llagrok Hulk v.s SpideyDude's Spiderman
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Capt Spaulding
durhulk Who wins....
Reported for trying to be as cool as Fear Of Blood.
Who is SoideyDude btw?
Switch 07
Reported for spite.
Also reported for using a Hulk dur.
But I got my hopes up he made the thread and was going to get warned or something.
Capt Spaulding
Capt Spaulding say Huc win durhulk
Who is llgarok?ermm
Capt Spaulding
he's friends with soidey dude durhulk

Spidey-dude's Spiderman wins yes
hmmm interesting. it a prick vs a person who ignores all logic.
Originally posted by Battlehammer
hmmm interesting. it a prick vs a person who ignores all logic.

Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Battlehammer
hmmm interesting. it a prick vs a person who ignores all logic.
So I'll take bets on how long Red gets banned for this.
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
So I'll take bets on how long Red gets banned for this. Why would he get banned? He's just talking about versions of the characters.
It is a spite thread as llagrok Hulk is depowered, while Spidey-Dude Spiderman can take Superman.
Symmetric Chaos
Originally posted by Creshosk
Why would he get banned? He's just talking about versions of the characters.
It is a spite thread as llagrok Hulk is depowered, while Spidey-Dude Spiderman can take Superman.
You're the single most anal person I've ever met. And I once met a guy who was made of buttocks

Switch 07
Originally posted by Symmetric Chaos
You're the single most anal person I've ever met. And I once met a guy who was made of buttocks


Switch 07
Originally posted by Battlehammer
hmmm interesting. it a prick vs a person who ignores all logic. Profiled as well.

Originally posted by Creshosk
Why would he get banned? He's just talking about versions of the characters.
It is a spite thread as llagrok Hulk is depowered, while Spidey-Dude Spiderman can take Superman.
My Hulk isn't depowered, he just can't beat Magneto.
Originally posted by llagrok
My Hulk isn't depowered, he just can't beat Magneto. Your hatred for Hulk is well known! durhuc

Originally posted by llagrok
My Hulk isn't depowered, he just can't beat Magneto.
Your hulk is low herald level. Current Hulk eats heralds for breakfast.
Are you saying that a low herald level can survive Black Bolt's full scream ?
BB's scream would kill Darkseid and Thanos at the same time.
...........are you on crack
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
BB's scream would kill Darkseid and Thanos at the same time.
Originally posted by llagrok
My Hulk isn't depowered, he just can't beat Magneto.
So WWH can take any x-team alone, but not Magneto
Your credibility is as low as Estacado's one.
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Your hulk is low herald level. Current Hulk eats heralds for breakfast.
Are you saying that a low herald level can survive Black Bolt's full scream ?
BB's scream would kill Darkseid and Thanos at the same time. Go learn something about the characters you talk about, before you say stupid shit like that....
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
Go learn something about the characters you talk about, before you say stupid shit like that....
Enter another board that is not full of trolls who support each other in saying lies.
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
So WWH can take any x-team alone, but not Magneto
Your credibility is as low as Estacado's one.
magneto could simply reverse hulks bloode flow or send him to space..........
also jean gray by her self would kick the shit out of hulk
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Enter another board that is not full of trolls who support each other in saying lies. Yeah, you can say that again. People like are ****ing annoying and should be perma banned.
Capt Spaulding
but huc is teh winner durhulk
Originally posted by Hazsekswthurmom
Yeah, you can say that again. People like are ****ing annoying and should be perma banned.
I noticed that posters who speak the truth have been banned, while liars are still here saying lies. But if that's true, KMC is full of liars

Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
but huc is teh winner durhulk Yep
Switch 07
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
I noticed that posters who speak the truth have been banned, while liars are still here saying lies. But if that's true, KMC is full of liars

Then leave. No skin off our nose.

Originally posted by FearOfBlood
I noticed that posters who speak the truth have been banned, while liars are still here saying lies. But if that's true, KMC is full of liars

Ahh I see, Bizarro logic.
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
I noticed that posters who speak the truth have been banned, while liars are still here saying lies. But if that's true, KMC is full of liars
how did I lie?
magneto could reverse hulks blood flow or send him to space..........
jean gray could kil hulk with but a thought
How is this still open?
good point lol .
Switch 07
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Enter another board that is not full of trolls who support each other in saying lies.
Every board has trolls and idiots. Including this one.
Enter: FearOfBlood.

Bad Ash231
Originally posted by Soljer
How is this still open?
Because FearOfBlood is right and we are wrong.
Originally posted by Switch 07
Every board has trolls and idiots. Including this one.
Enter: FearOfBlood.
I guess there needs to be a certain number of trolls to balance out the forum ecosystem. We just banned Phenom so now we've got another one emerging to take his place.
Capt Spaulding
Originally posted by FearOfBlood
I noticed that posters who speak the truth have been banned, while liars are still here saying lies. But if that's true, KMC is full of liars
no fanboys are banned, and return as socks, right DevilHulk!?
Huclings are banned for flaming, there's a reason why your still here for over a year, for you haven't flamed everyone yet

Originally posted by FearOfBlood
Enter another board that is not full of trolls who support each other in saying lies. We did.
Then you arrived with your fellow trolls and spoiled it all.
Switch 07
Originally posted by Akuki
I guess there needs to be a certain number of trolls to balance out the forum ecosystem. We just banned Phenom so now we've got another one emerging to take his place. Makes sense.
This guy was idiot all the time know. Well from what I have seen.
Originally posted by Akuki
I guess there needs to be a certain number of trolls to balance out the forum ecosystem. We just banned Phenom so now we've got another one emerging to take his place. F#ck em all, I say we commit troll genocide.
Capt Spaulding
Originally posted by Akuki
I guess there needs to be a certain number of trolls to balance out the forum ecosystem. We just banned Phenom so now we've got another one emerging to take his place. He's been here before actually, he just took a leave of absence.
Originally posted by Capt Spaulding
no fanboys are banned, and return as socks, right DevilHulk!?
Huclings are banned for flaming, there's a reason why your still here for over a year, for you haven't flamed everyone yet
So You banned hulksters to win a debate ? Yes, that's your only chance

sorry debates can't change comics.
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