The stamina test!
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Which of the following characters can last the longest going all out?
This will not be a battle between the following characters, just a test to see who among them can keep going the longest amount of time...
The characters are:
1.) Superman
2.) Surfer
3.) Firestorm
4.) Sentry
5.) J'onn
6.) Thor
7.) Hal Jordan
Who can outlast the rest?
Maybe throw jugg's in there.
I'd think FS for sure.
Citizen V
On sheer will alone? Hal Jordan.
Physically? Superman/Thor.
Firestorm or the Surfer.
Originally posted by Citizen V
On sheer will alone? Hal Jordan.
Physically? Superman/Thor. If these characters were to use their abilities non-stop, untill they dropped.
DEFINITELY not Hal Jordan.
Look at the most recent issues of GL and GLC. It's depressing.
"Power Check!"
Originally posted by Galan007
I'd think FS for sure. How come?
Surfer, Thor or Firestorm
Originally posted by Soljer
DEFINITELY not Hal Jordan.
Look at the most recent issues of GL and GLC. It's depressing.
"Power Check!"
Originally posted by Merlyn
How come? Meh,
The Firestorm-Matrix = A source of "infinite" power.
Firestorm leeches his energy from the Matrix, which again is an infinite energy source...
I don't know about you, but I'd think it would take a pretty long time to use up an infinite supply of energy.
Citizen V
Originally posted by Soljer
DEFINITELY not Hal Jordan.
Look at the most recent issues of GL and GLC. It's depressing.
"Power Check!"
"Without my power ring I'm super-powerless...except from the waist down!"

Hal's far from done when his ring's run out of power, believe me.
Originally posted by Galan007
The Firestorm-Matrix = A source of "infinite" power.
Firestorm leeches his energy from the Matrix, which again is an infinite energy source...
I don't know about you, but I'd think it would take a pretty long time to use up an infinite supply of energy.
To use up? Sure.
To get tired of using? Nah.
Just making the distinction.
After all, the power cosmic is pretty limitless itself...
Originally posted by Soljer
To use up? Sure.
To get tired of using? Nah.
Just making the distinction.
After all, the power cosmic is pretty limitless itself... Just making it known that unlike most of the other characters' finite power sources that are involved in this thread -- Firestorm's energy source is without limit.
It was not meant to take anything away from the others, but that gives him a hefty advantage from the start, imo.
Hey Galan, wasn't it Prof. Stein who said that although the matrix has infinite energy, trying to use too much burns out Firestorm?
Originally posted by Galan007
Just making it known that unlike most of the other characters' finite power sources that are involved in this thread -- Firestorm's energy source is without limit.
It was not meant to take anything away from the others, but that gives him a hefty advantage from the start, imo.
But not in my opinion.
If your 'bucket' is only a gallon deep, it doesn't really matter if you draw it from the ocean, a swimming pool, or a bathtub.
Superman, Hal, Firestorm, and Silver Surfer.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
Hey Galan, wasn't it Prof. Stein who said that although the matrix has infinite energy, trying to use too much burns out Firestorm? The complete energy of the Matrix would burn any being out, according to Martin -- And I never said anything about FS having infinite energy.
Just wanted to throw out the fact that the energy source FS taps, is infinite in supply, .

Originally posted by Soljer
But not in my opinion.
If your 'bucket' is only a gallon deep, it doesn't really matter if you draw it from the ocean, a swimming pool, or a bathtub. Did I ever make a claim that FS can draw from his energy source for an infinite amount of time? ermmno
Just pointed out the fact that his primary energy source won't run out of energy like another beings source would -- Nothing more.

Originally posted by Galan007
The complete energy of the Matrix would burn any being out, according to Martin -- And I never said anything about FS having infinite energy.
Just wanted to throw out the fact that the energy source FS taps, is infinite in supply, .
Which is great - but Firestorm can still burn out even if the energies of the matrix are infinite.
Meaning the fact that he draws from an infinite supply helps him in a contest of stamina....not at all.

I'm not saying you're wrong, and I honestly believe that Firestorm may have one of the best staminas as far as full-out-power-usage goes....
But the small amount of reasoning you used to support that assertion seemed quite faulty to me.
Originally posted by Galan007
Did I ever make a claim that FS can draw from his energy source for an infinite amount of time? ermmno
Just pointed out the fact that his primary energy source won't run out of energy like another beings source would -- Nothing more.
But you asserted that it'd be a hefty advantage.
And it really isn't in the least.
The fact that you draw the water from an ocean doesn't change the amount of water you can draw. The fact that the matrix's energies are infinite give no advantage to Firestorm's stamina.
Originally posted by Soljer
The fact that the matrix's energies are infinite give no advantage to Firestorm's stamina. I disagree.
Your argument would be more valid if FS was known for dropping all the time, because he had been using his power for too long, but that's not the case at all.
From what I've seen, his stamina seems to be even greater then Superman's, -- Tach onthe fact that he has an infinite source of energy to tap, and he should be near the top of this thread.
That's not to say FS can go on indefinitely, just that IMO, he can go on for a really, really long time.

Sure, he has great stamina. But THAT'S the fact you should be touting. Show off his big bucket (giggle) - not the ocean.
john allerdyce
Surfer/firestorm get my nods.

Originally posted by Soljer
Sure, he has great stamina. But THAT'S the fact you should be touting. Show off his big bucket (giggle) - not the ocean. You had me at, big bucket. giggle00
I"m gonna go with Firestorm. SImply put, He only has to choose which powers NOT TO take. NOt how much power he takes. Just the kinds.
Silent Master
Thor, it's been stated he could fight for years.
Doomsday outlast them all...
Originally posted by Silent Master
Thor, it's been stated he could fight for years.
Unless Someone shoots him with a bullet and pierces his skin. then he's out of the game.
Harry Fingerman
A million exploding suns is a hellov a lot of power...

Silent Master
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Unless Someone shoots him with a bullet and pierces his skin. then he's out of the game.
I think it's 'cute' that you are so threatened by a comic character you have to respond anytime them being good at something is mentioned.
Originally posted by Silent Master
I think it's 'cute' that you are so threatened by a comic character you have to respond anytime them being good at something is mentioned.
Um What?
Originally posted by Harry Fingerman
A million exploding suns is a hellov a lot of power...
apparently a million exploding suns is enough to stop sentry's nose from bleeding after being punched by Iron Man.
Originally posted by magellan
apparently a million exploding suns is enough to stop sentry's nose from bleeding after being punched by Iron Man.
Superman was busted open by Batman in the Dark Knight Returns buddy. Remember the boot to the chin?
Originally posted by CaptainStoic
Superman was busted open by Batman in the Dark Knight Returns buddy. Remember the boot to the chin?
Yeah, but that is just CIS....Batman doesn't have the strength to even move Superman...or even phase him for that matter.
Originally posted by KMC_Drifter
Yeah, but that is just CIS....Batman doesn't have the strength to even move Superman...or even phase him for that matter.
As was Iron Man giving Sentry a bloody nose.
Originally posted by tkitna
As was Iron Man giving Sentry a bloody nose.
Not really.
Iron Man has like at least class 90 strength, Batman is human. His suit gives him a slight strength boost, that's it.
Surfer ftw
Thor comes in 2nd
Endless Mike
Martian Manhunter fought non - stop for 20,000 years in JLA 1 Million
About Sentry- For all we know, Sentry's actual durability level (ie, what he'd use on KMC) is 100x anything we've seen, judging by how he accesses only fraction of his power. I doubt that means just his strength...
For the thread, are we to assume Superman's constantly in sunlight?
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