IF Marvel Odin where a villian and invaded DC
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Would DC writers have Superman defeat Odin?
Endless Mike
No because he is weak against magic. The JLA would team up and defeat him and maybe the JSA too
Switch 07
Not regular Supes.
Even D.C has their limits.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Not regular Supes.
Even D.C has their limits.
So T-VO wouldn't work? Would Odin forget half of his powers? IS Superman physically Superior to Odin? Isn't Odin class 70?
Switch 07
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
So T-VO wouldn't work? Would Odin forget half of his powers? IS Superman physically Superior to Odin? Isn't Odin class 70?

Originally posted by Switch 07
I mean really, doesn't most high tier villians superman fights forget like almost all of thier powers. Despero for instance didn't mind rape supers not one time.
Switch 07
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
I mean really, doesn't most high tier villians superman fights forget like almost all of thier powers. Despero for instance didn't mind rape supers not one time.
Yes but like I said. Even D.C has their limits.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Yes but like I said. Even D.C has their limits.
Dominus anyone? DC has limits? Like when Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter Blitzed a Quantum Zealot? Beings who were able to impersonate and defeat 5th dimensional imps. Or like When Superman absorbed the power of Mageddon? Limits? HAH.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Would DC writers have Superman defeat Odin? Yep.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
I mean really, doesn't most high tier villians superman fights forget like almost all of thier powers. Despero for instance didn't mind rape supers not one time. He was too busy catching a dose of heat vision.
yes, superman would kick odins ass
Dc would find a way for Superman, Wonderwoman, or Batman to do it.
Odin would easily fall to Superman in DC. Oh, and Odin can lift 60 tons without amping his strength with the Odinforce.
Supes would rape odin up down a sides ways until odin unvieals his odinforce
then Dc will come up with some plot device including Ds helping supes to take him out.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Supes would rape odin up down a sides ways until odin unvieals his odinforce
then Dc will come up with some plot device including Ds helping supes to take him out. Or heat vision.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Would DC writers have Superman defeat Odin?
He'd destroy Darkseid with a single blast.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Would DC writers have Superman defeat Odin?
Originally posted by Erik-Lensherr
Yes Especially if it was some sort of has to defeat Odin to save millions scenario. Curbstomp.
Air Legend
Originally posted by Switch 07
Not regular Supes.
Even D.C has their limits.
no, T-Vo wouldn't work. Busiek stated that he will never, ever use T-Vo. I really doubt it will show up again, to be honest.
Superman wouldn't beat Odin, if the DC writers used him in the same regard the Marvel writers did.
Actually, if the DC writers used him the same way the Marvel writers did, and wrote him as powerful as he appears in Marvel, the JLA wouldn't beat him either. But I could see Shazam doing it.
Originally posted by tjcoady
no, T-Vo wouldn't work. Busiek stated that he will never, ever use T-Vo. I really doubt it will show up again, to be honest.
Superman wouldn't beat Odin, if the DC writers used him in the same regard the Marvel writers did.
Actually, if the DC writers used him the same way the Marvel writers did, and wrote him as powerful as he appears in Marvel, the JLA wouldn't beat him either. But I could see Shazam doing it. Busiek isn't the be-all end-all of Superman.
No Torquasm? Explain him creating mental projections and duplicates in the recent Omac Mini?
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Supes would rape odin up down a sides ways until odin unvieals his odinforce
then Dc will come up with some plot device including Ds helping supes to take him out.

Plot device ftw.
Originally posted by Juntai
Busiek isn't the be-all end-all of Superman.
No Torquasm? Explain him creating mental projections and duplicates in the recent Omac Mini?
No, Busiek is far from the be all and end all of Superman. But he is his best current writer penning the exploits of Clark Kent, and he's not using it... and the longer Torquasm isn't used in the main Superman title, the less and less likely it'll be for it to come back. So yeah, I mean, it's not like it isn't canon, and it's not like some writer (on something like the OMAC mini, for instance) can't use it as a power of Superman's, but you get the feeling that DC writers don't really want to bring it up. And, most likely, it'll just fade away.
Yes due to some nonsensical plot-device.
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
He'd destroy Morg with a single blast. Yep
Superman tries, does okay, gets ass kicked,needs help.
marvel family FTW.
Originally posted by moonknight11
Yes due to some nonsensical plot-device.
This is true
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