Superman (current) vs Gladiator (confident)
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Lord Paragon
It may have been done before in here, but I have to know since they are both so similar, in my eyes, Gladiator is Marvels = of Superman but who is the baddest of them all, the Praetor of the Imperial Guard or the Last son of Krypton?
It has been done to death yet-
an interesting fact you might want to know...most of Gladiator's feats that can even be comparable with current supes are pretty old. Destroying a planet and 100 times light speed namely. Regular Supes probably take a good 6 or 7 out of 10. If Superman was in blood lust Gladiator would be lucky with getting 1 out of 10. Again this is not fair due to the amount of money each character has invested in them and the amount of sheer time each character has been around for feats to build up.
Could go either way.
Originally posted by Rorschach
Could go either way.
But would go to Superman far more often.

Supeman whistles and Puts glads to sleep. Superman also has far more feats when it comes to his other offensive powers.
7/10 to Superman
Glad have incredible feats (one-shotted a planet) but recently, he sucks.
One b*tchslap from Supes = a non-confident Gladiator. ermmgrin
The Pict
Originally posted by Galan007
One b*tchslap from Supes = a non-confident Gladiator. ermmgrin
Superman 10/10
Originally posted by Galan007
One b*tchslap from Supes = a non-confident Gladiator. ermmgrin
Even though you say it as a joke, your statement does merit some truth. Once glads sees Superman is his superior... well lets just say Glads is not going to be exuding confidence.
Superman is on another level then Gladiator.
Originally posted by nimbus006
Even though you say it as a joke, your statement does merit some truth. Once glads sees Superman is his superior... well lets just say Glads is not going to be exuding confidence.
Superman is on another level then Gladiator. So, that must mean that Gladiator was Tyrant's equal, or superior...
Anyway... Glads wins...
No Gladiator clone will ever beat the real deal.
Originally posted by Bransolute
So, that must mean that Gladiator was Tyrant's equal, or superior...
Anyway... Glads wins...
No Gladiator clone will ever beat the real deal.
Huh,superman came long before gladiator there buddy,and he wins this.
Glads confident piss>>>>>>>Superman sundipped for eternity
Originally posted by Sarutobi700
Glads confident piss>>>>>>>Superman sundipped for eternity
^^Ima senior member
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
7/10 to Superman
Glad have incredible feats (one-shotted a planet) but recently, he sucks.
when has he one shotted a planet? the comic where he supoosedly 3 shotted a planet is a little overrated imo. First off the planet that he is on strongly resembles a moon of pure rock. Second the moon he is on looks extremely small when compared with the size of Gladiator and the other moons around it. Thirdy I find it hard to believe he actually destroyed the moon in 3 hits, since on the second hit all that we see is a 10 ft crack in the ground. That means the first two hits made a crack in the rock and somehow the third hit completely obliterated the planet? It looks to me like theres a time lapse between panels.
I just think its an overblown feat, anyways Superman 10/10
Gladiator 6/10
Originally posted by vlaaad12345
Huh,superman came long before gladiator there buddy,and he wins this.
Joke >
Your Head >
Originally posted by Soljer
Joke >
Your Head >
Dontchu be stealing my idiosyncrasies!
Originally posted by Soljer
Joke >
Your Head >
Hard to tell with all the stupid crap I hear on this forum.
Supes for majority... i never really liked Gladiator for being a clone of him supes... but thats not my only reason mind you...
I despise all the superman clones. How would Marvel afficianados feel if DC unveiled their hip new wisecracking angtsy hero arcachno-lad the teen with all the powers of a daddylonglegs.
Ranting aside, Superman stomps him.
gladiator for the win
Superman , and I really hate the guy.
SUPES VS GLADS.... WELL LETS SEE...Speed-glads.......strength-glads......skill..glads.......which one will kill quick....glads.... WHICH ONE IS MORE POPULAR....sups... THAT THE ONLY REASON PEOPLE WILL SAY SUPES WILL WIN...GLADIATOR WOULD KILL SUPERMAN.
Originally posted by james2099
SUPES VS GLADS.... WELL LETS SEE...Speed-glads.......strength-glads......skill..glads.......which one will kill quick....glads.... WHICH ONE IS MORE POPULAR....sups... THAT THE ONLY REASON PEOPLE WILL SAY SUPES WILL WIN...GLADIATOR WOULD KILL SUPERMAN.
Whirly stop it.
Originally posted by james2099
SUPES VS GLADS.... WELL LETS SEE...Speed-glads.......strength-glads......skill..glads.......which one will kill quick....glads.... WHICH ONE IS MORE POPULAR....sups... THAT THE ONLY REASON PEOPLE WILL SAY SUPES WILL WIN...GLADIATOR WOULD KILL SUPERMAN. Only against Superman from 17-20 years ago or so.
With Joker belief Glads can score 6/10
and more/10 with Maziken confidence.
In an arena fight assuming that both fighters are operating at their best, I give it to Gladiator by a slim margin. Dude can break Hyperion's neck, humble Vulcan, kill off a Phoenix avatar, and punch apart planets as well as being part of the Shiar military elite. I see Gladiator as Superman+ when he's at full confidence and this thread is giving him that.
In a comic, I can't believe there's anyway the writers would let Gladiator beat out Superman.
Originally posted by shiv
With Joker belief Glads can score 6/10
and more/10 with Maziken confidence.

Lord Paragon
I see that many go for supes but why? The legend behind gladiator is very impressive, he does not brag he states fact. I noticed in several issues of vvvarious comics that the the Gladiator is being forced to job out to less than worthy opposition, why? they did it to Juggernaught against Onslaught as well. why do this why sacrifice one charcters legacy for another they do it to Kane and Smackdown to. Sorry had to vent, in my eyes the Gladiator has always been more realistic in his powers and abilities, someone has a pic of Superman pulling a chain of planets......?????come on people!!!!!!! Even a Green Lantern can't do that and they are the most powerful organization in the Universe. Someone back me up here.....
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
I see that many go for supes but why? The legend behind gladiator is very impressive, he does not brag he states fact. I noticed in several issues of vvvarious comics that the the Gladiator is being forced to job out to less than worthy opposition, why? they did it to Juggernaught against Onslaught as well. why do this why sacrifice one charcters legacy for another they do it to Kane and Smackdown to. Sorry had to vent, in my eyes the Gladiator has always been more realistic in his powers and abilities, someone has a pic of Superman pulling a chain of planets......?????come on people!!!!!!! Even a Green Lantern can't do that and they are the most powerful organization in the Universe. Someone back me up here.....
Nope. The planet pulling is from Pre-Crisis days. Supes doesn't do crazy shit like that anymore, except for JLA1M, but that's another story.
Gladiator doesn't have the feats. Simple. Superman is above almost every clone of him that's ever been made. Only a few like Mr. Majestic are considered equal.
Superman is just that damn good. superdur
When Gladiator takes on teams like the JLA, guys like Doomsday and Henshaw, smashes planets regularly, absorbs suns, and holds black holes in his hand, then call me.
Until then, he's just a 2nd rate Supes with a mohawk.

it would take a fully confident Gladiator to defeat Kent.
Anything less is a loss for Gladiator.
Merely Confident Gladiator?
Superman 10/10
Fully Confident
Gladiator can go at least 6/10
Did superman fight doomsday and fall dead from lack of stamina or did doomsdays punishment kill him? Gladiator fought tyrant who would beat the shit out of superman and doomsday at the same time but gladiator did not fall dead or lose confidence...You do know that if you say gladiator would lose confidence you are saying that would have to happen for superman to win..gladiator 10 out of 10.... more power.
I give this to gladiator also but not 10/10, maybe 6/10 or 7/10. Gladiator at full confidence has no limits. Stated in reeds and professor x files. Fully confidence gladiator when fighting supreme was stated as being able to destroy planets and possibly the solar system if him and supreme kept fighting. Superman dont have that kind of power and he sure as hell dont have punching planet destroying power either.
Oh? Wait, what happened when he and Zod fought?
Originally posted by Soljer
Oh? Wait, what happened when he and Zod fought?
Nothing happened because the area around him was destroying itself. Superman and zod had nothing to do with that, especially since they were fighting in one area.
The damn place exploded, what more can tell you that zod and superman had nothing to do with that.
Originally posted by Soljer
Oh? Wait, what happened when he and Zod fought?
His fight with Zod is old news.
Orion's wife recently stated that Darkseid and Superman rocked an entire star system during their last battle. Whatever that's supposed to mean.
Barbarian Shams
Ernest I would strongly advise you to not spam this post with your Superman fanboy post. But in this thread itself, I do believe Superman at his current level would beat Gladiator for a fair majority.
Originally posted by james2099
Did superman fight doomsday and fall dead from lack of stamina or did doomsdays punishment kill him? Gladiator fought tyrant who would beat the shit out of superman and doomsday at the same time but gladiator did not fall dead or lose confidence...You do know that if you say gladiator would lose confidence you are saying that would have to happen for superman to win..gladiator 10 out of 10.... more power.
You realize that gladiator got pwned by supreme right?
He got so scared of dying that he had to play dead for
supreme to let him go. That version of supreme was
either a little stronger than superman or exactly on his
level. Superman would pwn gladiator. Also, planet busting
is old news. Superman and darkseids battle rocked the
solar system. Also, it doesn't really matter, their both
hyperboles. Superman would pwn gladiator anyway.
Trying to save lives and fight at the same time against a bloodlust supreme,Taking supreme into space,knocking supreme what looks likes miles into a ships energy shilds, Nearly blinding supreme, Deciding not to destroy the planets and people he was protecting and finding a way to stop the fight?????...... And someone said that gladiator played dead to save his own life because he got pwned?????.... If your statement was a test from their fight then i would have to fail you and let you go READ the book and take the test over....Kind of reminds me of when cannonball knocked gladiator down people say he won..... But when spiderman did the same thing to superman...... well...... did spiderman win??????????????????????????????????...Well.... Did he????????
First off, the spiderman superman fight was pis because superman pushes planets and spiderman has trouble with trucks..
Gladiator and supreme were both owned by the same company (marvel and image) and were both class 100, and supreme pwned gladiator. He was simply too much for gladiator. It will be the same way with superman for gladiator. Also, the superman vs spiderman wasn't cannon. The gladiator vs supreme fight was. Superman wins.
Well DC owns supes and wonderwoman and wonderwoman has taken it to supes but got beat by storm....supes is good but when you fight doomsday and fall dead because you are tired you have no chance against gladiator or supreme.
Originally posted by james2099
Well DC owns supes and wonderwoman and wonderwoman has taken it to supes but got beat by storm....supes is good but when you fight doomsday and fall dead because you are tired you have no chance against gladiator or supreme. Um, Wonder Woman got beaten by storm becuz of Fan votes. Maybe you shouldn't post in certain threads until you've studied a lil more mkay? Mkay.
Originally posted by james2099
Well DC owns supes and wonderwoman and wonderwoman has taken it to supes but got beat by storm....supes is good but when you fight doomsday and fall dead because you are tired you have no chance against gladiator or supreme.
The wonder woman vs storm fight wasn't cannon...
Also, wonder woman has never beaten superman, she has stunned him though. And even then she barely escaped with her life and a broken wrist.
Superman vs doomsday? Superman vaporized an army of doomsdays with a blast of heat vision. Gladiator would get pwned by superman. Same for supreme, unless it was the good version. I know that you love gladiator and are a HUGE fan of his, but gladiator looses. Superman wins.
Superman would sexually force himself on Kallark. He's a dick like that.
Do you know why storm won?... If it were marvel storm would have won....If it were DC wonderwoman would have won.... So they both let the people who know both combatants powers and abilitys decide who would really win if they fought..Just like hulk and thor got KOED by superman because the people know that supes is way stronger and faster than both....Take the spiderman firelord fight... Spiderman won in the comics because that who the writers wanted to win..Now let the people vote on who would have won and spiderman would be toast in seconds....Its just like wrestling.... The winner is picked before the match begans..But let them go at it for real and see what happens.
Originally posted by james2099
Do you know why storm won?... If it were marvel storm would have won....If it were DC wonderwoman would have won.... So they both let the people who know both combatants powers and abilitys decide who would really win if they fought..Just like hulk and thor got KOED by superman because the people know that supes is way stronger and faster than both....Take the spiderman firelord fight... Spiderman won in the comics because that who the writers wanted to win..Now let the people vote on who would have won and spiderman would be toast in seconds....Its just like wrestling.... The winner is picked before the match begans..But let them go at it for real and see what happens.
LMAO. Storm won becuz it was fan voted.
To be honest i am a huge fan of superman but when i look at the toughest fight they both have been in i see superman falling dead after fighting doomsday but gladiator fought the hulk and got thunderclapped, backlashed by his on heat vision, asorbed radiation that could kill him,Got pounded on but still did not fall dead...GET THE PICTURE?
I Guess they only used storm fans to decide that fight....LMAO..
Originally posted by james2099
To be honest i am a huge fan of superman but when i look at the toughest fight they both have been in i see superman falling dead after fighting doomsday but gladiator fought the hulk and got thunderclapped, backlashed by his on heat vision, asorbed radiation that could kill him,Got pounded on but still did not fall dead...GET THE PICTURE?
you dont' own many comics do you?

Originally posted by james2099
I Guess they only used storm fans to decide that fight....LMAO.. Um, it was VOTED on. They took the character who had the MOST votes and wrote them winning. OMG. Storm had 96 votes at our comics shop And WW had 93. Please read up on Marvel vs. DC before posting another word.
Originally posted by james2099
To be honest i am a huge fan of superman but when i look at the toughest fight they both have been in i see superman falling dead after fighting doomsday but gladiator fought the hulk and got thunderclapped, backlashed by his on heat vision, asorbed radiation that could kill him,Got pounded on but still did not fall dead...GET THE PICTURE?
His toughest fight?
Basicaslly punches his way through his own death:
(yes, he did just punch his way through the avatar of death)
Death said that he set out to destroy superman to prove that it was supreme, but was instaed inspired by its defeat by the man of steel:
Survives the explosion of the sun-eater which is at least equal to
several supernova explosions:
Survives another suneater explosion with the power of 50 supernovea while weakened by red sun radiation:
Casually repairs a tear in reality with his bear hands:
Took anti-particles (antimatter) powerful enough to split the Earth in half:
And just for kicks, bathes a planet in heat vision:
just because it's a cool feat.
No, gladiator doesn't stand a chance...
You did what i was trying to get you to do at last... Put up all those scans of superman doing all those things yet he still fell dead after fighting doomsday,Got knocked down by spiderman,koed by captain marvel yet you never put those scans up because you as a fan want supes to win and you all accept his victory over thor and hulk which was FAN VOTED but will not accept wonderwomans defeat because it was FAN VOTED...... Its so priceless....Gladiator wins every time. And by the was i have over 1000 comics even supes 1st ever issue.
Originally posted by james2099
You did what i was trying to get you to do at last... Put up all those scans of superman doing all those things yet he still fell dead after fighting doomsday,Got knocked down by spiderman,koed by captain marvel yet you never put those scans up because you as a fan want supes to win and you all accept his victory over thor and hulk which was FAN VOTED but will not accept wonderwomans defeat because it was FAN VOTED...... Its so priceless....Gladiator wins every time. And by the was i have over 1000 comics even supes 1st ever issue.
That's really sad... you actually believe yourself, don't you? Fan induced delusion is sad.
The storm vs wonder woman fight wasn't cannon. The fight between Superman and Thor was. It was stated by both companies.
And thats great that you own 1000 superman comics, but too bad none of them are current...
Also, if gladiator wins "every time" then I would like some scans as proof.
Also, superman has had waay tougher fights than that, if you really owned 1000 superman comics then youi would know that. Those were pretty much random scans.
Originally posted by james2099
You did what i was trying to get you to do at last... Put up all those scans of superman doing all those things yet he still fell dead after fighting doomsday,Got knocked down by spiderman,koed by captain marvel yet you never put those scans up because you as a fan want supes to win and you all accept his victory over thor and hulk which was FAN VOTED but will not accept wonderwomans defeat because it was FAN VOTED...... Its so priceless....Gladiator wins every time. And by the was i have over 1000 comics even supes 1st ever issue.
NON-CANON MEANS IT CANNOT BE USED FOR A DEBATE. Spidey beating Supes= Non-canon. Wondy losing to Storm= Non-canon.
Captain Marvel would also smash Gladiator and he has magic, something Supes is weak against. And btw, Supes has gotten stronger over time.
Thor vs. Supes is actually a close fight. IMO, slight edge to Supes due to higher strength and speed. But it's a close fight.
Hulk vs. Superman is spite. Hulk should never even touch Superman.
Doomsday? shocklaugh Death of Superman Doomsday is the only one that Hulk or Glads would have a chance at beating. Doomsday's other incarnations would assrape every Hulk combined. Supes was weaker at the time than he is now. Doomsday too. Doomsday's later incarnations are far far stronger. Gladiator wouldn't have a prayer in hell of stopping H/P DD. \
Go read the respect threads, you're obviously clueless as to who you are debating.

Lord Paragon
well this thread grew legs and took off did it not? I am actually thinking about the power difference between Marvel comics and DC, I kind of always thought the DC was a little unrealistic about the powers they gave to Supes, they have amended this in recent times and that kind of backpedling has led to this conversation, there are some who would say that Gladiator is what Supes would be in a more realistic settting so if true would they not be equal in a fight or as theorized would Gladiator grow stronger with his confidence increasing, confidence knows no boundary it can be as bottomless as hulks anger, but Supes has his limits, as demostrated by Hank Henshaw during the Sinestro Corp war. How can Supes beat someone who is already as strong as he is and can grow stronger with everypunch?
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
well this thread grew legs and took off did it not? I am actually thinking about the power difference between Marvel comics and DC, I kind of always thought the DC was a little unrealistic about the powers they gave to Supes, they have amended this in recent times and that kind of backpedling has led to this conversation, there are some who would say that Gladiator is what Supes would be in a more realistic settting so if true would they not be equal in a fight or as theorized would Gladiator grow stronger with his confidence increasing, confidence knows no boundary it can be as bottomless as hulks anger, but Supes has his limits, as demostrated by Hank Henshaw during the Sinestro Corp war. How can Supes beat someone who is already as strong as he is and can grow stronger with everypunch?
Do u know how powerful Hank Henshaw is? Like rediculously. I can think of no Herald lvl being that can beat him.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Do u know how powerful Hank Henshaw is? Like rediculously. I can think of no Herald lvl being that can beat him.
Lord Paragon
But that is just it there are those in this very thread who would have us believe that Supes was near to a God and unbeatable, I respect supes but I am a pragmatist and believe that Gladiator would gain the advantage in a protracted battle. Henshaw is very dangerous but not unbeatable, .....Parallax powered Hal Jordan tore him a new one.
He's not. Also, henshaw is multiple times stronger than superman. With the rings its overkill. In the fight henshaw wanted to die. Superman was unable to deliver.
As far as gladiators confidence, appearently it has limits also. It was said that in the supreme fight I believe that gladiator was at full confidence, and he got pwned by supreme. Supreme is close to superman in power, but not over him. The same thing would happen to gladiator. superman will pwn gladiator.
Originally posted by Sirius77
He's not. Also, henshaw is multiple times stronger than superman. With the rings its overkill. In the fight henshaw wanted to die. Superman was unable to deliver.
As far as gladiators confidence, appearently it has limits also. It was said that in the supreme fight I believe that gladiator was at full confidence, and he got pwned by supreme. Supreme is close to superman in power, but not over him. The same thing would happen to gladiator. superman will pwn gladiator. GLads was actually over confident when he was fighting cannon ball. He knew cannon ball was shit compared to him. And look what happened to his sun punch? LMAO. Pwned by cannon ball.
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
But that is just it there are those in this very thread who would have us believe that Supes was near to a God and unbeatable, I respect supes but I am a pragmatist and believe that Gladiator would gain the advantage in a protracted battle. Henshaw is very dangerous but not unbeatable, .....Parallax powered Hal Jordan tore him a new one.
So how does it help you're argument that it took a nigh omnipotent abstract entity to defeat a person that superman fights regularly?
Lord Paragon
Arggg this is madness, how can anyone support Supes over glad, I think Glad needs his own book, let him get a little limelight instead of playing second fiddle to jobbers like Vulcan
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Arggg this is madness, how can anyone support Supes over glad, I think Glad needs his own book, let him get a little limelight instead of playing second fiddle to jobbers like Vulcan
Glads is never more powerful than Superman. A better fighter? Prolly. maybe. Supers has thousands of years of exp.
Originally posted by Lord Paragon
Arggg this is madness, how can anyone support Supes over glad, I think Glad needs his own book, let him get a little limelight instead of playing second fiddle to jobbers like Vulcan
Because he's more powerful and this thread is asking whos powerful, and to not be biased, thats what I'll do.
Superman wins imo, but this confidence thing needs to stop.
He doesn't falter at the first sight of resistance or power.
That's a myth born on this forum.
He's fast enough to keep up with Superman, and can speedblitz apparently.
He's got the firepower to hurt him badly, and the strength to break his jaw.
He just doesn't have the aura, so imo he loses.
But it's a hardfought win everytime he gets one, and he loses a few as well.
By a few you must mean zero.
Originally posted by Validus
By a few you must mean zero.
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
NON-CANON MEANS IT CANNOT BE USED FOR A DEBATE. Spidey beating Supes= Non-canon. Wondy losing to Storm= Non-canon.
Spider-man never even beat Superman...
Originally posted by Validus
By a few you must mean zero.
Superman isn't invincible.
And Gladiator is on the level.
It's not like a midtier vs a top tier.
It's a top tier vs another top tier.
Superman imo has the edge, but Kallark can win some as well.
If Jelly, the biggest but most rational Superman fan i know gives Gladiator 4 out of ten, then it can't be hard for you as well.
He's obviously not very rational if he thinks Superman'd lose to Gladiator four times out of ten.
GLads take 1/10 if supes is feeling nice
I don't do that out of 10 bullshit. First of all, who the hell said they were fighting 10 times? Beyond that, if I think a character wins, they win, period.
Superman beats Gladiator however many times he has to.
Originally posted by Validus
I don't do that out of 10 bullshit. First of all, who the hell said they were fighting 10 times? Beyond that, if I think a character wins, they win, period.
Superman beats Gladiator however many times he has to.
the out of ten bullshit is his chances of winning the fight
Then superman 10/10.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
the out of ten bullshit is his chances of winning the fight
I understand that, obviously. It's stupid is what I'm saying.
These are comic book characters. How the hell should I know the percentage of fights Kallark would take from Superman? All I know is who I think would beat who and these no need for percentages in that.
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
the out of ten bullshit is his chances of winning the fight
Trust me, Vally knows exactly what it is. Apparently, he doesn't give a shit, and just straight up says who would win in a fight.
Originally posted by Validus
I understand that, obviously. It's stupid is what I'm saying.
These are comic book characters. How the hell should I know the percentage of fights Kallark would take from Superman? All I know is who I think would beat who and these no need for percentages in that.
Everything we do is guess work
Originally posted by Gecko4lif
Everything we do is guess work
That's great. I'm not advocating everyone stop using the out of ten stuff. It just doesn't fly with me personally.
Superman takes 73% of the fights.
Originally posted by Bransolute
Superman takes 73% of the fights.
Hulk hates prime numbers!
Originally posted by Bransolute
Superman takes 73% of the fights.

Supes gets him 7/10. Glads is like having Superman's powerset, but not executing his powers skillfully not nearly as well...confident, or not.
Superman must have mind control over a lot of people on here...It is amazing how people say that superman can beat someone who is faster,stronger,feared through-out the universe,leads the imperial guards, spoke of as being a warrior of cunning and skill by thor, spoken of as being one of the strongest cuss in the universe by nova yet some of you think that a hyperion match like superman can beat him... Supreme, king hyperion,Gladiator and other so-called clones would beat his ass... Is superman more skilled at fighting than these??? hell no, I am looking at a book where superman lost his powers and lex... a regular human beat his ass in a fistfight...Now give supes his powers back and give lex the same powers only faster and stronger and see supes take another beating....And as far as doomsday beating glads and hulk at the same time..LMAO....But i bet hulk and glads would not fall dead because they got tired and could not stick it out with doomsday...Someone that tyrant would laugh at... Get the pic?????
And this is why people don't take you seriously.
It's debateable that Gladiator is stronger, since he's got only one feat Superman hasn't replicated.
He's not faster tho by any measure.
And many people get touted for their skills in battle.
WW is the only top tier who actually shows it consistently.
Originally posted by james2099
Superman must have mind control over a lot of people on here...It is amazing how people say that superman can beat someone who is faster,stronger,feared through-out the universe,leads the imperial guards, spoke of as being a warrior of cunning and skill by thor, spoken of as being one of the strongest cuss in the universe by nova yet some of you think that a hyperion match like superman can beat him... Supreme, king hyperion,Gladiator and other so-called clones would beat his ass... Is superman more skilled at fighting than these??? hell no, I am looking at a book where superman lost his powers and lex... a regular human beat his ass in a fistfight...Now give supes his powers back and give lex the same powers only faster and stronger and see supes take another beating....And as far as doomsday beating glads and hulk at the same time..LMAO....But i bet hulk and glads would not fall dead because they got tired and could not stick it out with doomsday...Someone that tyrant would laugh at... Get the pic????? Superman > Gladiator+super confident.
You do know that after superman beat hulk marvel had to comfort hulks fans by ALLOWING hulk to beat someone who is stronger and faster and a better fighter....NOW who was this person hulk fought???? lets see... HE tried to BR hulk, burn him up but hulk found his weakness, ALL THE THINGS SUPERMAN COULD DO BUT ONLY FAR BETTER....EVEN THEY KNOW SUPES CANNOT BEAT GLADIATOR.
Lord Paragon
Originally posted by james2099
You do know that after superman beat hulk marvel had to comfort hulks fans by ALLOWING hulk to beat someone who is stronger and faster and a better fighter....NOW who was this person hulk fought???? lets see... HE tried to BR hulk, burn him up but hulk found his weakness, ALL THE THINGS SUPERMAN COULD DO BUT ONLY FAR BETTER....EVEN THEY KNOW SUPES CANNOT BEAT GLADIATOR.
Here here, well said......I applaud honesty
Originally posted by james2099
Superman must have mind control over a lot of people on here...It is amazing how people say that superman can beat someone who is faster,stronger,feared through-out the universe,leads the imperial guards, spoke of as being a warrior of cunning and skill by thor, spoken of as being one of the strongest cuss in the universe by nova yet some of you think that a hyperion match like superman can beat him... Supreme, king hyperion,Gladiator and other so-called clones would beat his ass... Is superman more skilled at fighting than these??? hell no, I am looking at a book where superman lost his powers and lex... a regular human beat his ass in a fistfight...Now give supes his powers back and give lex the same powers only faster and stronger and see supes take another beating....And as far as doomsday beating glads and hulk at the same time..LMAO....But i bet hulk and glads would not fall dead because they got tired and could not stick it out with doomsday...Someone that tyrant would laugh at... Get the pic?????
Superman is actually quite skilled for his level. He's not on Wondy's level in terms of skill, but he can fight pretty well in a pinch. 2nd, you're refering to recently when he fought Luthor with the warship? If so, that was after battling a kryptonian battleship that had re-configured itself into K-nite. I wouldn't give Glads the majority over that thing.
Doomsday vs. Glads&Hulk? Any version other than DOS wins. Rex might lose a few, but he would still take the majority.
And Tyrant? I don't think he could beat H/P or Gog Wars DD outside of BFR.

You have no idea how tough Doomsday is, so the rest of us will just let you rant and wank Gladiator.
The truth is that Doomsday shits on Gladiator. Even Superman can't take a majority from the better incarnations of Doomsday. Hell, Doomsday has soloed the JLA, something Hulk and Gladiator WOULD NEVER be capable of doing.

Well until gladiator falls dead from fighting doomsday or get one-shotted from CM fists he beats superman everytime.Gladiator has taken energy blasts and hammer shots to the head from thors hammer plus a blast from thor girl that rivaled ODIN HIMSELF and was still standing talking to odin.... He also took in all the radiation from a nuclear reactor that hes weak to and took a beating from HULK after his own eyebeams back-fired on him and still flew away under his own power... AND YOU TELL ME A PERSON THAT DIED BECAUSE HE WAS TIRED AND WAS ONE-SHOTTED BY CM WHO LOOKS LIKE SHIT COMPARED TO THORS HAMMER AND A BLAST THAT WAS CLOSE TO ODINS BLAST?????? GLADIATOR WINS EVERYTIME.
Tyrant would MURDER doomsday. You can't seriously compare DD to Tyrant. I mean Tyrant wen't toe-to-toe with Galactus.Hell I'd give Silver Surfer Good odds against DD.
Trickster, ultraa has soloed the JLA with superman there to and i know that gladiator and hulk can beat ultraa.....By the way.... ULTRAA KOED SUPERMAN ASS ALSO so keep talking and bringing up stuff....YOU ARE ONLY SINKING SUPERMAN LOWER AND LOWER..
Originally posted by james2099
Trickster, ultraa has soloed the JLA with superman there to and i know that gladiator and hulk can beat ultraa.....By the way.... ULTRAA KOED SUPERMAN ASS ALSO so keep talking and bringing up stuff....YOU ARE ONLY SINKING SUPERMAN LOWER AND LOWER.. Superman>Gladiator<Doomsday
my ignore button is about to go nuts
Originally posted by james2099
Trickster, ultraa has soloed the JLA with superman there to and i know that gladiator and hulk can beat ultraa.....By the way.... ULTRAA KOED SUPERMAN ASS ALSO so keep talking and bringing up stuff....YOU ARE ONLY SINKING SUPERMAN LOWER AND LOWER..
The line between fan and fanboy is pretty thick, but occasionally
people cross it. You happen to have crossed it. I know that you
LOVE Gladiator, but everyone has given feat after feat after logical
reason, and you still refuse to see the truth. Superman>>Gladiator.
Also, that is abc logic at its worse.
Originally posted by james2099
Well until gladiator falls dead from fighting doomsday or get one-shotted from CM fists he beats superman everytime.Gladiator has taken energy blasts and hammer shots to the head from thors hammer plus a blast from thor girl that rivaled ODIN HIMSELF and was still standing talking to odin.... He also took in all the radiation from a nuclear reactor that hes weak to and took a beating from HULK after his own eyebeams back-fired on him and still flew away under his own power... AND YOU TELL ME A PERSON THAT DIED BECAUSE HE WAS TIRED AND WAS ONE-SHOTTED BY CM WHO LOOKS LIKE SHIT COMPARED TO THORS HAMMER AND A BLAST THAT WAS CLOSE TO ODINS BLAST?????? GLADIATOR WINS EVERYTIME.
And gladiator got pwned by vulcan. If you want to use defeats as evidence, I could also use the supreme fight.
Also if you want to go by magical durability, you should probably know
that superman resisted magical transmutation by the demon blaze, who
was one of Shazams (the wizard that gave captain marvel his powers)
daughter if I recall correctly. And if you want to bring up thor... well,
in the cannon JLA/Avengers, superman caught thors hammer, resisted
his attacks, singed his skin and clothes with heat vision, and koed him.
And gladiator too a blast from a nuclear reactor? So? Superman took 50 supernovas.
theyre just going by the whole "gladiator destroys planets in 3 hits feats" and the whole "he last a page against a being that stood toe to toe with Galactus"
Well the destroying planet feat is very overrated imo, ive explained this several times and it always seems that people tend to forget that tyrant was depowered when he fought glads.
So true. superman has split a planet in half with one hit,
and gone toe to toe with imperiex. So, I don't see how
gladiator is in any way superior.
Originally posted by Sirius77
So true. superman has split a planet in half with one hit,
and gone toe to toe with imperiex. So, I don't see how
gladiator is in any way superior.

All of those responses or a bunch of hogwash, If you take to people who have never fought and want to find out who would win in a fight all you have to do is look at how the won,got beat or died in a tuff fight....when gladiator loses its because of radiation,interference,hammer shots to the head,hit from behind etc... gladiator can be beaten but it took a condition for him to loose to thor, hulk..etc... when superman loses he gets KOED by one shot or one punch.... let thor hit superman in the head with his hammer 7 times or let superman fight hulk after he has asorbed a reactor full of green k and see if he can stand up.... TELL ME NOW IF SUPERMAN CAN TAKE THOSE.... I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS HOW STRONG DOOMSDAY IS, PLENTY MARVEL PEOPLE WOULD KICK HIS ASS, HULK, THOR,BB, GLADIATOR,SUPREME,KING HYPERION AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS WOULD FIGHT HIS ASS FOR MONTHS AND WOULD NOT FALL DEAD BECAUSE THEY GOT TIRED.. SUPERMAN IS A MIGHTY PERSON BUT GLADIATOR AND OTHERS WOULD STOMP HIS ASS... BUT NOT IN YOUR EYES BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM...
Originally posted by james2099
All of those responses or a bunch of hogwash, If you take to people who have never fought and want to find out who would win in a fight all you have to do is look at how the won,got beat or died in a tuff fight....when gladiator loses its because of radiation,interference,hammer shots to the head,hit from behind etc... gladiator can be beaten but it took a condition for him to loose to thor, hulk..etc... when superman loses he gets KOED by one shot or one punch.... let thor hit superman in the head with his hammer 7 times or let superman fight hulk after he has asorbed a reactor full of green k and see if he can stand up.... TELL ME NOW IF SUPERMAN CAN TAKE THOSE.... I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS HOW STRONG DOOMSDAY IS, PLENTY MARVEL PEOPLE WOULD KICK HIS ASS, HULK, THOR,BB, GLADIATOR,SUPREME,KING HYPERION AND HUNDREDS OF OTHERS WOULD FIGHT HIS ASS FOR MONTHS AND WOULD NOT FALL DEAD BECAUSE THEY GOT TIRED.. SUPERMAN IS A MIGHTY PERSON BUT GLADIATOR AND OTHERS WOULD STOMP HIS ASS... BUT NOT IN YOUR EYES BECAUSE YOU LOVE HIM...

at your concept of Doomsday
Barbarian Shams
MEIN GOTT, Glads is screwed against Supes or Doomsday. Even Supes is screwed against DD at his most powerful. DD would curbstomp Glads even worse than Supes would. I hate fanboys of any kind and though I used to disdain Superman fanboys and I still do somewhat, I've seen the Sun-Eaters and every nuke survival feat, and that among many other feats is what puts Kal-El above Gladiator any day of the week.
Gladiator fought tyrant and did not die....Superman fought doomsday and switch them up and let superman fight tyrant and let gladiator fight doomsday then let tyrant fight doomsday....In the end judging by what has already happened and what we know would happen Gladiator and Tyrant would still be alive and superman and doomsday would be dead...THE END.
Originally posted by james2099
Gladiator fought tyrant and did not die....Superman fought doomsday and switch them up and let superman fight tyrant and let gladiator fight doomsday then let tyrant fight doomsday....In the end judging by what has already happened and what we know would happen Gladiator and Tyrant would still be alive and superman and doomsday would be dead...THE END.
Byrnes superman fought doomsday,current superman is hundreds of times stronger stop being dense.
Originally posted by james2099
Well until gladiator falls dead from fighting doomsday or get one-shotted from CM fists he beats superman everytime.Gladiator has taken energy blasts and hammer shots to the head from thors hammer plus a blast from thor girl that rivaled ODIN HIMSELF and was still standing talking to odin.... He also took in all the radiation from a nuclear reactor that hes weak to and took a beating from HULK after his own eyebeams back-fired on him and still flew away under his own power... AND YOU TELL ME A PERSON THAT DIED BECAUSE HE WAS TIRED AND WAS ONE-SHOTTED BY CM WHO LOOKS LIKE SHIT COMPARED TO THORS HAMMER AND A BLAST THAT WAS CLOSE TO ODINS BLAST?????? GLADIATOR WINS EVERYTIME.
You give gladiator too much credit. He's gotten beaten by Thor, Hulk, ect. thor Got beaten by Superman in the classic JLAvengers. You do the math.
Originally posted by james2099
Gladiator fought tyrant and did not die....Superman fought doomsday and switch them up and let superman fight tyrant and let gladiator fight doomsday then let tyrant fight doomsday....In the end judging by what has already happened and what we know would happen Gladiator and Tyrant would still be alive and superman and doomsday would be dead...THE END.
isn't logic just teh best?!?
Originally posted by Kurash
isn't logic just teh best?!?
dur If we could insult on here, this would be the one person that gets a big (*&(*&ERT(*&$(*%^#&$^*#&^*#%.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
If we could insult on here, this would be the one person that gets a big (*&(*&ERT(*&$(*%^#&$^*#&^*#%.

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
You give gladiator too much credit. He's gotten beaten by Thor, Hulk, ect. thor Got beaten by Superman in the classic JLAvengers. You do the math. He got beat because thor had to have help or hit him from behind or they write gladiator not to use his powers but allow thor to use his...gladiator blitzed thor and KOED him or beat his ass down and stood over him laughing, when the avengers met gladiator they were scared of him but wonderman went and fought him and got stomped but when supes KOED thor they dogpiled his ass... As for hulk, IF you have any sense you would know why hulk was allowed to win and see all the things that went against glads...slowing him down,radiation,to comfort hulks fans..etc.... When superman fought doomsday AND DIED,What damage did their punchs do.....SHATTER NEARBY WINDOWS ON BUILDINGS.... WHEN GLADIATOR AND SUPREME FOUGHT AND IF THEY WOULD HAVE REALLY WENT AT IT THEIR PUNCHS WOULD HAVE DESTROYED PLANETS...YOU DO THE MATH NOW..Superman lost to CM thor beat CM, Wonderwoman beats on supes ass, Storm beat wonderwoman, Gladiator beats on EGO then on silversurfer, EGO stands up to galactus, ultraa KO supes, supes beats zod.... BUT OUT OF ALL THAT AND ALL THE PUNISHMENT THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE HAVE TAKEN.... WHICH ONE DIED WHILE FIGHTING A BEINGING EQUAL OR ABOVE THEMSELFS.......SUPERMAN.....AND THAT SIR IS YOUR MATH LESSON FOR TODAY.
Originally posted by Sirius77
So true. superman has split a planet in half with one hit,
and gone toe to toe with imperiex. So, I don't see how
gladiator is in any way superior.
You mean when Ds saved his ass from almost being one shoted?
Originally posted by UniOmni
It's debateable that Gladiator is stronger, since he's got only one feat Superman hasn't replicated.

Originally posted by james2099
He got beat because thor had to have help or hit him from behind or they write gladiator not to use his powers but allow thor to use his...gladiator blitzed thor and KOED him or beat his ass down and stood over him laughing, when the avengers met gladiator they were scared of him but wonderman went and fought him and got stomped but when supes KOED thor they dogpiled his ass... As for hulk, IF you have any sense you would know why hulk was allowed to win and see all the things that went against glads...slowing him down,radiation,to comfort hulks fans..etc.... When superman fought doomsday AND DIED,What damage did their punchs do.....SHATTER NEARBY WINDOWS ON BUILDINGS.... WHEN GLADIATOR AND SUPREME FOUGHT AND IF THEY WOULD HAVE REALLY WENT AT IT THEIR PUNCHS WOULD HAVE DESTROYED PLANETS...YOU DO THE MATH NOW..Superman lost to CM thor beat CM, Wonderwoman beats on supes ass, Storm beat wonderwoman, Gladiator beats on EGO then on silversurfer, EGO stands up to galactus, ultraa KO supes, supes beats zod.... BUT OUT OF ALL THAT AND ALL THE PUNISHMENT THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE HAVE TAKEN.... WHICH ONE DIED WHILE FIGHTING A BEINGING EQUAL OR ABOVE THEMSELFS.......SUPERMAN.....AND THAT SIR IS YOUR MATH LESSON FOR TODAY.
Now, I am trying real hard to be nice to you and not go on one of my rants. But sweetie, When will you learn that Doomsday and Superman are both much more powerful now than then? Does that compute? Superman moved WAR world, which is quite a bit bigger than earth, against it's own engines. Doomsday beat the radiant, and a DS avatar. The same one that pwned Hank henshaw. Something glads could not do. You need a lesson in Current events.
Originally posted by james2099
He got beat because thor had to have help or hit him from behind or they write gladiator not to use his powers but allow thor to use his...gladiator blitzed thor and KOED him or beat his ass down and stood over him laughing, when the avengers met gladiator they were scared of him but wonderman went and fought him and got stomped but when supes KOED thor they dogpiled his ass... As for hulk, IF you have any sense you would know why hulk was allowed to win and see all the things that went against glads...slowing him down,radiation,to comfort hulks fans..etc.... When superman fought doomsday AND DIED,What damage did their punchs do.....SHATTER NEARBY WINDOWS ON BUILDINGS.... WHEN GLADIATOR AND SUPREME FOUGHT AND IF THEY WOULD HAVE REALLY WENT AT IT THEIR PUNCHS WOULD HAVE DESTROYED PLANETS...YOU DO THE MATH NOW..Superman lost to CM thor beat CM, Wonderwoman beats on supes ass, Storm beat wonderwoman, Gladiator beats on EGO then on silversurfer, EGO stands up to galactus, ultraa KO supes, supes beats zod.... BUT OUT OF ALL THAT AND ALL THE PUNISHMENT THAT ALL OF THE ABOVE HAVE TAKEN.... WHICH ONE DIED WHILE FIGHTING A BEINGING EQUAL OR ABOVE THEMSELFS.......SUPERMAN.....AND THAT SIR IS YOUR MATH LESSON FOR TODAY.
I honestly dont think ive seen a worse case of ABC logic than that . . . ever
plus using non canon crossovers? you are a joke

Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Now, I am trying real hard to be nice to you and not go on one of my rants. But sweetie, When will you learn that Doomsday and Superman are both much more powerful now than then? Does that compute? Superman moved WAR world, which is quite a bit bigger than earth, against it's own engines. Doomsday beat the radiant, and a DS avatar. The same one that pwned Hank henshaw. Something glads could not do. You need a lesson in Current events. Gladiator contained an explosion that would have blown up 20 war worlds so it takes a hell of a lot more force to contain such an explosion than being able to push against a planets engines...What do you think would happen if all that power from that explosion was channeled into war worlds engine???? I bet your superman would not push it then...So which is greater?.. pushing a planet in WEIGHTLESS SPACE or containing an explosion that could destroy 20 of those same planets plus hundreds of moons and whatever else is in the way????... IM SURE YOU WILL THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE FOR ME TO SHOOT DOWN THEN AS I ALREADY KNOW YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE WILL TRY TO SNEAK IN SUPERMAN PRIME TO TAKE CURRENT SUPES PLACE.
Originally posted by Kurash
I honestly dont think ive seen a worse case of ABC logic than that . . . ever
plus using non canon crossovers? you are a joke


Originally posted by james2099
Gladiator contained an explosion that would have blown up 20 war worlds so it takes a hell of a lot more force to contain such an explosion than being able to push against a planets engines...What do you think would happen if all that power from that explosion was channeled into war worlds engine???? I bet your superman would not push it then...So which is greater?.. pushing a planet in WEIGHTLESS SPACE or containing an explosion that could destroy 20 of those same planets plus hundreds of moons and whatever else is in the way????... IM SURE YOU WILL THINK OF SOMETHING ELSE FOR ME TO SHOOT DOWN THEN AS I ALREADY KNOW YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE WILL TRY TO SNEAK IN SUPERMAN PRIME TO TAKE CURRENT SUPES PLACE.
Gladiator beats Thor, Hulk, Tyrant, H/P doomsday, classic molecule man, and the Spectre all with his full confidence.
Originally posted by nvrbeenwthagirl
Gladiator beats Thor, Hulk, Tyrant, H/P doomsday, classic molecule man, and the Spectre all with his full confidence. Gladiator gets his ass destroyed by some of those.
Originally posted by james2099
your jokes make me laugh
but seriously james2099 you can stop trolling now, all youve done on this borad is make a fool of yourself, youve been owned by every poster, so please give up
Originally posted by Kurash
but seriously james2099 you can stop trolling now, all youve done on this borad is make a fool of yourself, youve been owned by every poster, so please give up Look and see how many people on here that said gladiator would win.... Now re-read what you just said........Now think........Keep thinking......Try harder.....YOU ARE RIGHT........ THAT STATEMENT YOU MADE MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL.

Originally posted by james2099
Look and see how many people on here that said gladiator would win.... Now re-read what you just said........Now think........Keep thinking......Try harder.....YOU ARE RIGHT........ THAT STATEMENT YOU MADE MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE A FOOL.
Originally posted by WalkingPuberty
Stop using cap locks.
sorry moddie, just trying to fit in

Just a 1 day ban?

that needs to be a perma-ban, in the superman prime vs. superman prime thread he asked if there was a spider-man prime
Originally posted by Galan007
Just a 1 day ban?
ill bump your bottom of the page post galan

Originally posted by Galan007
Just a 1 day ban?
Originally posted by Bransolute
Only one day?
Wrathful, you generous old bean.
My comment was made three minutes before yours, you... you copycat!
Originally posted by Bransolute
My comment was made three minutes before yours, you... you copycat! But.... Not in THIS thread!! evillaugh
Lord Prime
Superman (current) FTW
Originally posted by james2099
Gladiator contained an explosion that would have blown up 20 war worlds so it takes a hell of a lot more force to contain such an explosion than being able to push against a planets engines...What do you think would happen if all that power from that explosion was channeled into war worlds engine????
Superman survived a 50 supernova explosion. One supernova will destroy a solar system and more.
Originally posted by james2099
I bet your superman would not push it then...So which is greater?.. pushing a planet in WEIGHTLESS SPACE or containing an explosion that could destroy 20 of those same planets plus hundreds of moons and whatever else is in the way????...
They were both in space. Otherwise why would a blast that could destroy"20 war worlds" be on a planet? Also, show me a scan.
Originally posted by james2099
Where did you come from? I didn't know that there was anyone this delusional here.
Originally posted by Estacado
You mean when Ds saved his ass from almost being one shoted?
No. I was referring to the numerous probes he took out. While everyone thinks it's a big deal that gladiator survived a panel with tyrant.
depowered tyrant, something people always forget to mention. It wasnt the same guy who was almost equal to Galactus
Originally posted by Sirius77
Superman survived a 50 supernova explosion. One supernova will destroy a solar system and more.
They were both in space. Otherwise why would a blast that could destroy"20 war worlds" be on a planet? Also, show me a scan.
Where did you come from? I didn't know that there was anyone this delusional here. Did i not read somewhere that you were the biggest superman fanboy? was it you that a person was waiting for to see if you would say that superman would beat someone that would kill him a thousand times over??????.... Also surviving an explosion and containing one is very different...Its like when soldiers survive grenade explosions or people survive plane crash explosions...Now let them try to contain those same explosions....NOW THINK........THINK A LITTLE HARDER...........USE YOUR BRAIN........... AS I THOUGHT..... I KNEW ONE WOULD FIT BUT BOTH FEET AT ONCE???????? AND IF I WAS DELUSIONAL WHY WOULD YOU ASK ME TO SHOW YOU A SCAN????? GOODNESS MAN.....HOW MANY FEETS CAN FIT IN THAT KISSER?????
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