The one who got stomped and humiliated by Shadow King and her Astral Form. Crimson Dawn Psylocke never showed anything.
Uh...didn't that version of Psylocke defeat the Shadow King.

Originally posted by HandOfFate
Uh...didn't that version of Psylocke defeat the Shadow King.
Eh...have you read X-Men #77 and #78?

The actual context of the event begs to differ.
The Shadow King set up a trap which when ignited by Psylocke caused a domino/cascade effect. The One single thought that triggered it eventually became a trillion thoughts and that blocked off every other telepath from accessing the Astral Plane. After the Shadow King calls her a rudimentary telepath, humiliates her and destroys her on the astral plane. The Crimson Dawn saved her from death and granted her a new Shadow Form.
But even then this form is nothing compared to the Shadow King...who then from the Astral Plane links with every mind on the planet. He was so arrogant that he himself made a rudimentary mistake.(As the panel states)...he leaves his Nexus unguarded. This mistake is so foolish that not even "The most Rudimentary telepath" would make as he even knows that "above all else his personal nexus must be protected."
He left his nexus unguarded by linking with everyones mind on the planet...which is CIS on his part since he made such a basic mistake. Put an extremely weak psychic in the same position as Psylocke and you'll get the same results. Destroy the nexus and you win.
The Shadow King incident:
So as you can see, even the most rudimentary telepath placed in Psylockes position could have defeated the Shadow King given the special circumstances.(CIS= Arrogance on Shadow Kings part)
So in the end she did beat him.
While she might have lost her telepathy in the end, it would still count as win for Psylocke. You can call this CIS or PIS but it's still a win.

psycho gundam
the mind gem if used correctly makes the user the master of all minds, no matter how alien or advanced or savage. if it has a brain, this gem gives you access to it completely.
Originally posted by llagrok
Moondragon still has telekinesis and is far more skilled
If Moondragon can't TKO her with TP, then she's in a world of trouble. Psylocke's TK is much stronger than Heather's. I don't care about skill. When you are talking about a difference in raw power that huge, skill doesn't mean much. Betsy can just overwhelm her with raw power.
What If...
The fact you made this Crimson Dawn Psylocke, and then gave Moon the mind gem on top of it, is just spite
Make it current, and you have yourself a decent fight.
Originally posted by llagrok
I've yet to see Psylocke take out anyone stronger than Sabretooth.
Originally posted by Rutog98
If Moondragon can't TKO her with TP, then she's in a world of trouble. Psylocke's TK is much stronger than Heather's. I don't care about skill. When you are talking about a difference in raw power that huge, skill doesn't mean much. Betsy can just overwhelm her with raw power.
This isn't current Psylocke. Her TK during the CD period was rather limited, and she lacked the raw power and had even less skill then she possesses now.
Originally posted by Rutog98
If Moondragon can't TKO her with TP, then she's in a world of trouble. Psylocke's TK is much stronger than Heather's. I don't care about skill. When you are talking about a difference in raw power that huge, skill doesn't mean much. Betsy can just overwhelm her with raw power.
Well, Psylocke went up against Dark Jean Grey of Shadow-X and lost ... so her raw power dosent mean much against skilled TK'ers
Moondragon got schooled by Chaos mite.
Psylocke wins this
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Moondragon got schooled by Chaos mite.
Psylocke wins this
A Chaos mite that knocked out the fallen one as well. Chaos mites are incredibly powerful so you obviously have no ****ing idea what you're talking about.
Originally posted by Rutog98
If Moondragon can't TKO her with TP, then she's in a world of trouble. Psylocke's TK is much stronger than Heather's. I don't care about skill. When you are talking about a difference in raw power that huge, skill doesn't mean much. Betsy can just overwhelm her with raw power.
Moondragon CAN KO Psylocke with her TK and you have no proof that crimson dawn Psylocke is more skilled or has more raw power. No proof at all.
Originally posted by llagrok
A Chaos mite that knocked out the fallen one as well. Chaos mites are incredibly powerful so you obviously have no ****ing idea what you're talking about.
post the scan of skreet taking out fallen one in 1 hit.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
post the scan of skreet taking out fallen one in 1 hit.
In order to take out the Fallen one in 1 hit, you need to sacrifice several million sentient beings and rechannel their lifeforce. Thanos couldn't even one-shot the fallen one.
The Chaos mite hurt the beyonder and the fallen one.
If you think being knocked out by her is a low feat, then you're just a plain idiot. Both Psylocke and Moondragon have human durability, a hit from Skreet should kill them. Moondragon surviving something that can hurt a herald level being, is a feat in its own right.
Joey Stacks
Moondragon 10/10
even current Psylocke would lose 9/10
Originally posted by HandOfFate
So in the end she did beat him.
While she might have lost her telepathy in the end, it would still count as win for Psylocke. You can call this CIS or PIS but it's still a win.
I finally understand the reason why we never agree on anything. That logic is equavilent to Dr. Strange vs Wolverine. Dr. Strange decides to remove all of his own powers and take some sleeping pills...Wolverine decapitates him...
Response: "eh..still a win for Wolverine.

So what point are you trying to make?...he destroyed her astral form, overpowered her and humiliated her. She imprisoned him via a plot device due to his own CIS so therefore how is that relevant to this battle? If she didn't demonstrate much in her Crimson Dawn form?
Originally posted by What If...
The fact you made this Crimson Dawn Psylocke, and then gave Moon the mind gem on top of it, is just spite
Make it current, and you have yourself a decent fight.
This isn't current Psylocke. Her TK during the CD period was rather limited, and she lacked the raw power and had even less skill then she possesses now.
Co-signed. Shadow X Jean was doing pretty well against current Psyocke though. But agreed the fight would be much closer if the mind gem was removed and it was current Psylocke.
Originally posted by llagrok
In order to take out the Fallen one in 1 hit, you need to sacrifice several million sentient beings and rechannel their lifeforce. Thanos couldn't even one-shot the fallen one.
The Chaos mite hurt the beyonder and the fallen one.
If you think being knocked out by her is a low feat, then you're just a plain idiot. Both Psylocke and Moondragon have human durability, a hit from Skreet should kill them. Moondragon surviving something that can hurt a herald level being, is a feat in its own right.
1. Skreet 1 shotted Moondragon. She couldnt even stand afterwards
2. She didnt hurt the beyonder she was blown back by the beyonders defenses
3. Post the fallen one getting knockout/down or whatever
4. Pcylocke's tk control is so grea she give her self superhuman strength speed and durability
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
1. Skreet 1 shotted Moondragon. She couldnt even stand afterwards
2. She didnt hurt the beyonder she was blown back by the beyonders defenses
3. Post the fallen one getting knockout/down or whatever
4. Pcylocke's tk control is so grea she give her self superhuman strength speed and durability
1. Yes, and it should've killed her. Skreet is indestructible.
2. She pushed the beyonder back, still impressive.
3. No, read the ****ing Thanos serious yourself.
4. She has to focus, and it's not particularly impressive. Moondragon fights using skills, Psylocke is less skilled than Sabretooth.
What If...
Originally posted by llagrok
1. Yes, and it should've killed her. Skreet is indestructible.
2. She pushed the beyonder back, still impressive.
3. No, read the ****ing Thanos serious yourself.
4. She has to focus, and it's not particularly impressive. Moondragon fights using skills, Psylocke is less skilled than Sabretooth.
I'm not going to argue your first 3 points due to a lack of knowledge on Moondragon, but your fourth argument is off a bit. If you are talking about Crimson Dawn Psylocke, which I believe you are, she couldn't even manipulate her blows via TK. However, when current Psylocke first used her TK strength, she wasn't even aware she could do it - it was a natural state for her. No focus required.
As for Sabretooth, his victory was PSI (she happened to strike him where he wouldn't be affected by the tk sword?)
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
Co-signed. Shadow X Jean was doing pretty well against current Psyocke though. But agreed the fight would be much closer if the mind gem was removed and it was current Psylocke.
Eh, I really wouldn't call that a fight.
Shadow X Jean just walked in and gave everyone a stroke, not a punch was thrown by Psylocke (IIRC).
Psylocke's presence in Exiles and Excalibur is complete BS and she hasn't really had a single impressive feat (besides the invisibility), much less actually used her tk more than a couple times.
Originally posted by ExodusCloak
So what point are you trying to make?...he destroyed her astral form, overpowered her and humiliated her. She imprisoned him via a plot device due to his own CIS so therefore how is that relevant to this battle? If she didn't demonstrate much in her Crimson Dawn form?
Though i would also say that Shadowking is a stronger telepath than Betsy was, he too used a plot device to beat her. It was not his own power that shattered her, but a trap he sat for her to destroy herself.
So SK actually beat Psylock due to her carelessnes first, then Psylock beat SK due to his carelessness ... sound pretty fair to me!

Originally posted by What If...
I'm not going to argue your first 3 points due to a lack of knowledge on Moondragon, but your fourth argument is off a bit. If you are talking about Crimson Dawn Psylocke, which I believe you are, she couldn't even manipulate her blows via TK. However, when current Psylocke first used her TK strength, she wasn't even aware she could do it - it was a natural state for her. No focus required.
I rechecked her fight with Rogue, so apparently she doesn't need to focus in order to slow down her opponents.
Moondragon vs Dr. Strange
Moondragon 10/10. Just plain better.
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