Can any natural team beat the Sinestro Corps?
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The current Sinestro Corps seem so overpowered that I cant imagine any standard team taking them out. Your thoughts?
Originally posted by redhotrash
The current Sinestro Corps seem so overpowered that I cant imagine any standard team taking them out. Your thoughts?
Space M ummy
Originally posted by redhotrash
The current Sinestro Corps seem so overpowered that I cant imagine any standard team taking them out. Your thoughts?
Infinity Watch, but they're no longer together.
The illuminati, if they're using the gems.
Originally posted by Kutulu
Who is that in the pic? Sodom yat? Kyle?
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Who is that in the pic? Sodom yat? Kyle?
yup looks just like him
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Space M ummy
Infinity Watch, but they're no longer together.
That seems unlikely.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Who is that in the pic? Sodom yat? Kyle?
Looks like Sodam Yat with the Ion costume.

Originally posted by Kutulu
Looks like Sodam Yat with the Ion costume.
Yeah that is what I thought. from the old prophecy Sodom yat was supposed to be the new ION with his daxamite powers. Teh uber. He's gonna kick that ASS.
King Kandy
How about the JLA 1M?
psycho gundam
superman solos them
Originally posted by psycho gundam
superman solos them
Originally posted by Estacado
Respect teh Anti Monitor because of him doing this!
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
orly where are all these scans coming from. The Am ****ed him up royally with one hit. OMG.
yeah. The JLA 1 Million can take this.
other than that, can't really think of any teams that could beat them.
um... here's one...
The Marvel title was Thor Corps.
But, Beta Ray Bill called them the "Hammer Brothers". Simple as that.
I'm pretty sure that those guys would beat the AM!ka-dur
All-time teams or just current ones ?
Loki like, one-shotted half the Thor corps.
Originally posted by Horrificus
um... here's one...
The Marvel title was Thor Corps.
But, Beta Ray Bill called them the "Hammer Brothers". Simple as that.
I can never remember the name of the guy on the far right... but he just looks SO PYSCHED to be doing a high-five with enchanted hammers.
well, I guess I would too, to think about it. that would be pretty awesome.
That's Dargo something or other. I think he was actually some version of Thor's son.
Yeah, these guys get all hyped up on "Hero Juice", grab thier crazy hammers, Thor shouts out a few "thees" and a few "thous", and it's sleepy time for the bad guys.
Originally posted by King Kandy
How about the JLA 1M? Assuming Resurrection Man 1M is PIS-free, and that Horuman 1M has the Worlogog -- It's possible, imo.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
The Am ****ed him up royally with one hit. OMG. AM is a character whom was personally responsible for the destruction of the previous Multiverse.
I didn't think it was that impressive, when he one-shotted Superman. ermm
Originally posted by Horrificus
That's Dargo something or other. I think he was actually some version of Thor's son.
Yeah, these guys get all hyped up on "Hero Juice", grab thier crazy hammers, Thor shouts out a few "thees" and a few "thous", and it's sleepy time for the bad guys.
After the celebration they would end up as dirt under the Anti Monitor's boots........
Originally posted by Kutulu
Can't think of a team right off hand but it looks like SMP is in bad shape here up against the "greatest Lantern ever" as was prophecised.
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Horrificus
um... here's one...
Didn't Loki solo them?

Originally posted by Bad Ash231
Didn't Loki solo them?

Yeah, but Loki > the Sinestro Corps, so.... dur
What about those guys that were chasing Korvac?
Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Galan007
Yeah, but Loki > the Sinestro Corps, so.... dur
Oh yeah. durfist
The closest team is probably the All Star Comics Golden Age JSA.
Originally posted by Juntai
The closest team is probably the All Star Comics Golden Age JSA. Honestly,
Allowing the (GA)-JSA to be involved is unfair to pretty much any other team(s).

Originally posted by Galan007
Allowing the (GA)-JSA to be involved is unfair to pretty much any other team(s).

The Quintessence can beat them. They are a natural team of sorts. The 5th Dimensional Guard. Surely can do it.
I dont think the Illuminati has a shot. The Infinity gems seperated arent that amazing. The Infinity Watch seems even less likely. Only team that comes to mind would be MAYBE the Annihilation wave when they had their big guns.
The SOS Brigade wins

Endless Mike
Originally posted by Akuki
The SOS Brigade wins

What are they going to do to the Anti - Monitor (assuming he's at classic levels)?
Originally posted by Endless Mike

What are they going to do to the Anti - Monitor (assuming he's at classic levels)?
A fully aware Haruhi could probably beat him.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Endless Mike

What are they going to do to the Anti - Monitor (assuming he's at classic levels)?
Have Yuki take them into closed space and let the AntiMonitor simply cease existing.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Akuki
A fully aware Haruhi could probably beat him.
I doubt that. Yuki's powers have easily gotten around Haruhi's many times, she's even stolen them.
wtf is a Yuki?
It sounds uber.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Galan007
wtf is a Yuki?
It sounds uber.
She's a reality warping alien/android that was given the form of a Japanese girl so that a creature made of information can stalk god.
Originally posted by Galan007
wtf is a Yuki?
It sounds uber. Anime/Manga. srug
Originally posted by Galan007
wtf is a Yuki?
It sounds stupid. Fixed.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by SpookySmurph
Anime/Manga. srug
Originally posted by Galan007
What's it in?
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Akuki
A fully aware Haruhi could probably beat him.
A universal being can beat a multiverse destroyer?
Read my rant:
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Endless Mike
A universal being can beat a multiverse destroyer?
Read my rant:

Originally posted by Galan007
What's it in?
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Basically a guy in high school figures out that the eccentric girl in his class is actually god, although she is not personally aware of it, and the entire universe he exists in is her dream. The SOS brigade consists of the representatives of the major powers in that universe that surround her and basically try and keep her interested in the world so she doesn't just rewrite it.
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
If you have any actual arguments against it then present them.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Endless Mike
If you have any actual arguments against it then present them.
Not at all. I agree completely. I just think it's funny that it actually got to the point where you felt you needed to make that.
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
Not at all. I agree completely. I just think it's funny that it actually got to the point where you felt you needed to make that.
Well after seeing that HOTU thread I had no choice.
In that case I have no choice but to pull out my ultimate character, the god of text from the thursday next series. Basically if something is written, she can rewrite it, she is the lord of the realm in which all written characters reside.
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Akuki
In that case I have no choice but to pull out my ultimate character, the god of text from the thursday next series. Basically if something is written, she can rewrite it, she is the lord of the realm in which all written characters reside.
That doesn't sound like a "team", though
Originally posted by Endless Mike
That doesn't sound like a "team", though
Technically shes a last minute summon that can be used by the law enforcement team of that universe.
Originally posted by Galan007
Yeah, but Loki > the Sinestro Corps, so.... dur
no he didn't.
Originally posted by Galan007
wtf is a Yuki?
It sounds uber.
Originally posted by Galan007
What's it in?
... my first guess?
Originally posted by Endless Mike
A universal being can beat a multiverse destroyer?
Read my rant:
They weren't "multiverses".
You know what I mean.
You have been wrong for a very long time Mike.
It seems............................Endless.
I'm back.
Endless Mike
Who are you again?
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Who are you again?
My God!
How Horrifying.
Look how quickly you responded.
you... you were lurking, there in the dark the entire time.
A long time ago, you and I argued the subject of Universal vs. Multiversal vs. Omniversal beings, for about 3 months straight.
I even posted diagrams and charts.
Was lot's of fun.
damn right.
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Horrificus
My God!
How Horrifying.
Look how quickly you responded.
you... you were lurking, there in the dark the entire time.
A long time ago, you and I argued the subject of Universal vs. Multiversal vs. Omniversal beings, for about 3 months straight.
I even posted diagrams and charts.
Was lot's of fun.
Can't say I recall that.
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