Originally posted by Bransolute
You just posted those.
Because you posted a second hand bio to argue against On Panel proof.
I use bios too, but On Panel always comes first,
if the On Panel proof correlates with a bio description,
then you can't be wrong.
Originally posted by Bransolute
It kind of looks like Fury opened a rift or something before in the page I showed, and escaped that way... or whatever.
That's not mentioned anywhere on panel or in any of the bios.
Originally posted by Bransolute
And, in the page you showed, it only says he survived the destruction of a reality. Which he did, and no one's arguing about that. It never said he even took the hit... just that he survived, which could mean multiple things.
If you want it to mean more than it does, that's on you.
But the on panel evidence is quite clear:
"It floats through Space that is Not Space"
It's not Space, because Space & Time was Nullified there.
So it became Un-Space. (the opposite of Space)
Which is where Fury took Jaspers,
to the 238 Area of the Multiverse that became Un-Space.
In fact, that's how the Fury knew about that location, because it was once there,
floating in Un-Space.
That right there clears this up nicely.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Plus, is his "journey being unpleasant" supposed to mean something?
It came from a reality that was just destroyed. Obviously it's going to be unpleasant.
As you wish.
But you're ignoring the fact,
that after the 238 Reality was Nullified,
Fury is clearly depicted floating Unharmed through Space that is Not Space"
So it's clearly talking about Fury floating withIN the 238 Reality
that was just turned into Un-Space by Nullification.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Plus, I don't know about you, but unless he went into Entropy, it's not going to cause as much damage as a universe blowing up in his face.
We don't know what Fury went through in his Journey through UniverseS,
to reach the 616 Reality.
We only know, that it was the Journey that messed him up.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Obviously, but he did prepare.
To no avail.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Just because a handbook leaves something out, it must mean it didn't happen?
It's not about what they left out,
they simply didn't pay close attention,
and slipped up in their historical documentation concerning the Fury.
So they added info that didn't exist.
Originally posted by Bransolute
I mean, they seemingly left out Fury adapting in 238, so that means it didn't happen... right?
Adapting to what?
You mean the preparation? That wasn't adapting, that was preparation.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Also, may I ask what Handbook that is in, anyway?
I posted it up top:
First there's the Official Marvel Handbook Fury bio 2006:
"Fury modified itself to pursue (the preparation)
unbothered by the raging Reality Warp Jaspers' powers had precipitated,
it Survived the destruction of its Entire Reality"
(It didn't escape the destruction ... it Survived it)
This Marvel Official Handbook is even more blatant:
Alternate Universes - Crooked World (238 Reality)
"The Fury withstood both the Jaspers Warp and the Destruction of its Reality,
subsequently making its way to Earth 616"
You know what "Withstood" means right?
(remain undamaged or unaffected by)
the Fury "Subsequently made its way to 616."
You know what "Subsequent" means right?
(coming after something in time; following)
So the Fury made its way to 616 AFTER it Withstood the nullification of 238.