The Rocketeer and Lobster Johnson vs The Shadow and the Phantom
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Black Adam
fight takes place in New york at night of course.
I guess I'll provide wiki links
Black Adam
might as well bump since I'm here..
The Rocketeer and Lobster Johnson, if only because I'm love'n Lobster Johnson right now.
The Rocketeer is the weak link. He has no real fighting skills.
Johnson and Shadow are about equal.
Phantom takes out the Rocketeer.
Team 2 FTW
who knows what evil lies in the heart of men ......Google knows
the second team can easily win this one. because they are both inteligent and varriable fighters that can adapt to any situation the first team doesnt have that... the rocketerr maybe a proto-ironman prototype charcter but he just doesnt have the same fighting experience
If Lobster is a ghost, he can solo the field. If not, I give it to team 2. The Shadow rocks.

Black Adam
Originally posted by TricksterPriest
If Lobster is a ghost, he can solo the field. If not, I give it to team 2. The Shadow rocks.
pre rigamortis Lobster is the one in this match.
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