Peter Petrelli vs. Clark Kent (smallville)
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I figure since the hit series 'heroes' have their own comic book that they can now be contestants in this versus forum. Anyway both these guys are both relatively inexperienced with their powers. I know that clark in ths show has been doing this for some time but he still lacks the experience that grown up supes has. This is peter petrelli in the end of season 1 by the way...who wins?
Clark unless Peter can replicate his invulnerability. But seeing as how Clark isn't even human let alone have heroes related powers I don't think its happening. Peter's got some fight in this now that he's using his powers will a little more skill but all Clark's gotta do is take his head.
Peter can't really do anything to Clark.
Clark speedblitz Peter
I see a stalemate. Or, if anyone wins its Peter, Why
Peter absorbs Clarks powers. So really whatever Clark does Peter will be able to do+ whatever powers he already has.
Peter gets speedblitzed.
Originally posted by python99
I see a stalemate. Or, if anyone wins its Peter, Why
Peter absorbs Clarks powers. So really whatever Clark does Peter will be able to do+ whatever powers he already has.
Clark is an alien not a human and Peter won't have time to do it since he will get speed blitzed.
Originally posted by Entity
Peter's got some fight in this now that he's using his powers will a little more skill but all Clark's gotta do is take his head.
Explosion in the end of the first season probably took more than just Peter head and he is still alive.
Peter can also go invisible. He has also huge energy, since he could destroy New York. Clark in Smallville hasn't fought anyone with such energy output and he has been hurt by a lesser energy or force.
It would be probably a stalemate.
heat vision labotomy for the win. as of now i dont see peter having the knolage and expiriance with his powers to take clark out fast enuff.
i think clark is to durable to defeat with out peter going nuke on him.
or eminating kryptonite radiation(not that he knows how)
Originally posted by Estacado
Clark is an alien not a human and Peter won't have time to do it since he will get speed blitzed.
Alien. So what. He wont be able to absorb anything? Peter does not need to do anything, it just happens. Again whatever Kent does Pete can do.
Originally posted by python99
Alien. So what. He wont be able to absorb anything? Peter does not need to do anything, it just happens. Again whatever Kent does Pete can do.
we dont know if he can use clarks powers becaus thay are not brain based like the powers in the "heros" world
Clark for the win
I would think peter will not be able to use clarks powers
But lets say he does.... he panicked when he was going to blow up and could not fly at the same time to save the city, what happens when heat vision and lighting speed, invulnerability and hearing collide with his other powers?
Clark one shots him and knocks him out shot
Originally posted by starlock
Clark for the win
I would think peter will not be able to use clarks powers
But lets say he does.... he panicked when he was going to blow up and could not fly at the same time to save the city, what happens when heat vision and lighting speed, invulnerability and hearing collide with his other powers?
Clark one shots him and knocks him out shot
agreed peter is to flaky as of now though his potential is limitless it seems. just needs some training with his powers
The Pict
Peter won't be taking Clark's powers and Clark wins via speed blitz.
Originally posted by xjustice69x
we dont know if he can use clarks powers becaus thay are not brain based like the powers in the "heros" world
Ok then, until that is determined this is a stalemate
Originally posted by python99
Alien. So what. He wont be able to absorb anything? Peter does not need to do anything, it just happens. Again whatever Kent does Pete can do.
Would Peter absorb the eye sight of an owl, the enhance nose of a dog, or the ability to camouflage like a chameleon? No. His power is limited to humans, and limited even more to humans with powers. Like a dog/owl/lizard, Superman is a different species and there is nothing to suggest that Peter could absorb Clark's powers just because he looks human.
with time though peter should by all acounts beat him weather or not he can duplicate clarks powers
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Would Peter absorb the eye sight of an owl, the enhance nose of a dog, or the ability to camouflage like a chameleon? No. His power is limited to humans, and limited even more to humans with powers. Like a dog/owl/lizard, Superman is a different species and there is nothing to suggest that Peter could absorb Clark's powers just because he looks human.
Do you know this for certain?
The true limit to his power has yet to be determined.
Peter can stop time which stops Clark before a speed blitz.
Except it takes too long for him to activate his time stop ability. That second or so where Peter closes his eyes will be all the time Clark needs.
Peter Petrelli curbstomps
The Pict
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Would Peter absorb the eye sight of an owl, the enhance nose of a dog, or the ability to camouflage like a chameleon? No. His power is limited to humans, and limited even more to humans with powers. Like a dog/owl/lizard, Superman is a different species and there is nothing to suggest that Peter could absorb Clark's powers just because he looks human.
Great point
Originally posted by Sarutobi700
Peter Petrelli curbstomps
Based on? So far he's beaten a couple of Irishmen and that's it.
Originally posted by Validus
Except it takes too long for him to activate his time stop ability. That second or so where Peter closes his eyes will be all the time Clark needs. A blink of an eye is too long? Unless Clarks speed blitz knocks him into the sun in that time i doubt he can keep him down.
The Pict
Originally posted by iceman24567
A blink of an eye is too long? Unless Clarks speed blitz knocks him into the sun in that time i doubt he can keep him down.
When has Peter stopped time in the blink of an eye?
Keep him down? Peter will splattered all over the place when clark hits him.
Then be brought back to life. Hero does it within a Blink of an eye plus future Peter did it when he wasn't even in the same room as the people he froze. The man regenerated from a nuclear level explosion no splatter that Clark can do can keep him down.
Irishmen>>>Superman Prime
The Pict
Originally posted by iceman24567
Then be brought back to life. Hero does it within a Blink of an eye plus future Peter did it when he wasn't even in the same room as the people he froze. The man regenerated from a nuclear level explosion no splatter that Clark can do can keep him down.
Hiro doesn't do it in the blink of an eye.
Who says he regenereted from the explosion? Ted wasn't being burned up when he used his powers.
Remember being stabbed/shot in the back of the neck is enough to kill Peter or Claire. They aren't invulnerable. Clark is.
Originally posted by The Pict
Hiro doesn't do it in the blink of an eye.
Who says he regenereted from the explosion? Ted wasn't being burned up when he used his powers.
Remember being stabbed/shot in the back of the neck is enough to kill Peter or Claire. They aren't invulnerable. Clark is.
unless he absorbs clark abilities, we still do not know that yet.
Stalemate if anything
The Pict
Originally posted by python99
unless he absorbs clark abilities, we still do not know that yet.
Stalemate if anything
He won't be absorbing them, Clark isn't a super-powered human. Jeez.
Originally posted by The Pict
Hiro doesn't do it in the blink of an eye.
Who says he regenereted from the explosion? Ted wasn't being burned up when he used his powers.
Remember being stabbed/shot in the back of the neck is enough to kill Peter or Claire. They aren't invulnerable. Clark is. Yes they are invulnerable to an extent just like Clark has a weakness so do they no way you can say 100% Clark wins. Plus all it took was the removal of the piece of glass to regenerate himself.
The Pict
Originally posted by iceman24567
Yes they are invulnerable to an extent just like Clark has a weakness so do they no way you can say 100% Clark wins. Plus all it took was the removal of the piece of glass to regenerate himself.
They aren't invulnerable, though. If Sylar had got his hands on Claire she would be dead.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Yes they are invulnerable to an extent just like Clark has a weakness so do they no way you can say 100% Clark wins. Plus all it took was the removal of the piece of glass to regenerate himself.
Yes, but someone else had to do it. No one is going to be helping Peter in this case.
Originally posted by The Pict
He won't be absorbing them, Clark isn't a super-powered human. Jeez.
Obviously, but again do you know for sure???
Originally posted by The Pict
They aren't invulnerable, though. If Sylar had got his hands on Claire she would be dead. Clark isn't invulnerable he's been killed before whats your point? To many variables to say Clark is the definite winner.
Hiro wasn't fast enough to stop time before the evil guys shot Kensei with a arrow which is much slower than Clark. also Peter can only absorb the powers of someone from Heroes with power because they have the same gene that codes for their powers. Other than that they are entirely the same to humans Clark's powers come from his entire genome which is completely different from that of a human's.
The Pict
Originally posted by iceman24567
Clark isn't invulnerable he's been killed before whats your point? To many variables to say Clark is the definite winner.
Clark was killed while he was human. What's your point?
What variables? What can Peter do to Clark Kent? Seriously, how will he beat him? How will he stalemate him?
Originally posted by python99
Obviously, but again do you know for sure???
Because he isn't taking abilities and skills from every living thing around him. There's no need to "know for sure" it just won't be happening. Besides Peter would need a Kryptonian physiology to have any of Clark's powers.
Doesn't Peter also have Nikki/Jessica, D.L., and Micah's powers now too? He was near them in the season finale when he fought Sylar and Jessica walked up and smacked the hell out of Sylar.
Originally posted by illadelph12
Doesn't Peter also have Nikki/Jessica, D.L., and Micah's powers now too? He was near them in the season finale when he fought Sylar and Jessica walked up and smacked the hell out of Sylar. He has Nikkis power not sure about the others. Did you see the last episode went he fought Vandal Savage he could do nothing to beat as The Martian Manhunter said so basically that a stalemate isn't it? Clark has been know to get the crap beat out of him by people with different powers Peter has like 8 powers those are the variables.
Barbarian Shams
Um that was not Vandal Savage on Smallville, it was Dr. Curtis Knox who like Savage is immortal and cannot die. Also Clark was being weakened by Kryptonite when being beat on by Knox. Oh and Clark on that show holds back against meteor freaks. If they were to actually get punched by Clark instead of being thrown around, they would die in one blow. I may not know anything about the dude from Heroes, but he couldn't absorb the powers of an alien and he couldn't handle the levof power that Kal-El has. Case in point, when Jonathan Kent was temporarily given the powers of a Kryptonian by Jor-El to bring back Clark Kent during his first stint in Metropolis with Red Kryptonite, he started to have heart problems due to his body having so much power. Clark Kent beats Peter with little ease, if there's kryptonite involved, then Peter wins, but without it, Clark wins without breaking a sweat. I mean, there's only one time he ever cut loose against anyone physically and that was against an immensely strong Phantom Zone criminal named Titan who took quite the beating from an enraged Clark.
Originally posted by Barbarian Shams
Um that was not Vandal Savage on Smallville, it was Dr. Curtis Knox who like Savage is immortal and cannot die. Also Clark was being weakened by Kryptonite when being beat on by Knox. Oh and Clark on that show holds back against meteor freaks. If they were to actually get punched by Clark instead of being thrown around, they would die in one blow. I may not know anything about the dude from Heroes, but he couldn't absorb the powers of an alien and he couldn't handle the levof power that Kal-El has. Case in point, when Jonathan Kent was temporarily given the powers of a Kryptonian by Jor-El to bring back Clark Kent during his first stint in Metropolis with Red Kryptonite, he started to have heart problems due to his body having so much power. Clark Kent beats Peter with little ease, if there's kryptonite involved, then Peter wins, but without it, Clark wins without breaking a sweat. I mean, there's only one time he ever cut loose against anyone physically and that was against an immensely strong Phantom Zone criminal named Titan who took quite the beating from an enraged Clark. Well as you know Vandal savage was close to Adolf Hitler and just by coincidence so was another immortal Curtis Knox.. yeah ok they are based on the same comic book character my point was the stalemate was the whole immortality that Clark couldn't stop i watch both very much since they both aired and im sure it would be a stalemate.
clark from smallville in a stomp
peter easy with a time stop, and thne phase clarks brain out of his head (smallville clark is a lot weaker than regular superman) superman lacks the power in smallville to give him any wound he cant heal from
Peter is not beating Clark, Clark was shot with a kryptonite bullet, was down and dying as soon as the bullet was removed he was back at 100%, how many times has Peter used time manipulation when he wasn't an alternate future version (we did not see him use that power either the guys were frozen and he walked in the room, it's impossible to tell how long it took him to activate that power.) He did not have to heal from the explosion because Ted is immune to his own power, I don't see him or Claire regenerating from being vaporized since all you have to do is leave an object of indeterminate size in their bodies to halt there healing ability (and since it was mentioned, in the future Sylar killed Claire). Throwing Clark around with tk is his best defence, but I doubt it would hurt Clark, it would annoy him at best. Invisibility won't help, since we know that people with super hearing can find him easily. Nikki is strong, but until she flings a truck she's not even as strong as his tk. All this Peter hype is crazy, if he could absorb the special abilities of anybody then he'd also be absorbing from random humans too, typing skills, fighting etc... he doesn't he ain't Mimic (Calvin Rankin) he's Peter Petrelli and his powers seem pretty specific.
Originally posted by Sarutobi700
Irishmen>>>Superman Prime
lol that one made me laugh. especialy if its a drunken Irishmen! guiniss to an irishmen is like spinch to popeye.
Peter is definitely a far more powerful being. Already absorbing Hiro powers makes him more powerful than Clark.
Just to control them, Clark wouldn't stand a chance.
Peter only needs to absorb some who is super fast and then Clark wouldn't even have a chance.
And also with brute force he would probably be able to kill Clark (since he could destroy New York).
But that is, with controlling them.
For now, Clark should win.
There has been nothing to conclude that Peter can use more than one power at a time without falling into a coma like before. What would he be able to do to Clark if he does stop time? How will he hurt him? Smallville Clark has shown some kind of resistance to mind reading so he wouldn't know that other than kryptonite and magic he has no major weaknesses, electricity has effected him but not to any degree that would warrant anybody thinking it will be the deciding factor. Hell has officially been frozen, I can't believe I'm defending any incarnation of Superman.

Originally posted by LordKaos
There has been nothing to conclude that Peter can use more than one power at a time without falling into a coma like before. What would he be able to do to Clark if he does stop time? How will he hurt him? Smallville Clark has shown some kind of resistance to mind reading so he wouldn't know that other than kryptonite and magic he has no major weaknesses, electricity has effected him but not to any degree that would warrant anybody thinking it will be the deciding factor. Hell has officially been frozen, I can't believe I'm defending any incarnation of Superman.
Peter was using Multiple powers when he fought sylar.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Peter was using Multiple powers when he fought sylar.
No he was using multiple powers one at a time. Why didn't he fly himself away when he was going to explode?
Originally posted by LordKaos
There has been nothing to conclude that Peter can use more than one power at a time without falling into a coma like before. What would he be able to do to Clark if he does stop time? How will he hurt him? Smallville Clark has shown some kind of resistance to mind reading so he wouldn't know that other than kryptonite and magic he has no major weaknesses, electricity has effected him but not to any degree that would warrant anybody thinking it will be the deciding factor. Hell has officially been frozen, I can't believe I'm defending any incarnation of Superman.

Like somebody said Clark from Smallville is weaker than any comic book Superman. I say all Peter has to do is stop time phaze Clarks brain or heart out of him and he's dead.
Just look at some of the people that Clark has trouble with in his series. None of them are as powerful Peter.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Like somebody said Clark from Smallville is weaker than any comic book Superman. I say all Peter has to do is stop time phaze Clarks brain or heart out of him and he's dead.
And all I'm saying is when has Peter even realized he had Hiro's power other than in an alternate future? He'll stick to the basics and first use tk, when he sees his opponent is not hurt he will become invisible because for all his power he is really just a scared little nurse not some battle ready warrior, Clark will hear he is still there and find a way to take him out. Smallville Clark is very fond of his superspeed, the moment he gets up from a tk hit he will knock Peter into next week.
Originally posted by LordKaos
Peter is not beating Clark, Clark was shot with a kryptonite bullet, was down and dying as soon as the bullet was removed he was back at 100%, how many times has Peter used time manipulation when he wasn't an alternate future version (we did not see him use that power either the guys were frozen and he walked in the room, it's impossible to tell how long it took him to activate that power.) He did not have to heal from the explosion because Ted is immune to his own power, I don't see him or Claire regenerating from being vaporized since all you have to do is leave an object of indeterminate size in their bodies to halt there healing ability (and since it was mentioned, in the future Sylar killed Claire). Throwing Clark around with tk is his best defence, but I doubt it would hurt Clark, it would annoy him at best. Invisibility won't help, since we know that people with super hearing can find him easily. Nikki is strong, but until she flings a truck she's not even as strong as his tk. All this Peter hype is crazy, if he could absorb the special abilities of anybody then he'd also be absorbing from random humans too, typing skills, fighting etc... he doesn't he ain't Mimic (Calvin Rankin) he's Peter Petrelli and his powers seem pretty specific. well we have to assume all posibilities, right now he's shown the ability to use most of his powers (the one he remembers) with ease, so if he knows all of his powers e'd be able to time stop easily even then with peter healing factor I dont know anything clark could do to stop him especially since his healing factor takes immeidiate effect...and with his intangibility it'd be easy to dodge clarks attacks
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Just look at some of the people that Clark has trouble with in his series. None of them are as powerful Peter.
Which people would that be, other than a Witch, beings with roughly the same level of strength he has, that phantom that possessed Bow Wow, or the telepathic phantom zone escapee that trapped his mind in an illusion, and other Kryptonians, what character has he actually been hurt by when not weakened by kryptonite? With the exception of his time powers that he never uses and as far as we know doesn't even know he has how is Peter more powerful than any of them?
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Just look at some of the people that Clark has trouble with in his series. None of them are as powerful Peter.
Peter was dominated by Sylar who isn't as powerful as Clark.
Originally posted by Validus
Peter was dominated by Sylar who isn't as powerful as Clark. Sylar is a crazy homicidal villain Peter is a loving hero when the circumstances called for it he stepped up and beat Sylar. Peter and Clark are alot alike in that way.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
well we have to assume all posibilities, right now he's shown the ability to use most of his powers (the one he remembers) with ease, so if he knows all of his powers e'd be able to time stop easily even then with peter healing factor I dont know anything clark could do to stop him especially since his healing factor takes immeidiate effect...and with his intangibility it'd be easy to dodge clarks attacks
I won't be assuming he has easy access to a power he has never used or shown to be aware of simply because you want him to win, when he does it in the show in real time I'll factor it in until as far as I know that was only something future Peter who doesn't exist anymore could do. This talk of his healing factor is crazy, he heals so Clark can't do anything to him, Clark is invulnerable but Peter can take him out though. Yeah ok you know how Clark can circumvent his healing, by throwing a piece of glass into his head, that's how Sylar did it. Show Peter using more than one power simultaneously and I'll believe he has a chance of freezing time and then phasing out vital organs before time restarts itself once he stops using it to call on his phasing power. When Hiro freezes time, it restarts itself the moment he looses concentration, like when he tried to kill Sylar the first time. Peter doesn't get any insight into the power he mimics he just has them and has to learn about them the same way the original user does.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Sylar is a crazy homicidal villain Peter is a loving hero when the circumstances called for it he stepped up and beat Sylar. Peter and Clark are alot alike in that way.
Stepped up? Sylar had Peter dead to rights before Nikki jumped in.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Sylar is a crazy homicidal villain Peter is a loving hero when the circumstances called for it he stepped up and beat Sylar. Peter and Clark are alot alike in that way.
No he stepped up and got his ass kicked by Sylar, Hiro beat Sylar and he didn't even deliver a killing blow.
Originally posted by Validus
Stepped up? Sylar had Peter dead to rights before Nikki jumped in.
Preach on

(holy ghost dance)
Originally posted by Validus
Peter was dominated by Sylar who isn't as powerful as Clark. no the times he fought sylar he hadnt used his ablities in combat before really, he was just trying t ocontrol the mthe entire series while sylar used his abilties to overcome others, he lost to sylar both time because he was surprised
if you look at him now he is more attuned to using his abilities in combat situations and has been shown taking down multiple people, so throw that new combat attitude with knowledge of his other abilities he'd be able to beat clark...from the show, definently not the comic, comic superman would move so fast he could move wit ha time stop or something
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no the times he fought sylar he hadnt used his ablities in combat before really, he was just trying t ocontrol the mthe entire series while sylar used his abilties to overcome others, he lost to sylar both time because he was surprised
if you look at him now he is more attuned to using his abilities in combat situations and has been shown taking down multiple people, so throw that new combat attitude with knowledge of his other abilities he'd be able to beat clark...from the show, definently not the comic, comic superman would move so fast he could move wit ha time stop or something Exactly Clark is like a watered down version of the comic book Superman and the movie one too.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no the times he fought sylar he hadnt used his ablities in combat before really, he was just trying t ocontrol the mthe entire series while sylar used his abilties to overcome others, he lost to sylar both time because he was surprised
if you look at him now he is more attuned to using his abilities in combat situations and has been shown taking down multiple people, so throw that new combat attitude with knowledge of his other abilities he'd be able to beat clark...from the show, definently not the comic, comic superman would move so fast he could move wit ha time stop or something
I'm sorry but that logic is horrible. He can take down every Irish thug he wants to but that still doesn't mean he has a chance against Clark.
Clark has actually beaten multiple super powered people himself. How is that less impressive than what Peter has done (mostly nothing)?
Peter has shown the ability to hold someone against the wall using TK. Clark has punched someone into outer space. Which is more impressive?
And don't discount Clark's speed either. He shown the ability to do complicated actions faster than anyone can see multiple times in the series.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no the times he fought sylar he hadnt used his ablities in combat before really, he was just trying t ocontrol the mthe entire series while sylar used his abilties to overcome others, he lost to sylar both time because he was surprised
if you look at him now he is more attuned to using his abilities in combat situations and has been shown taking down multiple people, so throw that new combat attitude with knowledge of his other abilities he'd be able to beat clark...from the show, definently not the comic, comic superman would move so fast he could move wit ha time stop or something
Yeah he is more attuned with having those two fights

, Smallville has been on for several seasons giving Clark the edge in experience. That crap in Ireland, don't count as battles he's helping some guys rob some other guys and moves a truck around. They had him help because he had powers, increasing their shock value. Petty Irish criminals<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Smallville Clark, there are so many more < but you get the point
Originally posted by Validus
Peter was dominated by Sylar who isn't as powerful as Clark.
DID peter have nuclear blast then? Was be able to control his powers as he does now? He seems quite adept at recalling any power he chooses. When he fought sylar, he barely knew what he was doing.
Originally posted by LordKaos
Yeah he is more attuned with having those two fights

, Smallville has been on for several seasons giving Clark the edge in experience. That crap in Ireland, don't count as battles he's helping some guys rob some other guys and moves a truck around. They had him help because he had powers, increasing their shock value. Petty Irish criminals<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Smallville Clark, there are so many more < but you get the point I think Petter can beat just about any Zoner Clark has taken out.
Originally posted by Validus
I'm sorry but that logic is horrible. He can take down every Irish thug he wants to but that still doesn't mean he has a chance against Clark.
Clark has actually beaten multiple super powered people himself. How is that less impressive than what Peter has done (mostly nothing)?
Peter has shown the ability to hold someone against the wall using TK. Clark has punched someone into outer space. Which is more impressive?
And don't discount Clark's speed either. He shown the ability to do complicated actions faster than anyone can see multiple times in the series. you keep giving feats but most of them dont help that much at all, peter ca ngo intangible preventing clarks punches while intangible he could activate a time stop and pull clarks heart out, there ae plenty of ways for peter to survive all of clarks moves
the space punch if it managed to hit him, he'd be unconsious for a while before healing in midair, then rewinding time he could go back...except thats overexagerating his time ability, he oculd stop himself and fly back
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
DID peter have nuclear blast then? Was be able to control his powers as he does now? He seems quite adept at recalling any power he chooses. When he fought sylar, he barely knew what he was doing.
He had all his powers, plus all Sylars power in their last battle, Claude taught him how to recall powers way before he ran into Sylar, which is why he had become more proficient with his tk and becoming invisible. Sylar has the luxury of being able to know what his powers are about and how to use them better than the people he has taken them from via his original power which allows him to see how things work and how to improve them, Peter takes the power as is.
Originally posted by iceman24567
I think Petter can beat just about any Zoner Clark has taken out.
What makes you think that?

Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
you keep giving feats but most of them dont help that much at all, peter ca ngo intangible preventing clarks punches while intangible he could activate a time stop and pull clarks heart out, there ae plenty of ways for peter to survive all of clarks moves
Time stop? Clark can move faster than Peter thinks. The fight would end instantly. Clark has moved so fast that he threw a football, ran a short distance, stopped Chloe from being stabbed, incapacitated the would be murderer, and ran back to the football game without being noticed yet for some magical reason he won't be able to blitz Peter?
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
the space punch if it managed to hit him, he'd be unconsious for a while before healing in midair
Wrong. Since Peter has no actual durability, Clark's fist would just rip through his damn head.
Originally posted by iceman24567
I think Petter can beat just about any Zoner Clark has taken out.
Originally posted by Validus
Time stop? Clark can move faster than Peter thinks. The fight would end instantly. Clark has moved so fast that he threw a football, ran a short distance, stopped Chloe from being stabbed, incapacitated the would be murderer, and ran back to the football game without being noticed yet for some magical reason he won't be able to blitz Peter?
Wrong. Since Peter has no actual durability, Clark's fist would just rip through his damn head.
I highly doubt clark is faster than thought, I believe only flash in the comics could reach that speed, so no hecant move faster than he can think
and he doesn't need natural durability, claire has survived a miniature nuclear explosion and walked around while half of her body was missing, and then healed and was apprently in very little pain
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
I highly doubt clark is faster than thought, I believe only flash in the comics could reach that speed, so no hecant move faster than he can think
Yes, lets just ignore the fact that he's done it several times. That makes sense to me.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
and he doesn't need natural durability, claire has survived a miniature nuclear explosion and walked around while half of her body was missing, and then healed and was apprently in very little pain
Yet, Claire was near enough dead with a stick stuck in her head. Clark's fist > Stick/Glass shard
Originally posted by Validus
Yes, lets just ignore the fact that he's done it several times. That makes sense to me.
Yet, Claire was near enough dead with a stick stuck in her head. Clark's fist > Stick/Glass shard He would need to hit him before he stopped time.
no you're making bad analogies, the reason he couldn't hea l fro mthat is that his body didn't remove the glass a punch however leaving nothing stuck in his brain, so his body would instantly begin t oheal
Originally posted by Validus
Yes, lets just ignore the fact that he's done it several times. That makes sense to me.
Yet, Claire was near enough dead with a stick stuck in her head. Clark's fist > Stick/Glass shard
Since when has clark EVER tried to kill someone? Isn't that out of character for him?
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no you're making bad analogies, the reason he couldn't hea l fro mthat is that his body didn't remove the glass a punch however leaving nothing stuck in his brain, so his body would instantly begin t oheal Home run

Since when has peter ever tried to kill anyone? Claire was not involved in any explosion she was just being burned by intense heat, and she didn't begin to heal until after she was out of the house.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no you're making bad analogies, the reason he couldn't hea l fro mthat is that his body didn't remove the glass a punch however leaving nothing stuck in his brain, so his body would instantly begin t oheal
His body will heal and then what? What about his flight power makes you think it's strong enough to fight the force of being knocked from Earth to space?
Originally posted by iceman24567
He would need to hit him before he stopped time.
And Clark has shown he's more than fast enough to do that. That's not me speculating. That's a fact. Anyone who's had the displeasure of watching Smallville knows that.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no you're making bad analogies, the reason he couldn't hea l fro mthat is that his body didn't remove the glass a punch however leaving nothing stuck in his brain, so his body would instantly begin t oheal
Clark's punch would leave Peter without a brain, period. No brain means no powers. If you want to argue that, realize that Sylar permanently killed Claire in the future by removing her brain.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Since when has clark EVER tried to kill someone? Isn't that out of character for him?
Why should I use an in character Clark when none of the Peter supporters are doing that for him? Clearly, CIS is off for this match.

Originally posted by Validus
And Clark has shown he's more than fast enough to do that. That's not me speculating. That's a fact. Anyone who's had the displeasure of watching Smallville knows that.
Clark's punch would leave Peter without a brain, period. No brain means no powers. If you want to argue that, realize that Sylar permanently killed Claire in the future by removing her brain.
Why should I use an in character Clark when none of the Peter supporters are doing that for him? Clearly, CIS is off for this match.

So all the times Clark punched people he knocked their heads off? Nope he never has Superman from the comics can but not Clark the proof is in the show.
Originally posted by iceman24567
So all the times Clark punched people he knocked their heads off? Nope he never has Superman from the comics can but not Clark the proof is in the show.
If Clark hit Peter with even half his full force, what exactly do you think is going to happen?
Originally posted by Validus
If Clark hit Peter with even half his full force, what exactly do you think is going to happen? Clark has hit people before and it never happened so im guessing it won't against Peter.
And since Peter isn't holding back and would risk going nuke (even though his goal in the first season was to not do that or kill people) to take out one guy we'll let Clark revert to his Kal El persona or just give him some red kryptonite and see how Peter fairs.
Originally posted by LordKaos
And since Peter isn't holding back and would risk going nuke (even though his goal in the first season was to not do that or kill people) to take out one guy we'll let Clark revert to his Kal El persona or just give him some red kryptonite and see how Peter fairs. Ok then we can just change inexperienced present Peter into alternate reality most powerful being in the world Peter see how Clark or Kal-L do against him.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Clark has hit people before and it never happened so im guessing it won't against Peter.
That's because Clark isn't hitting everyone as hard as he can, obviously.
If Clark can punch a Kryptonian into outer space, why can't he take a normal human's head off? Just answer that for me.
And if you want to talk about what each character has done, just tell me when Peter has actually stopped time in a fight.
Originally posted by Validus
That's because Clark isn't hitting everyone as hard as he can, obviously.
If Clark can punch a Kryptonian into outer space, why can't he take a normal human's head off? Just answer that for me.
And if you want to talk about what each character has done, just tell me when Peter has actually stopped time in a fight. Well since Peter obviously isn't normal does it matter?
Originally posted by iceman24567
Well since Peter obviously isn't normal does it matter?
Invulnerability is not one of his powers.
Seriously, quit acting dense on this.
Originally posted by Validus
Invulnerability is not one of his powers.
Seriously, quit acting dense on this.
Tk is. Shields?
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Tk is. Shields?
TK shields have never appeared in Heroes. Doubt it would hold up regardless.
Originally posted by Validus
TK shields have never appeared in Heroes. Doubt it would hold up regardless.
Dont' think a punch from clark is going to kill peter if a nuclear explosion didn't. It didn't even kill his brother. They must have some form of invulnerability not spoken.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Ok then we can just change inexperienced present Peter into alternate reality most powerful being in the world Peter see how Clark or Kal-L do against him.
That's a ridiculous notion and you are really reaching, the Kal El personality exists within Clark as does the red krytonite Clark (it's just him without inhibitions) future Peter along with his timeline no longer exist. Even if it did, as I remember it all powerful future Peter had to concentrate just to unplug that television in the bar he was in. He didn't do anything impressive that lead me to believe that he was all that much better, especially since he had a scar that didn't heal, and couldn't tell that a psychotic serial killer was posing as his brother for like 5 years.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Dont' think a punch from clark is going to kill peter if a nuclear explosion didn't. It didn't even kill his brother. They must have some form of invulnerability not spoken.
Speculative. Logic would simply say Nathan flew away from the explosion and that Peter, like Ted, was immune to his own explosion.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Dont' think a punch from clark is going to kill peter if a nuclear explosion didn't. It didn't even kill his brother. They must have some form of invulnerability not spoken.
It didn't kill him because Ted was immune to his own power as a result so was Peter (hell even Teds clothes were immune to his power), and it's obvious Nathan was somehow separated from Peter, because he wasn't invulnerable to Peter punching him in the face or being roughed up by Jessica/Nikki.
Originally posted by Validus
That's because Clark isn't hitting everyone as hard as he can, obviously.
If Clark can punch a Kryptonian into outer space, why can't he take a normal human's head off? Just answer that for me.
And if you want to talk about what each character has done, just tell me when Peter has actually stopped time in a fight. how about you tell me a time when calrk has punched someones head off, because thye haven't done it doesn't mean they cant
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
how about you tell me a time when calrk has punched someones head off, because thye haven't done it doesn't mean they cant
He did it in the episode when Peter stopped time and phased out peoples hearts and brains, while causing a nuclear explosion and declaring himself god of the cosmos.
Originally posted by LordKaos
He did it in the episode when Peter stopped time and phased out peoples hearts and brains, while causing a nuclear explosion and declaring himself god of the cosmos. those are strategies used by other people with the powers,
he's using in the powers in a fight so we're going to say how he'd use the powers in a fight by lookin ghow other people used it in a fight, D.L. phased brains out before and radiation manipulation is apower of his....and he has gone nuclear before...and seeing as he's used his powers more than once these are strategies he could use with knowledge of his powers
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
those are strategies used by other people with the powers,
None of those people happened to be named Peter.
Originally posted by Validus
Invulnerability is not one of his powers.
Seriously, quit acting dense on this. You are acting just as dense if you ask me. Clark is anything but invulnerable.
Originally posted by Validus
None of those people happened to be named Peter.
or around peter when they did it, he's not that creative he's just a frightened little nurse.
Originally posted by iceman24567
You are acting just as dense if you ask me. Clark is anything but invulnerable.
I'm not the one dancing around questions and ignoring evidence.
Also, as far as a fight with Peter is concerned, he is invulnerable.
Originally posted by LordKaos
or around peter when they did it, he's not that creative he's just a frightened little nurse. Yeah and Clark is just a big scary farm boy from Smallville.
Peter's powers
Time stop- not fast enough to catch clark, and even if he does, what will he do? Hit him?
Intangibility- Not fast enough to catch clark to phase him. Pretty much peter's only chance.
Super strength- Not strong enough... Nikki kind of struggled to pull the meter out of the ground. Clark has thrown tractors into other cities.
Technopathy- not going to do anything...
Mind reading- can barely control it.
Electric powers- Clark takes lightning to the chest for fun... not going to do anything.
Radiation manipulation- Pretty much his only chance. If he can blow himself up, then clark is in trouble... If he gets time to use it.
Flight- He can run...
Telekinesis- Not going to do much to clark but bfr.
Clark's powers
Super Strength- Strong enough to stop a helicopter from take off, and catch a falling elevator, and throw a tractor several miles. clarks strenth>>>> peters strength
Super Speed- out of control... waaaaaaay too much for peter to handle. He picks bullets out of the sky, it's like timestop but waaaaaaay beter and waaaaay faster.
Heat vision- Hot enough to turn sand into glass, and to heat a chemical to 1000 degrees in a second. Peter would get FRIED if this even touched him.
Invulnerability- Able to survive reentry, an explosion that totaled the farm, waaaaaay too invulnerable for peter to do anything to him unless he blows himself up.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
those are strategies used by other people with the powers,
he's using in the powers in a fight so we're going to say how he'd use the powers in a fight by lookin ghow other people used it in a fight, D.L. phased brains out before and radiation manipulation is apower of his....and he has gone nuclear before...and seeing as he's used his powers more than once these are strategies he could use with knowledge of his powers
Was linderman invulverable? Does he have a bioelectric aura? Super hearing maybe?
Oh wait... he can just heal people... forgot.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Was linderman invulverable? Does he have a bioelectric aura? Super hearing maybe?
Oh wait... he can just heal people... forgot. So since when did Clark from Smallville show he had a bioelectric aura? Phazing Clarks brain out of his head is legit.
Originally posted by iceman24567
You are acting just as dense if you ask me. Clark is anything but invulnerable.
So then if peter and clark are standing side by side and a samurai sword comes out of nowhere at 500 mph and slashes at both their necks, they'll both be unharmed?
No, peter will be decapitated and clark will be fine. Beecause peter isn't invulnerable, clark is.
Originally posted by iceman24567
So since when did Clark from Smallville show he had a bioelectric aura? Phazing Clarks brain out of his head is legit.
Every incarnation of superman thus far has had one. Explain to me why he wouldn't. Also, did you see the episode where the guy who could turn people into wax touched clark? The guy got turned into wax himself and shattered. Clark was fine, he was just surprised.
Based upon that, I don't see peter phasing acurately. Or possibly at all for that matter.
Barbarian Shams
Also forgot to list the HV feat in the opening episode of Smallville season 7, where Clark managed to stop a tidal wave of rampaging water and also turn it to steam at the same time. The speed feats are ever more and more remiscent of some of Superman's speed feats in the near future. Peter's screwed in any which way, he could not take the same kind of physical beating that the Phantom Zone criminal Titan took at the hands of Clark Kent.
Originally posted by Sirius77
So then if peter and clark are standing side by side and a samurai sword comes out of nowhere at 500 mph and slashes at both their necks, they'll both be unharmed?
No, peter will be decapitated and clark will be fine. Beecause peter isn't invulnerable, clark is. The definition of invulnerable 1 : incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed like i said if Peter phazed his heart or brain from his body it proves he isn't invulnerable.
Originally posted by iceman24567
The definition of invulnerable 1 : incapable of being wounded, injured, or harmed like i said if Peter phazed his heart or brain from his body it proves he isn't invulnerable.
Not in comics or television. This isn't a textbook forum. It's a comic book forum.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Not in comics or television. This isn't a textbook forum. It's a comic book forum. So invulnerability on these forums means he can be hurt?
Originally posted by iceman24567
So invulnerability on these forums means he can be hurt?
No, but it means that he can't be hurt by peters physical attacks.
Telekinesis won't work either. Phasing is unlikely. And if he punches him, he'll just break his hand and spend the rest of the fight straightening out his fingers.
Originally posted by Sirius77
No, but it means that he can't be hurt by peters physical attacks.
Telekinesis won't work either. Phasing is unlikely. And if he punches him, he'll just break his hand and spend the rest of the fight straightening out his fingers. Why won't phasing work again?
Originally posted by iceman24567
Why won't phasing work again?
Because when that guy that could turn people into wax touched clark, it beckfired, and the guy turned into wax and shattered. Clark was unphased and surprised.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Because when that guy that could turn people into wax touched clark, it beckfired, and the guy turned into wax and shattered. Clark was unphased and surprised. That doesn't mean Peter can't phase threw him.
Originally posted by iceman24567
That doesn't mean Peter can't phase threw him.
That doesn't mean that he can either. But it points to the fact that he will
have a high, if not impossible time doing it.
Also, the original owner of this power had a level of difficulty doing it. He had to concentrate. Peter definitely would.
Also, how is peter even going to touch clark? Peter can't even stop bullets yet, and clark is several hundred times faster than a bullet.
Originally posted by Sirius77
That doesn't mean that he can either. But it points to the fact that he will
have a high, if not impossible time doing it.
Also, the original owner of this power had a level of difficulty doing it. He had to concentrate. Peter definitely would.
Also, how is peter even going to touch clark? Peter can't even stop bullets yet, and clark is several hundred times faster than a bullet. Unless he's immune to time stopping the level of difficulty isn't that high.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Unless he's immune to time stopping the level of difficulty isn't that high.
It takes Hiro seconds to time travel. It takes clark less than that to get from smallville to metropolis. Peter would be speedblitzed before he could try.
Gone back to ignoring CK's speed I see.
When has Peter used two powers at once and I'm not talking about using one power, stopping and then quickly using another? Each power takes a good amount of concentration.
Exactly. Clark would heat vision blitzed him before peter could think to use one power.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Exactly. Clark would heat vision blitzed him before peter could think to use one power. and heat vision woul do what? the same time it took him to use heat vision peter could fire lightning (has clark been up it against it'd probably hurt him)
The Pict
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
and heat vision woul do what? the same time it took him to use heat vision peter could fire lightning (has clark been up it against it'd probably hurt him)
Peter could fire lightning? What is that gonna do to Clark? It barely hurt the normal guy that Peter hit with it in Cork. He was up a little later.
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
and heat vision woul do what? the same time it took him to use heat vision peter could fire lightning (has clark been up it against it'd probably hurt him)
I said it in my first post. He takes lighning like its nothing. He did it to save lana I think. He wasn't phased.
Originally posted by Sirius77
I said it in my first post. He takes lighning like its nothing. He did it to save lana I think. He wasn't phased.
For some reason, Bio Electricity always hurts superbeings more than Elemental lightning. Same with Fire vs. Fire coming from say, Human torch or firelord.
The Pict
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
For some reason, Bio Electricity always hurts superbeings more than Elemental lightning. Same with Fire vs. Fire coming from say, Human torch or firelord.
What has this got to do with Clark Kent's mythos in Smallville? That might be the case in the comics but it's never bothered Clark.
How is this fight even still being debated. Clark wins by a curbstomp. Smallville ck may be a little watered down from the real deal but is still leagues above Peter. I'm an avid heroes fan and Peter is actually my favorite but no way is he taking Clark. Not even Future peter who had a good hold on his powers would have a chance.
Peter doesn't posess any abilities that could hurt Clark. There is a remote chance going Nuclear may hurt him. But it wouldn't kill him. There is also a remote chance that going intangible would work but considering the bio-aura I doubt it. If the real deal is immune to intagible attacks due to that aura I'd be so is CK. Stopping time takes too much time. And even if he succeeded the best it would do is give him a chance to run. He couldn't hurt Clark.
Heat vision would annihalate Peter. Hell one punch in the face would end it. Peters cool and all but he isn't on the same level as Smallville Clark.
The Pict
Originally posted by ChaoticReign
How is this fight even still being debated. Clark wins by a curbstomp. Smallville ck may be a little watered down from the real deal but is still leagues above Peter. I'm an avid heroes fan and Peter is actually my favorite but no way is he taking Clark. Not even Future peter who had a good hold on his powers would have a chance.
Peter doesn't posess any abilities that could hurt Clark. There is a remote chance going Nuclear may hurt him. But it wouldn't kill him. There is also a remote chance that going intangible would work but considering the bio-aura I doubt it. If the real deal is immune to intagible attacks due to that aura I'd be so is CK. Stopping time takes too much time. And even if he succeeded the best it would do is give him a chance to run. He couldn't hurt Clark.
Heat vision would annihalate Peter. Hell one punch in the face would end it. Peters cool and all but he isn't on the same level as Smallville Clark.
Too true. I doubt Peter could go nuclear either. That power took a long time to build up. I'm a fan of both shows and it's obvious Clark would stomp Peter.
Yeah I actually stopped following smallville as its gotten pretty out of hand. I personally think heroes is a better show but its clear Clark is the winner. I also doubt Peter would actually go nuclear. It did take several minutes. I suppose it could be argued that it could take less time given that Peter was probably resisting exploding. But still. We've seen Ted emit some serious radiation and HRG was within 20 feet maybe and was relatively unharmed. No way Peter can use it to hurt Clark. Not after having seen him survive re-entry relatively unscathed.
Originally posted by The Pict
Too true. I doubt Peter could go nuclear either. That power took a long time to build up. I'm a fan of both shows and it's obvious Clark would stomp Peter. no it didn't it didn't need any time to build up at all, it was from his loss of control, so since we're putting peter in, with his battle attitude and knowledge of all abilties he could go nuclear if he wanted too
Peter destroys smallville supes in one hit
Originally posted by DestinyGuy678
no it didn't it didn't need any time to build up at all, it was from his loss of control, so since we're putting peter in, with his battle attitude and knowledge of all abilties he could go nuclear if he wanted too
Then clark runs to a different part of kansas before the blast touches him. Peter is too slow, no matter what he does.
Originally posted by Sarutobi700
Peter destroys smallville supes in one hit
Explain to me how?
well.. i would bet for clark kent..
but being a bit creative
if peter somehow manages to fly away quickly enough to get out of clark sight.. then he could stop time and try to kill him with a nuclear explosion or something..
remember that clark kent cannot fly .......
What's to stop Clark from running away from the explosion?
Time being stopped?
Peter can't use two powers at once?
Where is your proof?
Where is yours? Has he ever used multiple powers at once successfully?
Originally posted by iceman24567
Where is your proof?
I seriously can't believe you just asked that.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Time being stopped?
Peter has never shown the ability to use more than one power simultaneously, he is referred to as an empath in the show, meaning he has to more or less place himself in the shoes of the other person to recall their power, he cannot be more than one person at a time thus him falling into comas from empathic overload (Peters power causes his genetic code to alter itself to match the genetic code of the others he will either have the genetic potential to alter time, or fly etc.. not alter time and fly and etc...). Hiro, from whom the time power originated, has showed us that a lapse in concentration will cause time to restart (when he was in Sylars mothers house about to kill him). Hiro has a better grasp on his own power than Peter does, so I'm guessing as soon as he tries something while time stops, it will restart.
I guess we will have to wait and see won't we.
Even if we do, if clark attacks, then peter is getting speedblitzed to pieces, and then evaporated by heat vision.
Then he regenerates...
Then clark does it again. All except, this time he cuts his head off.
Remember that pesky weakness? In the brain stem?
insert dur smiley
Of COUrSe hE DoEs!!!!!!
Peter while invisible using telekinesis that is futer Peter but that proves he can use mor ethan 1 power at a time Sirius Peter stops time and phases Clarks brain out of his head done deal bye Clark.
Oh at 52 seconds.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Peter while invisible using telekinesis that is futer Peter but that proves he can use mor ethan 1 power at a time Sirius Peter stops time and phases Clarks brain out of his head done deal bye Clark.
Well, thats great in all, but it won't help if he's too busy regenerating from being continually evaporated by heat vision.
Like somebody said he flies up stops time flies back down phases Clarks brain out of his head once again dead Clark.
Originally posted by Sirius77
Well, thats great in all, but it won't help if he's too busy regenerating from being continually evaporated by heat vision.
I think his radiation would supercede any heat generated by clark's heat vision. Unless clark has shown the ability to destroy new york city with his heat vision.
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